Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge
p. 88

In this section


Statutes repealed by Statute K Section 14

Titles of Statutes

Date of approval by the Sovereign in Council

Sir William Browne's Scholarship.

   6 April 1858.

Bell Scholarships.

   6 April 1858.

Porson Scholarship.

   6 April 1858.

Seatonian Prize.

   6 April 1858.

Sir William Browne's Medals.

   6 April 1858.

Norrisian Prize.

   6 April 1858.

Hulsean Prize.

   6 April 1858.

Porson University Prize.

   6 April 1858.

Sir Peregrine Maitland's Prize.

   6 April 1858.

Burney Endowment.

   6 April 1858.

Le Bas Prize.

   6 April 1858.

Lady Margaret's Preachership.

   6 April 1858.

Sir Robert Rede's Foundation of Public Lectures.

   6 April 1858.

Mr Rustat's Donation to the Library.

   6 April 1858.

Lowndean Professorship of Astronomy and Geometry.

   7 March 1860.

Sadleirian Professorship.

   7 March 1860.

Regius Professorships of Divinity, Hebrew, and Greek.

   10 May 1860.

Lady Margaret's Professorship of Divinity.

   1 August 1860.

Lady Margaret's Professorship and the Norrisian Professorship of Divinity.

   1 August 1860.

Norrisian Professorship of Divinity.

   1 August 1860.

Mr Hulse's Foundations.

   1 August 1860.

Mr Worts's Endowment.

   16 April 1861.

Knightbridge Professorship of Moral Theology, Casuistical Divinity and Moral



   16 April 1861.

Jacksonian Professorship of Natural Philosophy.

   16 April 1861.

Woodwardian Professorship of Geology.

   16 April 1861.

Sir Thomas Adams's Professorship.

   16 April 1861.

Craven Scholarships, Battie Scholarship, Davies Scholarship.

   16 April 1861.

Non-Collegiate Students.

   13 May 1869.

Dixie Professorship of Ecclesiastical History.

   3 May 1882.

Crosse Scholarships.

   8 March 1895.

Burney Prize and Studentship.

   30 June 1906.

Lucasian, Lowndean, Sadleirian Professorships.

   16 July 1914.