Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge
In this Chapter
- Section 2. STIPENDS
- Vice-Chancellor
- Pro-Vice-Chancellors
- Proctors and Pro-Proctors
- University Advocate and Deputy University Advocates
- Orator
- Unified Administrative Service (staff of the University Offices)
- Esquire Bedells
- University Organist
- Professors and Professorships
- Lady Margaret's Professor of Divinity. 1502. Divinity
- Regius Professor of Divinity. 1540. Divinity
- Regius Professor of Civil Law. 1540. Law
- Regius Professor of Physic. 1540. Medicine
- Regius Professor of Hebrew. 1540. Middle Eastern Studies
- Regius Professor of Greek. 1540. Classics
- Sir Thomas Adams's Professor of Arabic. 1632. Middle Eastern Studies
- Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. 1663. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Knightbridge Professor of Philosophy. 1683. Philosophy
- Professor of Music. 1684. Music
- BP Professor of Chemistry. 1702. Chemistry
- Plumian Professor of Astronomy and Experimental Philosophy. 1704. Institute of Astronomy
- Professor of Anatomy. 1707. Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
- Regius Professor of History. 1724. History
- Regius Professor of Botany. 1724. Plant Sciences
- Woodwardian Professor of Geology. 1728. Earth Sciences
- Lowndean Professor of Astronomy and Geometry. 1749. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical
- Norris-Hulse Professor of Divinity. 1777, 1860. Divinity
- Jacksonian Professor of Natural Philosophy. 1783. Physics
- Downing Professor of the Laws of England. 1800. Law
- Disney Professor of Archaeology. 1851. Archaeology and Anthropology
- Sadleirian Professor of Pure Mathematics. 1860. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical
- Professor of Political Economy. 1863. Economics
- Professor of Zoology. 1866. Zoology
- Whewell Professor of International Law. 1867. Law
- Kennedy Professor of Latin. 1869. Classics
- Slade Professor of Fine Art. 1869. History of Art
- Cavendish Professor of Physics. 1871. Physics
- Professor of Engineering. 1875. Engineering
- Elrington and Bosworth Professor of Anglo-Saxon. 1878. English
- Dixie Professor of Ecclesiastical History. 1882. History
- Professor of Physiology. 1883. Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
- Professor of Pathology. 1883. Pathology
- Bertrand Russell Professor of Philosophy. 1896. Philosophy
- Professor of Ancient History. 1898. Classics
- Quick Professor of Biology. 1906. Biochemistry, during the present tenure
- Professor of Astrophysics. 1909. Institute of Astronomy
- Schröder Professor of German. 1909. German and Dutch
- King Edward VII Professor of English Literature. 1911. English
- Arthur Balfour Professor of Genetics. 1912. Genetics
- Serena Professor of Italian. 1919. Italian
- Vere Harmsworth Professor of Imperial and Naval History. 1919. History
- Drapers Professor of French. 1919. French
- Francis Mond Professor of Aeronautical Engineering. 1919. Engineering
- Professor of Physical Chemistry. 1920. Chemistry
- Sir William Dunn Professor of Biochemistry. 1921. Biochemistry
- Professor of the History of Political Thought. 1927. History
- Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics. 1927. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Rouse Ball Professor of English Law. 1927. Law
- Professor of Economic History. 1928. History
- Professor of Modern History. 1930. History
- Laurence Professor of Ancient Philosophy. 1930. Classics
- Laurence Professor of Classical Archaeology. 1930. Classics
- Montague Burton Professor of Industrial Relations and Labour Economics. 1931. Economics
- Professor of Geography. 1931. Geography
- Professor of Experimental Psychology. 1931. Psychology
- Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology. 1931. Earth Sciences
- Professorships on the John Humphrey Plummer Foundation: General Regulations
- Special Regulations
- John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Theoretical Physics. 1993. Applied Mathematics
and Theoretical Physics
- John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Developmental Biology. 2001. Zoology
- John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Chemical and Structural Biology. 2001. Chemistry
- John Humphrey Plummer Professor of Physics of Materials. 2004. Physics
- Scheme for the John Humphrey Plummer Foundation
- Goldsmiths’ Professor of Materials Science. 1931. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- William Wyse Professor of Social Anthropology. 1932. Archaeology and Anthropology
- Professor of Spanish. 1933. Spanish
- Professor of Comparative Philology. 1937. Classics
- Professor of Medieval History. 1937. History
- Professor of Education. 1938. Education
- Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions. 1944.
- Professor of Electrical Engineering. 1944. Engineering
- Shell Professor of Chemical Engineering. 1945. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- Hopkinson and Imperial Chemical Industries Professor of Applied Thermodynamics. 1950.
- Professor of Small Animal Surgery 1950. Veterinary Medicine
- Smuts Professor of Commonwealth History. 1952. History
- Professor of Medieval and Renaissance English. 1954. English
- Wolfson Professor of Criminology. 1959. Institute of Criminology
- Professor of Manufacturing Engineering. 1960. Engineering
- Sheild Professor of Pharmacology. 1961. Pharmacology
- Professor of Mathematical Statistics. 1961. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Medicine. 1962. Medicine
- Professor of Applied Mathematics. 1964. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Frank Ramsey Professor of Economics. 1965. Economics
- Professor of English. 1966 (Grace 2 of 1 December 1965). English
- Professor of Modern Languages. 1966. German and Dutch
- Professor of Engineering. 1966 (Grace 5 of 1 December 1965). Engineering
- Sir Kirby Laing Professor of Civil Engineering. 1966. Engineering
- Professor of Physics. 1966 (Grace 7 of 1 December 1965). Physics
- Professor of Geophysics. 1966. Earth Sciences
- Churchill Professor of Mathematics for Operational Research. 1966. Pure Mathematics
and Mathematical Statistics
- Joseph Needham Professor of Chinese History, Science, and Civilization. 1966. East
Asian Studies
- Mary Marshall and Arthur Walton Professor of the Physiology of Reproduction. 1967.
Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
- Professor of Mathematical Physics. 1967. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Slavonic Studies. 1968. Slavonic Studies
- Simón Bolívar Professor of Latin-American Studies. 1968.
- Professor of Chemistry. 1968. Physics and Chemistry
- Geoffrey Moorhouse Gibson Professor of Chemistry. 1970. Chemistry
- Professor of Architecture. 1970. Architecture
- Professor of Economics. 1970. Economics
- Rank Professor of Engineering. 1971. Engineering
- Arthur Goodhart Visiting Professor in Legal Science. 1971. Law
- Alexander Todd Visiting Professor of Chemistry. 1972. Physics and Chemistry
- Professor of Law. 1973. Law
- Professor of Engineering. 1974. Engineering
- Professor of Epidemiology and Medicine. 1975. Public Health and Primary Care
- Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 1975. Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine. 1977. Clinical Biochemistry
- Professor of Radiology. 1977. Radiology
- Sheila Joan Smith Professor of Immunology. 1977. Clinical Medicine
- Professor of Paediatrics. 1978. Paediatrics
- Professor of Mathematical Physics. 1978. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Paul Mellon Professor of American History. 1980. History
- Herchel Smith Professor of Medicinal Chemistry. 1982. Clinical Medicine
- Charles Darwin Professor of Animal Embryology. 1982. School of the Biological Sciences
- Jawaharlal Nehru Visiting Professor. 1983.
- Professor of Japanese Studies. 1984. East Asian Studies
- Professor of Clinical Pharmacology. 1984. Medicine
- Professor of Sociology. 1985. Sociology
- Professor of Haematology. 1986. Haematology
- KPMG Professor of Management Studies. 1986. Judge Business School
- Professor of Clinical Gerontology. 1987. Public Health and Primary Care
- Professor of Medicine. 1987. Medicine
- Herchel Smith Professor of Organic Chemistry. 1988. Chemistry
- Professor of Neurology. 1988. Clinical Neurosciences
- Professor of English and Applied Linguistics. 1988. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
- Sir Alan Cottrell Professor of Materials Science. 1988. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Professor of Theoretical Geophysics. 1989. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Aerothermal Technology. 1989. Engineering
- George Pitt-Rivers Professor of Archaeological Science. 1990. Archaeology and Anthropology
- Professor of Neurosurgery. 1990. Clinical Neurosciences
- Diageo Professor of Management Studies. 1990. Judge Institute of Management
- Professor of the Mathematics of Systems. 1990. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Medical Physiology. 1990. Physiology
- Serono Professor of Molecular Endocrinology. 1990. Clinical Biochemistry
- Professor of Land Economy. 1991. Land Economy
- Professor of Virology. 1991. Pathology
- S. J. Berwin Professor of Corporate Law. 1991. Law
- GlaxoSmithKline Professor of Microbial Pathogenesis. 1991. Medicine
- Professor of Histopathology. 1992. Pathology
- G. I. Taylor Professor of Fluid Mechanics. 1992. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical
- Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 1992. Psychiatry
- BBV Foundation Visiting Professor. 1992.
- Professor of Law. 1992. Law
- Professor of Health Research and Development. 1992. Public Health and Primary Care
- Professor of Neurophysiology. 1992. Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
- Professor of Mechanical Engineering. 1993. Engineering
- John Wilfrid Linnett Visiting Professor of Chemistry. 1993. Chemistry
- Professor of Geography. 1993. Geography
- Herchel Smith Professor of Intellectual Property Law. 1993. Law
- Professor of Statistical Science. 1994. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Computer Science. 1994. Computer Laboratory
- Professor of European Law. 1994. Law
- Professor of Assyriology. 1994. Archaeology and Anthropology
- Professor of Information Engineering. 1994. Engineering
- Professor of Immunology. 1995. Pathology
- Professor of Rheumatology. 1995. Medicine
- Professor of Law. 1995. Law
- Professor of Evolutionary Palaeobiology. 1995. Earth Sciences
- Professor of Behavioural Ecology. 1995. Zoology
- Professor of Auditory Perception. 1995. Psychology
- Royal Society Professor of Molecular Pharmacology. 1995. Pharmacology
- Marks & Spencer Professor of Farm Animal Health, Food Science, and Food Safety. 1996.
Veterinary Medicine
- Professor of Molecular Microbiology. 1996. Biochemistry
- Professor of Surgery. 1996. Surgery
- Professor of Chemistry. 1996. Chemistry
- Professor of Computer Assisted Reasoning. 1996. Computer Laboratory
- Professor of Econometrics. 1996. Economics
- Beckwith Professor of Management Studies. 1996. Judge Institute of Management
- Sir Patrick Sheehy Professor of International Relations. 1996. Politics and International
- Professor of Medical Genetics. 1997. Medical Genetics
- Hans Rausing Professor of History and Philosophy of Science. 1997. History and Philosophy
of Science
- Ursula Zoëllner Professor of Cancer Research. 1997. Oncology
- Professor of Mechanical Engineering. 1997. Engineering
- Professor of Computer Technology 1997. Computer Laboratory
- Sinyi Professor of Chinese Management. 1997. Judge Institute of Management
- Professor of Respiratory Medicine. 1997. Medicine
- Professor of Zoology. 1997. Zoology
- Professor of Theoretical Physics. 1997. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Mechanics of Materials. 1997. Engineering
- Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience. 1997. Psychology
- Robert Sansom Professor of Computer Science. 1998. Computer Laboratory
- Professor of Endocrinology. 1998. Medicine
- Dennis Gillings Professor of Health Management. 1998. Judge Institute of Management
- Professor of Paediatrics. 1998. Paediatrics
- Professor of British and Irish History. 1998. History
- Professor of Fluid Mechanics. 1998. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Mathematical Physics. 1998. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Theoretical Physics. 1998. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Experimental Physics. 1998. Physics
- Professor of Psychiatry. 1998. Psychiatry
- Unilever Professor of Molecular Sciences Informatics. 1999. Chemistry
- BP Professor of Petroleum Science. 1999. Earth Sciences
- Professor of Neurological Genetics. 1999. Pathology
- Grosvenor Professor of Real Estate Finance. 1999. Land Economy
- Schlumberger Professor of Complex Physical Systems. 1999. Applied Mathematics and
Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Haemato-oncology. 1999. Haematology
- Professor of Chemical Engineering. 1999. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- Professor of Anaesthesia. 1999. Clinical Medicine
- Professor of Mathematical Biology. 1999. Plant Sciences
- Professor of Human Population Biology and Health. 1999. Archaeology and Anthropology
- Professor of Numerical Analysis of Differential Equations. 1999. Applied Mathematics
and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Physical Metallurgy. 1999. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Professor of the Mechanics of Materials. 1999. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Professor of Nanotechnology. 1999. Engineering
- Professor of Structural Dynamics. 1999. Engineering
- Professor of Biotechnology. 1999. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- Professor of Chemical Physics. 1999. Chemistry
- Kuwait Professor of Number Theory and Algebra. 2000. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical
- Professor of Education. 2000. Education
- Professor of Education. 2000. Education
- Professor of Stroke Medicine. 2000. Clinical Neurosciences
- Professor of Linguistics. 2000. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
- Professor of Psychology in the Social Sciences. 2000. Psychology
- Professor of Plant Ecology. 2000. Plant Sciences
- Professor of Physical Geography. 2000. Geography
- Professor of Human Geography. 2000. Geography
- Professor of Public Health Medicine. 2000. Public Health and Primary Care
- Professor of Nonlinear Mathematical Science. 2000. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical
- Professor of Behavioural Science. 2000. Public Health and Primary Care
- Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2000. Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Professor of Psychiatry. 2000. Psychiatry
- Professor of Clinical Oncology. 2000. Oncology
- GKN Professor of Manufacturing Engineering. 2000. Engineering
- British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences. 2000. Medicine
- Professor of Intellectual History and English Literature. 2000. English
- Professor of Structural Biology. 2000. Biochemistry
- Professor of Immunobiology. 2000. Pathology
- Professor of Infectious Diseases. 2000. Medicine
- Professor of History and Philosophy of the Sciences. 2000. History and Philosophy
of Science
- Professor of Mediterranean History. 2000. History
- Professor of Tectonics. 2000. Earth Sciences
- Professor of Economic Geography. 2000. Geography
- Professor of Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics. 2000. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical
- Professor of Experimental Philosophy. 2000. Institute of Astronomy
- Professor of Astrophysics and Cosmology. 2000. Physics
- Professor of Computational Physics. 2000. Physics
- Professor of Biochemical Engineering. 2000. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- Professor of Soil Mechanics. 2000. Engineering
- Professor of Information Engineering. 2000. Engineering
- Professor of Applied Thermodynamics. 2000. Engineering
- N. M. Rothschild & Sons Professor of Mathematical Sciences. 2001.
- Professor of Oncological Pathology. 2001. Pathology
- Professor of Cancer Research. 2001. Oncology
- Professor of Cancer Research. 2001. Oncology
- Professor of Cardiothoracic Surgery. 2001. Surgery
- Professor of Clinical Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2001. Radiology
- Adam Smith Professor of Corporate Governance. 2001. Judge Institute of Management
- Professor of English. 2001. English
- Van Eck Professor of Engineering. 2001. Engineering
- Prince Philip Professor of Technology. 2001. Engineering
- Professor of Mathematical Sciences. 2001. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Protein Crystallography. 2001. Haematology
- Royal Society Napier Research Professor of Cancer Biology. 2001. Pathology
- Professor of Architectural History. 2001. Architecture and History of Art
- Professor of English. 2001. English
- Professor of Developmental Psychopathology. 2001. Psychiatry
- Professor of Microbiology. 2001. Pathology
- Professor of Molecular Membrane Biology. 2001. Clinical Biochemistry
- Professor of Cellular Pharmacology. 2001. Pharmacology
- Professor of Sociology. 2001. Sociology
- Professor of Ecological and Developmental Criminology. 2001. Institute of Criminology
- Professor of Mineralogy and Mineral Physics. 2001. Earth Sciences
- Professor of Materials Science. 2001. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Professor of Organic Chemistry. 2001. Chemistry
- Professor of Ocean Physics. 2001. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Theoretical Physics. 2001. Physics
- Professor of Algebraic Geometry. 2001. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Theoretical Computer Science. 2001. Computer Laboratory
- Professor of Electronics. 2001. Engineering
- Professor of Engineering Design. 2001. Engineering
- Hitachi Professor of Electron Device Physics. 2002. Department of Physics
- Professor of Experimental Combustion. 2002. Engineering
- Leigh Trapnell Professor of Quantum Physics. 2002. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical
- Merck Company Foundation Professor of Experimental Neurology. 2002. Clinical Neurosciences
- Professor of Accounting. 2002. Judge Institute of Management
- Professor of Education. 2002. Education
- Professor of Photonics of Molecular Materials. 2002. Engineering
- Professor of Learning Disability Psychiatry. 2002. Psychiatry
- Sandra Dawson Visiting Professor of Marketing, Strategy, and Innovation. 2002. Judge
Institute of Management
- Professor of Developmental Genetics. 2002. Genetics
- Professor of Biostatistics. 2002. Medical Genetics
- Professor of Immunogenetics. 2002. Medical Genetics
- Professor of Perinatal Physiology. 2002. Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
- Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology. 2002. Psychiatry
- Professor of International History. 2002. History
- Professor of History and Philosophy of Science. 2002. History and Philosophy of Science
- Professor of Legal and Political Philosophy. 2002. Law
- Professor of Active Tectonics. 2002. Earth Sciences
- Professor of the Foundations of Mathematics. 2002. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical
- Professor of Fourier Analysis. 2002. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Observational Astronomy. 2002. Institute of Astronomy
- Professor of Biological Chemistry. 2002. Chemistry
- Professor of Physics. 2002. Physics
- Professor of Experimental Physics. 2002. Physics
- Professor of Theoretical Physics. 2002. Physics
- Professor of Computational Logic. 2002. Computer Laboratory
- Professor of Applied Statistics and Signal Processing. 2002. Engineering
- Professor of Photonics. 2002. Engineering
- Professor of Control Engineering. 2002. Engineering
- Professor of Information Engineering. 2002. Engineering
- Professor of Environmental Systems Analysis. 2003. Geography
- Professor of Plant Systematics and Evolution. 2003. Plant Sciences
- Professor of Gastroenterology. 2003. Medicine
- Professor of Metabolic Medicine. 2003. Medicine
- Professor of Classics. 2003. Classics
- Professor of Hinduism and the Comparative Study of Religion. 2003. Divinity
- Professor of Phonetic Sciences. 2003. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
- Professor of Developmental Neuroscience. 2003. Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
- Professor of Developmental Mechanick. 2003. Genetics
- Professor of Genetic Epidemiology. 2003. Public Health and Primary Care
- Leverhulme Professor of Human Evolution. 2003. Archaeology and Anthropology
- Professor of Sociology of Education. 2003. Education
- Professor of History of Science. 2003. History and Philosophy of Science
- Professor of Public Law and Jurisprudence. 2003. Law
- Professor of the History of International Relations. 2003. Politics and International
- Professor of Historical Geography and Demography. 2003. Geography
- Professor of Applied Mathematics. 2003. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Theoretical Physics. 2003. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Mathematical Logic. 2003. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Algebra. 2003. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Theoretical and Computational Physics. 2003. Physics
- Professor of High Energy Physics. 2003. Physics
- Professor of Analytical Biotechnology. 2003. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- Professor of Security Engineering. 2003. Computer Laboratory
- Professor of Superconducting Engineering. 2003. Engineering
- Professor of Neurobiology. 2004. Zoology
- Herchel Smith Professor of Pure Mathematics. 2004. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical
- Herchel Smith Professor of Molecular Genetics. 2004. Genetics
- Professor of Education. 2004. Education
- Professor of Education. 2004. Education
- Bernard Wolfe Professor of Health Neuroscience. 2004. Psychiatry
- Professor of Information Engineering. 2004. Engineering
- Professor of Medical Physics. 2004. Physics
- Herchel Smith Professor of Physics. 2004. Physics
- Professor of Family Research. 2005. Psychology
- Professor of Sustainable Design. 2005. Architecture
- Professor of Education 2005. Education
- Professor of Service and Support Engineering. 2005. Engineering
- Professor of French Philology and Linguistics. 2005. Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
- Professor of Historical Musicology. 2005. Music
- Professor of Medieval Music. 2005. Music
- Herbert Thompson Professor of Egyptology. 2005. Archaeology and Anthropology
- Professor of Biomedical Magnetic Resonance. 2005. Biochemistry
- Professor of Plant and Microbial Biochemistry. 2005. Biochemistry
- Professor of Comparative Cognition. 2005. Psychology
- Professor of Molecular Genetics and Genomics. 2005. Pathology
- Professor of Signalling Pharmacology. 2005. Pharmacology
- Professor of Neuroscience. 2005. Veterinary Medicine
- Professor of Nephrology. 2005. Medical Genetics
- Professor of Molecular Neurogenetics. 2005. Medical Genetics
- Professor of Immunology and Medicine. 2005. Medicine
- Professor of Molecular Virology. 2005. Medicine
- Professor of Economics and Game Theory. 2005. Economics
- Professor of Medieval English History. 2005. History
- Professor of American Intellectual History. 2005. History
- Professor of Urban and Regional Economics. 2005. Land Economy
- Professor of Company and Securities Law. 2005. Law
- Professor of Public Law and Private International Law. 2005. Law
- Professor of Empirical Sociology. 2005. Sociology
- Professor of Theoretical Physics. 2005. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Atmospheric Science. 2005. Chemistry
- Professor of Mineral Physics. 2005. Earth Sciences
- Professor of Quaternary Palaeoenvironments. 2005. Geography
- Professor of Materials Chemistry and Corrosion. 2005. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Professor of Physics. 2005. Physics
- Professor of Quantum Physics. 2005. Physics
- Professor of Experimental Quantum Physics. 2005. Physics
- Professor of Polymer Physics. 2005. Physics
- Professor of Particle Physics. 2005. Physics
- Professor of Analytical Physics. 2005. Physics
- Professor of Pure Mathematics. 2005. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Computer Technology. 2005. Computer Laboratory
- Professor of Engineering Tribology. 2005. Engineering
- Professor of Rural Economy. 2005. Land Economy
- Herchel Smith Professor of Molecular Biology. 2006. Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
- Sigrid Rausing Professor of Social Anthropology. 2006. Archaeology and Anthropology
- Miriam Rothschild Professor of Conservation Biology. 2006. Zoology
- His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said Professor of Modern Arabic Studies. 2006. Middle
Eastern Studies
- Professor of Molecular Immunology. 2006. Pathology
- Professor of Stem Cell Biology. 2006. Biochemistry
- Professor of Statistics. 2006. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Applied Mathematics. 2006. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Physics. 2006. Physics
- Professor of Comparative Pathology. 2006. Veterinary Medicine
- Genzyme Professor of Experimental Medicine. 2006. Medicine
- Professor of Historical Anthropology. 2006. Human, Social, and Political Science
- Professor of History of Medieval Art. 2006. History of Art
- Professor of Modern Greek. 2006. Modern and Medieval Languages
- Professor of RNA Molecular Biology. 2006. Biochemistry
- Professor of Cellular Neuroscience. 2006. Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
- Professor of Neuroscience. 2006. Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
- Professor of Vertebrate Palaeontology. 2006. Zoology
- Professor of Econometric Theory and Economic Statistics. 2006. Economics
- Professor of International Law. 2006. Law
- Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 2006. Institute of Criminology
- Professor of Fluid Mechanics. 2006. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Theoretical Mineral Physics. 2006. Physics
- Professor of Representation Theory. 2006. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Stochastic Analysis. 2006. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Mechanical Engineering. 2006. Engineering
- Professor of Fluid Mechanics. 2006. Engineering
- Professor of Statistical Signal Processing. 2006. Engineering
- Professor of Control Engineering. 2006. Engineering
- Professor of Law. 2006. Law
- Professor of Comparative Immunogenetics. 2006. Pathology
- Moran Professor of Conservation and Development. 2006. Geography
- Professor of Systems Biology and Biochemistry. 2006. Biochemistry
- Winton Professor of the Public Understanding of Risk. 2006. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical
- Professor of Politics. 2007. Politics and International Studies
- Professor of Infectious Disease Informatics. 2007. Zoology
- Jawaharlal Nehru Professor of Indian Business and Enterprise. 2007. Judge Business
- Professor of Medical Genetics. 2007. Medical Genetics
- Li Ka Shing Professor of Oncology. 2007. Oncology
- Prince Philip Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. 2007. Zoology
- Professor of Primary Care Research. 2007. Public Health and Primary Care
- Professor of Experimental Astrophysics. 2007. Physics
- Sir Evelyn de Rothschild Professor of Finance. 2007. Judge Business School
- Professor of Medieval French Literature. 2007. French
- Professor of Philosophy. 2007. Philosophy
- Professor of Plant Biochemistry. 2007. Plant Sciences
- Professor of Conservation Science. 2007. Zoology
- Professor of Molecular Neurology. 2007. Clinical Neurosciences
- Professorship of Cardiopulmonary Medicine. 2007. Medicine
- Professor of Economics. 2007. Economics
- Professor of French History. 2007. History
- Professor of English Private Law. 2007. Law
- Professor of Psychology. 2007. Psychology
- Professor of Theoretical Physics. 2007. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Fluid Mechanics. 2007. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Observational Cosmology and Astrophysics. 2007. Institute of Astronomy
- Professor of Chemical Biology. 2007. Chemistry
- Professor of Materials Chemistry. 2007. Chemistry
- Professor of Biophysical Chemistry. 2007. Chemistry
- Professor of Materials Science. 2007. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Professor of Theoretical Physics. 2007. Physics
- Professor of Signal Processing. 2007. Engineering
- Professor of Civil Engineering. 2007. Engineering
- Professor of Operations Research. 2007. Judge Business School
- Professor of Cancer Therapeutics. 2007. Oncology
- Professor of Immunology and Cell Biology. 2007. Medicine
- Professor of Experimental Neuroscience. 2007. Clinical Neurosciences
- Professor of Education. 2008. Education
- Professor of Macroeconomics. 2008. Economics
- Alborada Professor of Equine and Farm Animal Science. 2008. Veterinary Medicine
- Professor of Health Services Research. 2008. Public Health and Primary Care
- Professor of Nuclear Medicine. 2008. Radiology
- A. G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture. 2008. Classics
- Gorley Putt Professor of Poetry and Poetics. 2008. English
- Professor of Persian History. 2008. Middle Eastern Studies
- Professor of Matrix Biochemistry. 2008. Biochemistry
- Professor of Cell Biology and Parasitology. 2008. Pathology
- Professor of Reproductive Immunology. 2008. Pathology
- Professor of Developmental Biology. 2008. Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
- Professor of Small Animal Medicine. 2008. Veterinary Medicine
- Professorship of Evolutionary Genetics. 2008. Zoology
- Professor of Neuroradiology. 2008. Radiology
- Professor of Modern European History. 2008. History
- Professor of the History of European International Relations. 2008. Politics and International
- Professor of European Union and Employment Law. 2008. Law
- Professor of Cosmology. 2008. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics. 2008. Institute of Astronomy
- Professor of Chemical Physics. 2008. Chemistry
- Professor of Materials Science. 2008. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Professor of Experimental Particle Physics. 2008. Physics
- Professor of Mathematics. 2008. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Computational Engineering. 2008. Engineering
- Professor of Engineering. 2008. Engineering
- Professor of Statistics in Biomedicine. 2008. Medical Genetics
- Tata Steel Professor of Metallurgy. 2008. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Professor of Veterinary Diagnostic Pathology. 2009. Veterinary Medicine
- Professor of Molecular Pathology. 2009. Pathology
- Professor of Clinical Microbiology. 2009. Medicine
- Professor of Musical Performance Studies. 2009. Music
- Professor of Philosophical Theology. 2009. Divinity
- Professor of Cultural History and Aesthetics. 2009. English
- Professor of Portuguese Literature and Culture. 2009. Spanish and Portuguese
- Professor of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. 2009. Biochemistry
- Professor of Molecular Pharmacology. 2009. Pharmacology
- Professor of Neurobiology. 2009. Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
- Professor of Reproductive Physiology. 2009. Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
- Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience. 2009. Physiology, Development, and Neuroscience
- Professor of Structural and Molecular Biology. 2009. Clinical Biochemistry
- Professor of Molecular Nutrition and Metabolism. 2009. Clinical Biochemistry
- Professor of Modern Cultural History. 2009. History
- Professor of Modern British History. 2009. History
- Professor of Comparative and Developmental Criminology. 2009. Institute of Criminology
- Professor of Seismology. 2009. Earth Sciences
- Professor of Astrophysics. 2009. Institute of Astronomy
- Professor of Materials Science. 2009. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Professor of Materials Science. 2009. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Professor of High Energy Physics. 2009. Physics
- Professor of Physics. 2009. Physics
- Professor of Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2009. Computer Laboratory
- Professor of Logic and Algorithms. 2009. Computer Laboratory
- Professor of Energy Technologies. 2009. Engineering
- Professor of Semiconductor Engineering. 2009. Engineering
- Professor of Chemical Engineering. 2009. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- Professor of Transfusion Medicine. 2009. Haematology
- Diane Middlebrook and Carl Djerassi Visiting Professor of Gender Studies. 2009. Geography
- Professor of Pure Mathematics. 2009. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Ophthalmology. 2009. Clinical Neurosciences
- British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine. 2010. Medicine
- Sir Arthur Marshall Visiting Professor of Sustainable Urban Design. 2010. Architecture
- Visiting Professor of Architecture. 2010. Architecture
- Professor of Old Age Psychiatry. 2010. Psychiatry
- Professor of Photonic Systems and Displays. 2010. Engineering
- Pembroke Visiting Professor of International Finance. 2010. Judge Business School
- Professor of Zoology. 2010. Zoology
- BP Foundation McKenzie Professor of Earth Sciences. 2010. Earth Sciences
- Humanitas Visiting Professors. 2010.
- Professor of Medicine. 2010. Medicine
- Professor of Cellular Pathophysiology and Clinical Biochemistry. 2010. Clinical Biochemistry
- Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery. 2010. Surgery
- Professor of Medieval English Literature and Palaeography. 2010. English
- Professor of French Literature and the Visual Arts. 2010. French
- Professor of Modern German and Comparative Culture. 2010. German and Dutch
- Professor of Linguistics and Philosophy of Language. 2010. Theoretical and Applied
- Professor of Plant Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 2010. Biochemistry
- Professor of Structural Biology. 2010. Biochemistry
- Professor of Cell and Cancer Biology. 2010. Pathology
- Professor of Mammalian Development and Stem Cell Biology. 2010. Physiology, Development,
and Neuroscience
- Professorship of Developmental Biology. 2010. Zoology
- Professor of Experimental Haematology. 2010. Haematology
- Professor of History and Public Policy. 2010. History
- Professor of Criminology and Criminal Justice. 2010. Institute of Criminology
- Professor of International Law and International Constitutional Studies. 2010. Politics
and International Studies
- Professor of History and Philosophy of Science. 2010. History and Philosophy of Science
- Professor of Theoretical Physics. 2010. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Molecular Biophysics. 2010. Chemistry
- Professor of Biophysics. 2010. Chemistry
- Professor of Inorganic Chemistry. 2010. Chemistry
- Professor of Materials Science and Metallurgy. 2010. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Professor of Radio Astronomy. 2010. Physics
- Professor of Graphics and Imaging. 2010. Computer Laboratory
- Professor of Aerodynamics. 2010. Engineering
- Professor of Materials Engineering. 2010. Engineering
- Professor of Industrial Information Engineering. 2010. Engineering
- Professor of Cognitive Developmental Neuroscience. 2010. Psychology
- MRC Research Professor of Cognitive Psychology. 2010. Clinical Medicine
- Professor of Plant Development. 2011. Sainsbury Laboratory
- Professor of Plant Development. 2011. Sainsbury Laboratory
- Professor of Demography. 2011. Geography
- Laing O'Rourke Professor of Construction Engineering. 2011. Engineering
- Professor of Stem Cell Medicine. 2011.
- Sultan Qaboos Professor of Abrahamic Faiths and Shared Values. 2011. Divinity
- Professor of Management Studies. 2011. Judge Business School
- Professor of Molecular Physiology and Pathology. 2011. Physiology, Development, and
- Professor of Education. 2011. Education
- Dyson Professor of Fluid Mechanics. 2011. Engineering
- Professor of Polymeric Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2011. Chemistry
- Professor of Medieval Music and Literature. 2011. English
- Professor of Modern Italian Culture. 2011. Italian
- Professor of Latin-American Literature. 2011. Spanish and Portuguese
- Professor of Music and Science. 2011. Music
- Professor of Logic. 2011. Philosophy
- Professor of Molecular Biology. 2011. Biochemistry
- Professor of Molecular Pathology. 2011. Pathology
- Professor in Developmental Cardiovascular Physiology and Medicine. 2011. Physiology,
Development, and Neuroscience
- Professorship of Metabolism and Medicine. 2011. Clinical Biochemistry
- Professor of Clinical Neuroscience. 2011. Clinical Neurosciences
- Professor of Molecular Haematology. 2011. Haematology
- Professor of Molecular Haemostasis. 2011. Haematology
- Professor of Human Genetics. 2011. Medical Genetics
- Professor of Transplantation. 2011. Surgery
- Professor of Children's Poetry. 2011. Education
- Professor of Modern and Contemporary History. 2011. History
- Professor of Civil Justice and Private Law. 2011. Law
- Professor of Private International Law. 2011. Law
- Professor of Theoretical Physics. 2011. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Mathematical Physics. 2011. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics. 2011. Institute of Astronomy
- Professor of Theoretical Chemistry. 2011. Chemistry
- Professor of Astrophysics. 2011. Physics
- Professor of Physics. 2011. Physics
- Professor of Information Systems and Innovation Studies. 2011. Judge Business School
- Professor of Computational Linguistics (2011). 2011. Computer Laboratory
- Professor of Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science. 2011. Computer Laboratory
- Professor of Nanotechnology. 2011. Engineering
- Professor of Chemical Physics. 2011. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- Professor of Molecular Biotechnology. 2011. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- Regius Professor of Engineering. 2011. Engineering
- Professor of Medical Genetics and Genomic Medicine. 2011. Medical Genetics
- Professor of Finance. 2012. Judge Business School
- Chong Hua Professor of Chinese Development. 2012. Politics and International Studies
- Florence Nightingale Foundation Professor of Clinical Nursing Research. 2012. Medicine
- Professor of Statistics. 2012. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- MRC Research Professor of Biostatistics. 2012. Clinical Medicine
- Professor of Sustainable Reaction Engineering. 2012. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- Professor of Politics. 2012. Politics and International Studies
- Professor of Engineering. 2012. Engineering
- Professor of Genetics. 2012. Genetics
- Professor of General Practice. 2012. Public Health and Primary Care
- Professor of Architecture and the Moving Image. 2012. Architecture
- Professor of Celtic. 2012. Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic
- Professor of Medieval French and Occitan. 2012. French
- Professor of Modern and Medieval German Studies. 2012. German and Dutch
- Professor of Russian Literature and Cultural History. 2012. Slavonic Studies
- Professor of Philosophy. 2012. Philosophy
- Professor of Cellular Biochemistry. 2012. Biochemistry
- Professor of Cellular Dynamics. 2012. Biochemistry
- Professor of Molecular Neurobiology. 2012. Biochemistry
- Professor of Endocrine Physiology. 2012. Clinical Biochemistry
- Professor of Neurological Genetics. 2012. Clinical Neurosciences
- Professor of Reproductive Biology. 2012. Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Professor of Radiation Oncology. 2012. Oncology
- Professor of Cancer Epidemiology. 2012. Public Health and Primary Care
- Professor of Geoarchaeology. 2012. Archaeology and Anthropology
- Professor of Developmental Psychology. 2012. Sociology
- Professor of Sociology and Political Economy. 2012. Sociology
- Professor of Regional and Applied Economics. 2012. Land Economy
- Professor of Law and Legal History. 2012. Land Economy
- Professor of Volcanology. 2012. Geography
- Professor of Latin American Geography. 2012. Geography
- Professor of Geometry. 2012. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Astronomy. 2012. Institute of Astronomy
- Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. 2012. Chemistry
- Professor of Chemistry. 2012. Chemistry
- Professor of Energy and Materials Science. 2012. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Professor of Economics and Organization. 2012. Judge Business School
- Professor of Computer Science. 2012. Computer Laboratory
- Professor of Information Engineering. 2012. Engineering
- Professor of Laser Engineering. 2012. Engineering
- Professor of Chemical Reaction Engineering. 2012. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- MRC Research Professor of Mitochondrial Medicine. 2012. Clinical Medicine
- Harold Samuel Professor of Law and Environmental Policy. 2012. Land Economy
- Professor of Hypoxia Signalling and Cell Biology. 2012. Medicine
- Professor of Empirical Macroeconomics. 2013. Economics
- Professor of Experimental Psychology. 2013. Psychology
- Professor of Philosophy. 2013. Philosophy
- Professor of Philosophy. 2013. Philosophy
- Professor of Neurorehabilitation. 2013. Clinical Neurosciences
- MRC Research Professor of Epidemiology. 2013. Clinical Medicine
- Royal Society Research Professor of Earth Sciences. 2013. Earth Sciences
- Professor of International Education. 2013. Education
- John Harvard Professor in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. 2013. School
of Arts and Humanities and School of the Humanities and Social Sciences
- Professor of Early Modern French Literature and Culture. 2013. French
- Professor of German Literature and Intellectual History. 2013. German and Dutch
- Professor of German History and Thought. 2013. German and Dutch
- Professor of Italian and Romance Linguistics. 2013. Italian
- Professor of Genome Biology. 2013. Genetics
- Professor of Virus Pathogenesis. 2013. Pathology
- Professor of Behavioural Neuroscience. 2013. Psychology
- Professor of Evolution and Behaviour. 2013. Zoology
- Professor of Evolutionary Biology. 2013. Zoology
- Professor of Innate Immunity. 2013. Veterinary Medicine
- Professor of Brain Physics. 2013. Clinical Neurosciences
- Professor of Therapeutics. 2013. Medicine
- Professor of Economic Theory. 2013. Economics
- Professor of Economics. 2013. Economics
- Professor of Early Modern European History. 2013. History
- Professor of Social Theory. 2013. Sociology
- Professor of Philosophy of Science. 2013. History and Philosophy of Science
- Professor of Petrology. 2013. Earth Sciences
- Professor of Cymatogeny. 2013. Earth Sciences
- Professor of Pacific Geography. 2013. Geography
- Professor of Applied Mathematics. 2013. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Mathematical Astrophysics. 2013. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical
- Professor of Theoretical Physics. 2013. Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
- Professor of Mathematical Sciences. 2013. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Statistics. 2013. Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics
- Professor of Theoretical Chemistry. 2013. Chemistry
- Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology. 2013. Chemistry
- Professor of Materials Physics. 2013. Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Professor of Quantum Electronics. 2013. Physics
- Professor of Innovation and Organization. 2013. Judge Business School
- Professor of Information Engineering. 2013. Engineering
- Professor of Civil Engineering. 2013. Engineering
- Professor of Mechanical Engineering. 2013. Engineering
- Professor of Photonic Engineering. 2013. Engineering
- Professor of Neurotechnology. 2013. Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
- Expenses of non-resident Electors to Professorships
- Readers and Readerships
- Sir William Dunn Readership in Biochemistry (1922),
- Herbert Thompson Readership in Egyptology (1976),
- Readership in Cell Biology (2005),
- Readership in Theoretical Econometrics (2005),
- Readership in Economics (2006),
- Readership in Economics (2006),
- Readership in Education (2006),
- Readership in Education (2006),
- Readership in Physics (2006),
- Readership in Physics (2006),
- Readership in Pure Mathematics (2006),
- Readership in Social Anthropology (2006),
- Readership in Sociology (2006),
- Readership in Human Resources and Organizational Behaviour (2007),
- Readership in Operations Management (2007),
- Readership in Sustainable Reaction Engineering (2007),
- Readership in Economics (2010),
- Readership in Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (2010),
- Readership in Real Estate and Housing Finance (2011),
- Readership in Quantitative Sociology (2013),
- Readership in Operations Management (2013),
- Readership in Entrepreneurship (2013),
- University Senior Lecturers
- Assistant Directors of Development Studies
- Assistant Directors of Research and Senior Assistants in Research
- Associate Lecturers
- Clinical Lecturers
- Principal Computer Officers, Senior Computer Officers, and Computer Officers
- Senior Language Teaching Officers
- Language Teaching Officers
- Lectors in Languages
- Librarians of certain Faculties, Departments, and other institutions
- Secretaries and Superintendents of Faculties, Departments, and other institutions
under the supervision of the General Board
- Senior Technical Officers
- Technical Officers
- Affiliated Lecturers