1. The Postgraduate Certificate in Education shall be awarded to a member of the University who has satisfactorily completed a course of study in Education prescribed by the Faculty Board of Education and has passed an examination in Education as defined in Regulations 7 and 8. No one shall be a candidate for the examination unless the Head of the Faculty of Education is satisfied that he or she has diligently attended the course and has undertaken the required amount of supervised work in a school or schools, as specified in Regulation 3, under arrangements approved by the Head of the Faculty.
2. A candidate for the Certificate must have
3. Subject to the provisions of Regulation 4, the course of study for the Certificate shall consist of a course extending over one academical year, including not less than ninety days of supervised work in a school or schools.
4. If a student is allowed, under Regulation 11, to be a candidate for examination or re-examination after the completion of the period specified for the course in Regulation 3, the additional period during which such a student is preparing for examination or re-examination shall be deemed to form part of the course.
5. Except with the permission of the Faculty Board no student shall be a candidate for the Certificate and for any other University examination in the same academical year.
6. The Faculty Board of Education shall nominate for each academical year such number of Examiners and Assessors as they may deem sufficient, including a resident member of the Senate as Chair of Examiners.
7. The scheme of examination for the Certificate shall be as follows:
Section I. The study of teaching and learning.
This section shall consist of coursework on the principles and practice of teaching in one or more subjects and the general professional role of the teacher, which shall be related to a specific age range of pupils, and may also be related to a specific area of the school curriculum.
Section II. Professional performance in the school and the class-room.
A candidate's professional performance shall be assessed on such evidence as the Examiners shall require the Head of the Faculty to provide.
The coursework for Section I, which shall be undertaken during the period of candidature, shall consist of such essays, exercises, investigations, projects, and reports, shall be submitted in such written, practical, or other form, and shall be assessed in such manner, as the Faculty Board may determine under the provisions of Regulations 9 and 10.
8. All candidates shall take Sections I and II. No candidate shall qualify for the award of a Certificate unless he or she has satisfied the Examiners in each of the sections taken.
9. The Faculty Board shall have power to issue supplementary regulations determining the scope and manner of assessment of the examination and shall be empowered to amend such supplementary regulations from time to time as they may think fit, due care being taken that sufficient notice is given of any change.
10. At the beginning of each academical year, not later than the end of the first week of Full Michaelmas Term, the Faculty Board shall publish by Notice in the School of Education and in Homerton College details of the requirements for each section of the examination. The Notice shall give details of all coursework to be submitted during the current academical year, including topics prescribed, arrangements for the submission and approval of proposed subjects, and arrangements for the submission of completed coursework.
11. A candidate who has failed to satisfy the Examiners in Section II at the first attempt may apply to the Faculty Board for permission to be re-examined in that section. Permission will be granted only if the application expressly has the support of the Examiners. Such permission shall not be granted on more than one occasion, nor shall a student, except by special permission of the Faculty Board granted in exceptional circumstances, be a candidate for re-examination more than two years after first taking the examination. The general conditions for re-examination shall be determined by the Faculty Board; the Examiners shall inform a candidate who fails whether he or she is required to be re-examined in order to qualify for the award of a Certificate.
12. If any student is given permission under Regulation 11 to be a candidate for examination or re-examination in Section II, the assessment shall be concluded after the completion of such period or periods of supervised work in a school or schools as the Examiners may require.
13. The names of candidates who satisfy the Examiners shall be arranged in alphabetical order in a single class. The Chair of Examiners for the time being (or a deputy) shall have power to send to the Registrary for publication at any time a Notice signed by not less than three of the Examiners containing the names of any candidates who, having previously failed to satisfy the Examiners and having been given permission to present themselves again for re-examination under Regulation 11, have subsequently qualified for the award of a Certificate.
14. A candidate who has satisfied the Examiners shall be awarded a Certificate in the following form:
having satisfied the preliminary conditions and having diligently followed a course of study in the principles and practice of Education including class-room teaching and having been admitted to the examination appointed by the University of Cambridge has been approved by the Examiners and has been awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Education.
15. A student who has taken the examination for the Certificate shall not be entitled to count the period or any part of the period during which he or she has been a candidate for the Certificate towards a course of research for the degree of Ph.D., M.Sc., or M.Litt. or a course of training and research for the degree of Ed.D.
16. While studying for the Certificate a candidate shall pay the appropriate University Composition Fee for each term of such study.
For this section each candidate will be required to submit coursework on the teaching of his or her subject or subjects, in relation to one of the following: (a) the education of children of early years (3–7) or (5–11) primary school age; (b) the education of children of middle school age (7–14); (c) secondary education.