Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge
p. 95

Appointment of Chairs and Members of University Courts
(Special Ordinance under Statute D II 8–9)

1. The Septemviri shall consist of a Chair, who shall be a legally qualified member of the University appointed by Grace for four years, and six members of the Regent House appointed singly by Grace for two years; provided that:

  1. (i)a member of the Septemviri who is appointed after the commencement of proceedings before the Septemviri shall take no part in those proceedings;
  2. (ii)a member of the Septemviri whose membership would otherwise terminate during any such proceedings shall remain a member in respect of those proceedings until they are concluded;
  3. (iii)no person shall be a member of the Septemviri during any period in which he or she is a member, or has been elected or appointed but not yet become a member, of the Council or the General Board, save as provided in (ii) above; and in that case such a person shall not attend a meeting or receive papers for a meeting of the Council or of the General Board, and such continued membership of the Septemviri shall constitute a sufficient cause of absence from meetings of either of those bodies.
  4. The Registrary, or a deputy appointed by the Registrary, shall be Clerk of the Septemviri.

2. Five members of the Septemviri shall constitute a quorum.

3. The University Tribunal shall consist of a Chair, who shall be a legally qualified member of the University, and four members of the Regent House. The method and period of appointment of the Chair and of the other members shall be prescribed by Ordinances made under this section. The Registrary, or a deputy appointed by the Registrary, shall be Clerk of the University Tribunal.