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Paul Seaward on "The History of the Rebellion" by Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon

When algebra meets geometry

Mon 11 February 2019

Department of Chemistry

A Lecture by Professor Caucher Birkar, Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge.

The third talk in a series of lectures organised by the Cambridge Philosophical Society in the Lent Term 2019.

Abstract as follows: This talk is a gentle introduction to connections between algebra and geometry to non-mathematicians. Algebra and geometry are related in numerous ways but we will mainly focus on relations prevalent in the field of algebraic geometry, a field which overlaps with many parts of mathematics and also mathematical physics. The main distinguishing feature of algebraic geometry is that nearly everything is constructed using polynomial equations.

Cost: Free

Enquiries and booking

No need to book.

Open to all who are interested, no booking required. Entrance is free to all our Cambridge Philosophical Society Lectures. For further information please contact the Executive Secretary or visit the Society's website

Enquiries: Beverley Larner Website Email: philosoc@hermes.cam.ac.uk Telephone: 01223 334743


All times

Mon 11 February 2019 6:00PM - 7:00PM


Entrance to the lecture theatre is opposite the Scott Polar Research Building, off Lensfield Road
Address: Department of Chemistry
Bristol Myers-Squibb Lecture Theatre
Lensfield Road
Telephone: +44 1223 336300
Fax: +44 1223 336362