1. The Registrary is placed under the direction of the Council. It shall be the duty of the Registrary
2. The Registrary shall be appointed by the Council.
3. The Registrary shall not be a member of the Council.
4. Repealed by Grace 1 of 9 February 2005 and by Order in Council dated 14 December 2005.
5. Repealed by Grace 1 of 9 February 2005 and by Order in Council dated 14 December 2005.
6. Repealed by Grace 1 of 9 February 2005 and by Order in Council dated 14 December 2005.
7. There shall be under the direction of the Council such number of Assistant Registraries as the Council may from time to time determine. The manner of appointment, the duties of the office, and the duration and other conditions of tenure of an Assistant Registrary shall be determined by Ordinance from time to time.
8. So far as the Council may allow or direct, any duty of the Registrary may be performed by an Assistant Registrary.
9. During a vacancy in the office of Registrary, the Council may appoint an Acting Registrary upon such terms of remuneration as it thinks fit.