1. A person who is a graduate of the University of Oxford or the University of Dublin (Trinity College) may be admitted by incorporation to a degree which in the opinion of the Council is equivalent to the highest degree which either of those Universities has conferred upon him or her, provided that the person concerned:
provided also that if the person concerned holds a University office or a designated post in the University Press or a Fellowship of a College, which on initial appointment or election did not carry tenure to the retiring age, he or she already has held a University office or offices, or such a post or posts in the University Press, or a Fellowship or Fellowships (other than an Honorary Fellowship) of a College or of different Colleges, or any combination of these, for a total period, which need not be continuous, of at least three years.
2. Each application by or on behalf of a candidate for admission to a degree by incorporation shall state:
and shall be sent to the Registrary.
3. The standing of a person admitted to a degree by incorporation shall be reckoned from the date of his or her corresponding Oxford or Dublin degree.
4. A candidate for a degree who has kept one or more terms by residence at the University of Oxford or the University of Dublin (Trinity College) shall be allowed not more than the same number of terms towards the terms required to be kept for the Cambridge degree, if the Council are satisfied that for each term so allowed he or she has resided, according to the requirements of the University of Oxford or Dublin, for not less than fifty-six days of term.
5. If a student is so allowed a term or terms previous to the term in which he or she became a member of the University, that student's standing shall be reckoned from the beginning of the first term in which he or she was a member of the University of Oxford or of Dublin (Trinity College).