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Dying Well – Prof. John Wyatt

Thu 2 July 2020

The modern world has a paradoxical attitude to death and dying. On the one hand death is seen as the ultimate enemy of humanity and billions are being currently invested into research on possibility of radical life-extension and even the technological abolition of death. On the other hand medically- assisted suicide is being promoted as a noble expression of autonomy and self-determination, and a wave of medical killing is growing in Europe and North America. In normal times speaking about death is difficult and even taboo, but the last months the COVID-19 pandemic has confronted us with its terrible reality, raising deep fears for us and our loved ones. What does it mean to die well, particularly for those who have a Christian faith? Is death merely part of the natural order to be accepted and welcomed, or is it an enemy that we can overcome with scientific and technological ingenuity? What are the challenges and opportunities that dying can bring and in what practical ways can we prepare for our own death and support loved ones and friends at the end of their lives?

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Thu 2 July 2020 8:00PM - 9:00PM


Please note: the venue is to be confirmed
