1. The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Regent House on the nomination of the Council, who may nominate any person of their choice. The person appointed shall enter upon office on a day determined by the University. As soon as conveniently may be thereafter, he or she shall be formally admitted to the office at a Congregation of the Regent House called by the Chancellor or, if the Chancellor is absent or the office of Chancellor is vacant, by the Proctors. The procedures for nomination and admission shall be prescribed by Ordinance.
2. The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed in the first instance for five years or, in exceptional circumstances, for such other period as the University may determine. He or she may be reappointed for a further period or periods, provided that no one shall hold the office of Vice-Chancellor for a total period of more than seven years. The procedure for reappointment shall be prescribed by Ordinance.
3. The Vice-Chancellor shall enjoy the customary rights and perform the customary duties of the office. He or she shall have power to ensure that all University officers duly perform their duties, and shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by Statute or Ordinance.
4. The Vice-Chancellor shall have power, after his or her formal admission, but not before, to call Congregations of the Regent House and to admit candidates to degrees or titles of degrees.
5. Except as provided in section 6 below,
6. The Vice-Chancellor shall not be present at any meeting of the Council or of any other body when the body is considering his or her reappointment or the appointment of his or her successor as Vice-Chancellor.
7. Provided always that he or she shall in general take the chair in person at meetings of the Council and the General Board, the Vice-Chancellor shall have power to appoint persons to act on his or her behalf as follows:
8. During his or her tenure of office, the Vice-Chancellor shall not undertake the duties of any other University office or any College office, or any duties inconsistent with the performance of the duties of the Vice-Chancellorship.
9. In the event of incapacity or prolonged absence from Cambridge of the Vice-Chancellor, or of suspension of the Vice-Chancellor under Statute U, or in the event of a vacancy in the Vice- Chancellorship, the Council shall if necessary appoint a member of the Regent House to serve as Acting Vice-Chancellor and shall publish such person's name forthwith. A person so appointed shall perform the duties, and shall exercise all the powers, of the Vice-Chancellor during the period of his or her appointment.
10. If for any reason the Vice-Chancellorship falls vacant before the expiry of the holder's term of office, a new Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed as soon as conveniently may be, in accordance with the provisions of sections 1 and 2 above.