Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge
pp. 206–207


1. When a Medical Board is appointed to hear a case under Chapter IV 5 of the Schedule to Statute C,

  1. (a)the competent authority concerned shall appoint a person to present the case to the Board;
  2. (b)the Chair of the Board shall appoint a person to act as Secretary of the Board.

2. If after the commencement of proceedings a member of the Board becomes unable or unwilling to act, the Vice-Chancellor shall discharge the Board and a new Board shall be appointed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter IV 5 of the Schedule to Statute C.


3. The parties to a hearing before a Medical Board shall be:

  1. (a)the person whose possible retirement on medical grounds is under consideration by the Board, hereinafter referred to as the person concerned;
  2. (b)the person appointed to present the case to the Board.

4. The person concerned shall be entitled to be represented by another person, whether such person is legally qualified or not, in connection with and at any hearing by the Board.

5. The person appointed to present the case to the Board shall send to the Secretary of the Board a written statement of the case and any relevant medical evidence, and shall send with the statement any documents which it is proposed to produce and a list of all witnesses whom it is proposed to call, together with statements of the evidence that they are expected to give.

6. The Chair of the Board shall appoint a date, time, and place for a hearing by the Board. The Chair shall have power, if the circumstances require it, to cancel a hearing so arranged at any time before the commencement of the hearing, and to appoint a different date, time, and place.


7. When a hearing has been arranged, the Secretary of the Board shall not less than fourteen days (or such shorter period as may be agreed by the Secretary with the parties) before the date appointed for the hearing send notice of the hearing to the person concerned and to any representative appointed under Regulation 4. Such notice shall include:

  1. (a)information and guidance concerning attendance at the hearing, the calling of witnesses and the bringing of documents, representation by another person, and written submissions;
  2. (b)a statement of the case, together with the other information specified in Regulation 5.

8. It shall be the duty of the person presenting the case to make any necessary arrangements for the summoning of witnesses and the production of documents, and generally for the proper presentation of the case to the Board.

9. No additional witness or documentary evidence may be introduced by the person presenting the case, beyond those of which notice has been given under Regulation 5, without the consent of the Board, and such consent shall not be given save for good reason; if such late introduction is permitted, the person concerned shall be allowed an adjournment sufficient to enable him or her to consider the additional evidence and respond to it, and to introduce further evidence as appropriate.

10. A case shall not be determined without an oral hearing at which the person concerned is entitled to be represented. Any hearing of or in connection with a case by a Medical Board shall take place in camera.

Conduct of hearing.

11. A Medical Board shall have power to proceed with a hearing in the absence of the person concerned or of his or her representative and, notwithstanding the provisions of Regulation 10, the Chair shall have power to exclude any person from a hearing if in the opinion of the Chair such exclusion is necessary for the maintenance of order.

12. Each party to a hearing before a Medical Board, or his or her representative, shall be entitled to make an opening statement, to give evidence, to call witnesses, to question any witness concerning any relevant evidence, and to address the Board after the evidence has been heard.

13. Subject to the provisions of the Schedule to Statute C and of these Ordinances, a Medical Board shall have power to regulate their own procedure, and any meeting of the Board may be postponed or adjourned at the discretion of the Chair. It shall be the duty of the Board and of the Chair to ensure that a case is heard and determined as expeditiously as is reasonably practicable.

14. A Medical Board shall not determine that any person's removal from office would be justified by reason of incapacity on medical grounds unless they are satisfied that the incapacity has been proved beyond reasonable doubt.

15. The Secretary of the Board shall be entitled to be present throughout the hearing and at any meeting of the Board, and shall keep a sufficient record of the proceedings of the Board.


16. The Board's decision shall be recorded in a document signed by the Chair which shall contain:

  1. (a)the Board's medical findings;
  2. (b)the Board's other findings of fact;
  3. (c)the reasons for the Board's decision.

17. The Secretary of the Board shall send a copy of the document specified in Regulation 16 to the person concerned, to his or her representative (if any), and to the person responsible for presenting the case to the Board, and shall also send to the person concerned a copy of Special Ordinance C (xiii) and Special Ordinance D (iii) 1–5 concerning appeals.

18. The Chair shall have power by certificate under his or her hand to correct in documents recording the decisions of the Board any clerical errors arising therein from accidental mistakes or omissions.