1. There is and shall be a fund established under the authority of the Oxford and Cambridge Act 1923 under the name of the Contributory Pension Scheme for the purpose of providing, under the rules of the Scheme,13 pensions, grants, and allowances to such assistants and other persons employed by the University of Cambridge, or by an associated Employer, as are members of the Scheme.
2. The Trustee of the Scheme shall be C U Pension Trustee Limited (Company No. 6600561) the registered office of which is at The Old Schools, Trinity Lane, Cambridge, CB2 1TS or another person or persons appointed by the University under Rule 8 {appointment and removal of trustee} and shall hold the Fund on trust to apply it in accordance with the provisions of the Scheme.
3. Subject to the provisions of Rule 43 {eligibility and admission} of the Scheme, the following shall be eligible for membership of the Contributory Pension Scheme:
4. Contributions to be paid by members of the Scheme shall be deducted from their salaries.
5. Subject to the restrictions contained in Rule 5 {amendment} and in Schedule 2 to the Rules {contracting-out}, the Scheme may be altered from time to time without the authority of a Grace in order to ensure its continued approval by the Pension Schemes Office and by the National Insurance Contributions Office of the Inland Revenue or any bodies which succeed either of them. Such alterations shall be published in the Reporter.