1. The Chemical Engineering Tripos shall consist of three Parts, Part I, Part IIa, and Part IIb. There shall be a separate class-list for each Part.
2. A student who has obtained honours in
may be a candidate for honours in Part I of the Chemical Engineering Tripos in the year after so obtaining honours, provided that nine complete terms have not passed after the student's first term of residence.
3. The Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate may in special circumstances, which they shall themselves determine, give leave to a student who has obtained honours in any Honours Examination to be a candidate for honours in Part I of the Chemical Engineering Tripos in the year after so obtaining honours, provided that the student has kept four terms and that nine complete terms have not passed after his or her first term of residence.
4. A student who has obtained honours in Part I of the Chemical Engineering Tripos may be a candidate for honours in Part IIa in the year after so obtaining honours, provided that twelve complete terms have not passed after his or her first term of residence.18
5. A candidate who, under arrangements approved by the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate, has spent not less than three terms studying at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has been certified by the President of the Institute after consultation with the Chair of Examiners for Part I of the Chemical Engineering Tripos to have studied diligently during that period, shall be deemed thereby to have obtained honours in that Part of the Tripos. A list containing the names of persons so qualified shall be certified by the Chair of the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate and published in the Reporter.
6. The Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate may in special circumstances, which they shall themselves determine, give leave to a student who has obtained honours in any Honours Examination to be a candidate for honours in Part IIa of the Chemical Engineering Tripos in the year after so obtaining honours, provided that the student has kept seven terms and that twelve complete terms have not passed after his or her first term of residence.
[7. A student who has obtained honours in Part IIa of the Chemical Engineering Tripos may be a candidate for honours in Part IIb in the year after so obtaining honours, provided that he or she has not proceeded to the B.A. Degree, and provided also that fifteen complete terms have not passed after the student's first term of residence.]28
〈7. A student who has obtained honours in Part IIa of the Chemical Engineering Tripos may be a candidate for honours in Part IIb of the Chemical Engineering Tripos in the year after so obtaining honours, provided that he or she:
provided that fifteen complete terms have not passed after the student’s first term of residence.〉28
8. No student shall be a candidate for any Part and also for another Honours Examination in the same term.
9. No student who has been a candidate for any Part shall again be a candidate for the same Part.
10. The Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate shall nominate such number of Examiners as they think sufficient for each Part of the Tripos, and shall also have power to nominate one or more Assessors for each Part. If required to do so, Assessors shall propose questions in the papers or parts of papers assigned to them by the Examiners, shall mark the answers of the candidates in those papers or parts of papers, and shall advise the Examiners on the performance of candidates in the examination. Assessors may be summoned to meetings of the Examiners for the purpose of consultation and advice, but shall not be entitled to vote.
11. In each Part of the Tripos, the questions proposed by each Examiner or Assessor shall be submitted for approval to the whole body of Examiners for that Part. The answers to each question shall, as far as possible, be examined by two at least of the Examiners or Assessors.
12. In each Part the names of the candidates who obtain honours shall be arranged in three classes, of which the second class shall be divided into two divisions. The names of those in the first and third classes and in each division of the second class shall be arranged in alphabetical order. For special excellence in Part IIa or Part IIb a mark of distinction may be awarded.
13. The Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate shall have power to publish supplementary regulations defining the scope and character of each of the examination papers and to amend such supplementary regulations from time to time as they may think fit. Any alteration of supplementary regulations shall be published before the division of the Easter Term in the academical year before that in which it is to have effect.
14. (a) The examination for Part I shall consist of four written papers, each of which shall be of three hours’ duration. A candidate for Part I shall offer Papers 1, 2, and 3, and either Paper 4(1) or Paper 4(2) as detailed in the supplementary regulations.
(b) The Examiners for Part I shall take into account course-work prescribed by the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate. Details of the work required shall be published by Notice in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology no later than the beginning of the Full Michaelmas Term preceding the examination. The Examiners may require each candidate to submit reports on the course-work undertaken. The Examiners may impose such oral or practical tests as they think fit.
15. (a) The examination for Part IIa shall consist of four written papers, each of which shall be of three hours’ duration.
(b) The Examiners for Part IIa shall take into account course-work prescribed by the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate. Details of the work required shall be published by Notice in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology no later than the beginning of the Full Michaelmas Term preceding the examination. The Examiners may require each candidate to submit reports on the course-work undertaken. The Examiners may impose such oral or practical tests as they think fit.
16. (a) The scheme of the examination for Part IIb shall be as follows:
Group A: |
Compulsory topics |
Group B: |
Advanced chemical engineering topics |
Group C: |
Broadening material topics |
Group D: |
Research project |
Each candidate shall be required to take all Group A topics, to take a total of eight modules from Group B and Group C topics, and to take a Group D project. The Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate shall have power to announce restrictions on the combination of modules that a candidate may choose to offer.
(b) The examination paper on Group A compulsory topics shall be of two hours’ duration.
(c) Each Group B module on an advanced chemical engineering topic shall be examined either by a written paper of one and a half hours’ duration or by course-work or by a combination of the two. Not later than the end of the Full Easter Term each year, the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate shall give notice of the modules prescribed for the following academical year, and shall specify the mode of examination for each module. For modules to be examined by course-work, details of the work required shall be published by the Syndicate by Notice in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology not later than the beginning of the Full Michaelmas Term preceding the examination.
(d) Each Group C module on a broadening material topic shall be examined by course-work. Not later than the end of the Full Easter Term each year, the Syndicate shall give notice of the broadening material topics prescribed for the following academical year. The Examiners may require each candidate to submit reports on the course-work undertaken. The Examiners may impose such oral or practical tests as they think fit.
(e) Each candidate shall undertake a Group D project, in which they perform original work in one or more of the following forms: a theoretical investigation, an experimental investigation, an essay, a design project. The Examiners shall require each candidate to submit one or more written reports on the work undertaken. The Examiners may impose such oral or practical tests as they think fit.
17. Each candidate for any Part of the Chemical Engineering Tripos shall be required to sign a declaration that the candidate has read and understood the policies and procedures of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology and the University on plagiarism. Each candidate submitting a report under Regulation 16(e) shall be required to sign a declaration that the work submitted is her or his own work, unaided except as specified in the text, and that it does not contain material that has already been used to any substantial extent for a comparable purpose. If two or more candidates have undertaken work in collaboration, they will each be required to indicate the extent of their contribution.
These papers will each be on Chemical Engineering principles. They may, for example, include questions on fluid mechanics, process calculations (including thermodynamics), heat and mass transfer, equilibrium staged processes, reactor theory, biotechnology, process systems (including economics and safety, health, and the environment), computer aided process engineering, and mathematical methods.
This paper is to be taken by candidates who have previously obtained honours in the Natural Sciences Tripos or the Computer Science Tripos. In addition to a section on Chemical Engineering principles, it will include questions on General Engineering.
This paper is to be taken by candidates who have previously obtained honours in the Engineering Tripos. In addition to a section on Chemical Engineering principles, it will include questions on Chemistry.
An Affiliated Student or a student admitted to the examination for Part I under the provisions of Regulation 3 will take the section prescribed for him or her by the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate.