1. A Bachelor of Arts may be admitted Master of Arts not less than six years from the end of his or her first term of residence if two years have elapsed since he or she was admitted Bachelor of Arts.
2. The degree of Master of Arts may be conferred upon a person who has been admitted to the office of Vice-Chancellor.
3. The degree of Master of Arts may be conferred on any other person qualified under Statute B II 2, provided that he or she
provided also that, if the person concerned holds one of the positions specified in sub-paragraphs (c)(ii)–(v) which on initial appointment or election did not carry tenure to the retiring age, he or she has already held such a position, or any combination of such positions, for a total period, which need not be continuous, of at least three years.
4. Each application by or on behalf of a candidate for the degree of Master of Arts under Statute B II 2 shall state:
and shall be sent to the Registrary.