Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge
p. 615

The provisions contained in this Chapter are Regulations of the General Board


Faculty members.

1. The members of each Faculty in any year shall be

  1. (a)those persons, giving instruction in a subject falling within the scope of the Faculty, who belong to any of the following classes, namely,
  2. (i)University officers;
  3. (ii)persons whose lectures or other instruction the Faculty Board has approved as part of the teaching programme of the Faculty for the current academical year, if they are (1) Heads or Fellows of Colleges or (2) persons employed by the University to undertake teaching or research;
  4. (iii)persons who occupy in a College or in an Approved Society, as teachers of subjects falling within the scope of the Faculty, the position of Praelector, Lecturer, Assistant Lecturer, or Director of Studies;
  5. (b)other persons or members of classes of persons approved for this purpose by Ordinance; and
  6. (c)any other persons who may be appointed by the Faculty Board to be members of the Faculty until the next promulgation, or the next promulgation but one, of the list of the members of the Faculty.

The Faculty Board concerned shall have power to decide whether a subject falls within the scope of the Faculty for the purpose of subsection (a) above, and whether the instruction given by a person is of such nature and quantity as to entitle him or her to be included as a member of the Faculty under that subsection. An appeal on any such question shall lie from the Faculty Board to the General Board, from whose decision there shall be no further appeal.

Promulgation of lists.

2. A list of the members of each Faculty shall be promulgated in each year on a day prescribed by Ordinance of the General Board. Objections to the inclusion or omission of any name shall be decided in such manner as may be prescribed by Ordinance of the General Board.

3. A person may be a member of more than one Faculty.


4. The Chair of each Faculty shall be the person elected Chair of the Faculty Board.

Election of members of Faculty Boards.

5. There shall be an annual meeting of the members of each Faculty for the election of a member or members of the Faculty Board.

6. In addition to the annual meeting, the Chair may summon a meeting of the Faculty whenever he or she thinks it desirable to do so. The Chair shall summon a meeting without delay upon receiving a written request signed by at least ten members of the Faculty.

7. At any election by a Faculty of a member of the Faculty Board nominations shall be made in writing and votes shall be taken by ballot.

8. At the annual meeting, and at any other meeting, of a Faculty there may be a discussion of any matter connected with the work of the Faculty that may be raised by any member of the Faculty after notice given to the members, or at the discretion of the Chair without notice. No resolution of a Faculty shall be binding on the Faculty Board.