Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge


Amended by Grace 2 of 19 May 2011


1. In the following regulations Regulations 2–10 shall not apply to the University Press, and Regulation 11 shall apply to the University Press only in relation to premises and grounds in Cambridge. Regulations 2–11 shall not apply in connection with the management, development, and stewardship of the North West Cambridge Estate which is the responsibility of the West and North West Cambridge Estates Syndicate under regulations for that Syndicate made under Statute A, VI, 1.

New buildings and alterations.

2. Every need for a new University building or for a substantial alteration to an existing University building shall be reported to the Council. If the need relates to an institution under the supervision of the General Board, it shall be reported to the General Board for transmission to the Council. Each such report shall indicate the extent of the proposed work.

Duties of Buildings Committee.

3. It shall be the duty of the Buildings Committee of the Council and the General Board:

  1. (a)to consider building proposals submitted to them by the Council;
  2. (b)to advise the Council whether a site and funds both for the estimated capital cost and for the recurrent costs of maintenance and use are likely to be available for a proposed building;
  3. (c)to arrange for the planning of buildings in such order of priority and within such estimates of cost as the Council may determine;
  4. (d)to supervise the erection of any new building or the alteration of any existing building.
Approval by Grace.

4. Approval by Grace of the Regent House shall be required for any proposal for the erection of a new University building or for the demolition or substantial alteration of an existing University building.


5. The Council shall be responsible for:

  1. (a)the assignment of University buildings to Faculties, Departments, and other institutions or bodies;
  2. (b)the allocation of rooms in University buildings, other than rooms in buildings assigned to a particular institution or body, to members of the University and others for occasional use.
Change of use.

6. No change in the use of any University building or of the grounds belonging to it shall be made by the body to which the building is assigned without the approval of the Council.

Care and maintenance.

7. The Buildings Committee shall be responsible, under the Council, for the care, management, and maintenance of all University sites, buildings, and grounds.

8. No substantial repair or alteration affecting the fabric of any University building and no substantial alteration to the grounds belonging to any such building shall be undertaken without the approval of the Buildings Committee.

9. The responsibilities of the Council and the Buildings Committee for the care, management, and maintenance of University buildings and grounds shall be, in consultation with the bodies concerned:

  1. (a)to take measures for the safety of the premises and to ensure that satisfactory arrangements are made for opening and shutting the premises;
  2. (b)to take measures for the prevention of fire and to ensure that the Buildings Committee are given details of the persons responsible for keeping in order the fire-fighting equipment in the several buildings;
  3. (c)to order and supervise the proper maintenance of buildings and grounds including all repairs and decorations;

provided that the Council and the Buildings Committee may delegate all or part of these responsibilities, subject to such conditions as they may prescribe, to the body to whom a University building is assigned.

The cost of carrying out these measures shall be charged to the Buildings Maintenance Fund unless, in the opinion of the Buildings Committee, it is chargeable to a Departmental maintenance fund or to other funds.

10. The Buildings Committee shall publish a list of bodies to whom responsibility has been delegated under Regulation 9, together with any special conditions prescribed, and shall have power to amend the list from time to time after consultation with the bodies concerned.

11. In connection with any proposals for new buildings or for alterations to any premises or grounds belonging to the University, the Buildings Committee shall

  1. (a)be responsible for negotiations where approval by a Public Authority may be required;
  2. (b)be consulted concerning an application for financial support to an authority other than a Public Authority.


In accordance with Regulation 9 of the general regulations for University Property (Sites and Buildings) and subject to (i) the general duties of the Council under Statute F, I, 2, and (ii) the provisions of Regulations 8 and 11, the responsibilities of the Council and the Buildings Committee under Regulation 9 have been delegated as follows:

1. To all bodies to whom University buildings are assigned
  1. (a)The taking of all necessary measures for the day-to-day maintenance, cleaning, and safety of the premises and grounds, including the prevention of fire, provided that:
  2. (i)in accordance with Regulation 9(b) the Buildings Committee are kept informed with whom the responsibility lies for keeping in order the apparatus for the prevention of fire;
  3. (ii)in cases where premises or grounds are shared between several bodies, nothing shall prevent the continuance under the supervision of the Buildings Committee of existing arrangements whereby certain facilities and services are provided for the premises as a whole, or the conclusion of similar new arrangements in consultation with the bodies concerned.
  4. (b)The provision and maintenance of special fixtures, fittings, and furniture the cost of which is chargeable to the funds of the body concerned, provided that, after consultation with the body concerned or at its request, any such special fixtures, fittings, and furniture may be supplied and maintained by the Buildings Committee.
  5. (c)Power to arrange with the Estate Management and Building Service for the execution of all ordinary repairs the cost of which is expected not to exceed £100.
2. To the Strategic Committee for the Institute of Continuing Education, the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate, the Library Syndicate, the Local Examinations Syndicate, and the Departments of Engineering, Chemistry, and Physics

Full responsibility for internal repairs and redecorations, provided that work likely to cost £200 or more is not ordered without prior consultation with the Buildings Committee.

3. To the Botanic Garden Syndicate

Full responsibility for the upkeep of the grounds, including the glasshouses, and for the internal repairs and redecoration of the buildings, provided that work in connection with the buildings likely to cost £200 or more is not ordered without prior consultation with the Buildings Committee.