Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge
pp. 377–379

The provisions contained in this Chapter are Regulations of the General Board

In this section



Amended by Notice (Reporter, 2016–17, p. 450)

Two Parts.

1. The Manufacturing Engineering Tripos shall consist of two Parts: Parts IIa and IIb. There shall be a separate class-list for each Part.

Standing of candidates.

2. The following may present themselves for honours in Part IIa:

  1. (a)a student who has obtained honours in Part Ib of the Engineering Tripos or in Part I of the Chemical Engineering Tripos may be a candidate for honours in Part IIa of the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos in the year after so obtaining honours;
  2. (b)a student who has obtained honours in Part Ib of the Engineering Tripos may be a candidate for honours in Part IIa of the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos in the year next but one after so obtaining honours, provided that he or she presents a reasoned case to the Faculty Board by the division of the Easter Term of the year in which Part Ib is taken;

provided always that the student has kept seven terms and that twelve complete terms have not passed after her or his first term of residence.

3. The Faculty Board of Engineering may in special circumstances, which they shall themselves determine, give leave to a student who has obtained honours in any Honours Examination to be a candidate for honours in Part IIa of the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos in the year after so obtaining honours, provided that he or she has attained a satisfactory standard, as defined by the Faculty Board, in his or her last Honours Examination, and provided also that the student has kept seven terms and that twelve complete terms have not passed after his or her first term of residence.


4. Attendance by candidates for the Part IIb examination on placements outside the University precincts, under arrangements approved by the Faculty Board of Engineering, shall count towards the keeping of terms for the purpose of the regulations for Residence and Precincts of the University.1

5. A student who has obtained honours in Part IIa of the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos may be a candidate for honours in Part IIb in the year next after or next but one after so obtaining honours, provided that he or she

  1. (a)has attained a satisfactory standard, as defined by the Faculty Board, in previous Honours Examinations;
  2. (b)has not proceeded to the B.A. Degree;
  3. (c)presents a reasoned case to the Faculty Board by the Division of Easter Term of the year in which Part IIa is taken should he or she wish to proceed to Part IIb in the year next but one after obtaining honours in Part IIa;

provided always that fifteen complete terms have not passed after the student's first term of residence.

6. No student shall be a candidate for either Part and also for another Honours Examination in the same term.

Examiners and Assessors.

7. The Faculty Board of Engineering shall nominate such number of Examiners for each Part of the Tripos as they shall consider sufficient. The Examiners for each Part shall elect one of their number to act as Chair. The Faculty Board may nominate one or more Assessors to the Examiners in each Part of the Tripos. Assessors shall be responsible either for setting the paper or papers or questions assigned to them or for looking over the work of the candidates therein and presenting a report to the Examiners or both, as the Examiners may decide. The Assessors, when summoned by the Chair, shall attend meetings of the Examiners for the purpose of consultation and advice, but shall not be entitled to vote.


8. In each Part of the Tripos the questions proposed by each Examiner or Assessor shall be submitted to the whole body of Examiners for approval.


9. The Examiners for each Part of the Tripos shall take into account such coursework done by candidates as shall from time to time be determined by the Faculty Board of Engineering. For this purpose the Head of the Department of Engineering shall present to the Examiners a detailed report on the performance of each candidate in this coursework. Details of the work required of candidates for each Part shall be published by the Faculty Board of Engineering by Notice in the Department of Engineering not later than the beginning of the Full Michaelmas Term preceding the examination. Every candidate submitting coursework under this regulation shall be required to sign a declaration that the work submitted is her or his own work, unaided except as may be specified in the declaration; if two or more candidates have undertaken work in collaboration, they shall be required to indicate the extent of their collaboration.


10. In Part IIa the names of the candidates who obtain honours shall be arranged in three classes of which the second shall be divided into two divisions. The names of those in the first and third classes and in each division of the second class shall be arranged in alphabetical order. For special excellence in Part IIa a mark of distinction may be awarded. In Part IIb the names of the candidates who obtain honours shall be arranged in alphabetical order in a single class and distinctive marks shall be attached to the names of those candidates who in the opinion of the Examiners deserve special credit. The mark (d) shall be used to denote a distinguished performance, and the mark (m) a meritorious performance.

Supplementary regulations.

11. The Faculty Board of Engineering shall have power to publish supplementary regulations defining the scope and character of each of the examination papers and to amend such supplementary regulations from time to time as they may think fit. Any alteration of supplementary regulations shall be published before the division of the Easter Term in the academical year before that in which it is to have effect.

Part IIa

Scheme of examination for Part IIa.

12. The examination for Part IIa of the Manufacturing Engineering Tripos shall consist of ten modules which shall be examined by either written examination, essays or coursework as specified by the Faculty Board of Engineering.

Not later than the end of the Easter Term each year the Faculty Board shall give notice of the modules prescribed for the examination to be held in the academical year next following, and shall specify the mode of examination for each module. In giving such notice the Faculty Board shall ensure that the examination shall provide for written papers whose total duration shall be at least twelve hours.

13. In order to obtain honours in Part IIa, a candidate must satisfy the Examiners that he or she has such industrial or equivalent experience as shall be determined from time to time by the Faculty Board; a statement of each candidate's experience shall be certified by the Head of the Department of Engineering.

Part IIb

Part IIb.

14. The examination for Part IIb shall consist of two written papers.


Part IIb

Paper 1 shall consist mainly of questions on technological aspects of manufacturing.

Paper 2 shall consist mainly of questions on managerial aspects of manufacturing.


  1. 1. See p. 176.a