Statutes and Ordinances of the University of Cambridge

In this section



Appointment, Attendance, and Retirement of Members

Period of appointment.

1. Unless it is otherwise provided by Statute or Ordinance, members of permanent Boards, Syndicates, and other bodies constituted by Statute or Ordinance shall be appointed for such periods that one or more members shall retire annually.

Periods of appointment when body first constituted.

2. When such a Board, Syndicate, or other body is first constituted the Council shall, unless it is otherwise provided by Grace or by the regulations for the body concerned, determine the periods for which each of the members first elected or appointed shall serve, and the Registrary shall publish a notice of the Council's determination.

Late appointments.

3. The Council shall be empowered to make an appointment, or to approve an appointment to a particular body made by the authority specified in the regulations for that body, on a date later than the regulations prescribe when the appointing body have been unable to make an appointment by the prescribed date.

Absence from meetings.

4. If a member of such a Board, Syndicate, or other body is absent from three successive meetings of which due notice has been given, that member's seat shall become vacant at the end of the third of such meetings, unless at that or an earlier meeting the cause of the absence has been declared sufficient by the body of which the person concerned is a member; provided that ex officio members, members in class (e) of Faculty Boards, and any member appointed when not normally resident within ten miles of the University Church, shall be exempted from the operation of this regulation. Any vacancy caused under this regulation shall be reported to the Registrary by the Secretary of the body concerned.

Expenses of non-resident members.

5. A non-resident member of such a Board, Syndicate, or other body shall be entitled to reimbursement of his or her expenses in respect of attendance at a meeting of the body concerned up to a sum not exceeding the return railway fare between Cambridge and the member's normal place of residence or other place approved by the Finance Committee of the Council, together with a subsistence allowance, in accordance with rates to be determined from time to time by the Finance Committee.

Annual Reports

The Council or the General Board may require that the Annual Report of any Board, Syndicate, or other body which is responsible to them, or of the Head of any Department which is under their supervision, shall conform to such conditions as they may consider desirable. The Report may be published in the Reporter if the Council or the General Board, as the case may be, are of the opinion, after consulting the body or the Head of the Department concerned, that there are special reasons justifying such publication.


Board of Electors to Livings

Board of Electors, to select for approval by Council.

1. The selection for presentation to a vacant benefice shall be made by a Board of Electors which shall be constituted for the occasion and which shall consist of the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) and eight members of the Senate appointed by the Council (four on the nomination of the Faculty Board of Divinity). The selection made shall require the approval of the Council.

Notice of vacancy in a benefice.

2. In general, when any benefice, the presentation to which is to be made by the University, shall become vacant, the Board shall give public notice of the vacancy and of the date by which applications for the benefice shall be made, provided that the Board may in exceptional circumstances determine that no such notice should be given. If no public notice is given the Board shall indicate the fact to the Council when communicating their selection.

Failure to select.

3. If the Electors shall be unable to select a clerk for any vacant benefice the selection shall be made by the Vice-Chancellor. If the Vice-Chancellor shall be unable to select a clerk, he or she shall report to the Council to that effect.

Sealing of deed of presentation.

4. When a clerk has been selected, the Council shall be empowered to order that the Common Seal of the University be affixed to the deed of presentation.

Candidature of an Elector.

5. If an Elector shall be a candidate for a vacant benefice, he or she shall be thereby disqualified from acting in the selection of a clerk for such benefice.

Secretary of Board.

6. The Registrary or a deputy appointed by the Registrary shall be Secretary of the Board of Electors.

Board of Examinations

Amended by Grace 2 of 19 November 2008


1. The Board of Examinations shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)the Proctors;
  3. (c)four persons appointed by the Council, one of whom shall be a member of the staff of the Local Examinations Syndicate;
  4. (d)four persons appointed by the General Board, one of whom shall be a person in statu pupillari appointed on the recommendation of Cambridge University Students Union.

Except for the member in class (d) in statu pupillari, the members in classes (c) and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. The member in class (d) in statu pupillari shall be appointed in the Easter Term to serve for one year from 1 July next following her or his appointment.


2. The Registrary, or a duly appointed deputy shall be Secretary of the Board. The Board shall meet at least once in each term.


3. The Board shall have the duty of assigning lecture-rooms so far as that duty may be delegated to them by the Council.


4. The Board shall be charged with arrangements for the conduct of all University examinations, including those for University Scholarships, Studentships, Exhibitions, and Prizes, as follows:

  1. Examination rooms.
    (a)The Board shall provide and prepare suitable rooms for all University examinations.
  2. Orders of Examinations.
    (b)The Board shall draw up an order for each examination in consultation with the Examiners, and shall publish it at least a fortnight before the examination begins. The order of examination shall be prefixed to the final list of candidates for each examination.
  3. Special arrangements.
    (c)The Board shall consider the cases of (i) candidates who are unable through illness to present themselves for examination, and shall give or withhold permission for them to be examined privately; (ii) candidates who for special reasons apply to be examined under other than the ordinary conditions, or at other times than those previously advertised, and shall give or withhold permission for them to be examined otherwise. They shall also determine the conditions under which such permission may be given, and the amount of any special fees or fines to be paid. Applications shall be sent by Tutors to the Secretary of the Board.
  4. Supervisors and Invigilators.
    (d)The Board shall appoint a Supervisor and one or more Invigilators for each session of a University examination held within the Precincts of the University. Supervisors shall be responsible for the general arrangements in the examination room; they shall prepare a report on the candidates’ attendance, and shall despatch the candidates’ scripts at the end of the session in accordance with instructions issued by the Secretary of the Board. Invigilators shall be present throughout the session and shall be responsible for the surveillance of the candidates.
  5. (e)The Board shall instruct Supervisors and Invigilators in their duties, and may make rules (see the Appendix to these regulations) for the guidance of candidates and for the prevention of misconduct. The Board shall have power to impose on a person infringing one or more of those rules a fine not exceeding £175.
  6. (f)When the Supervisor or Invigilator is not an Examiner it shall be the duty of the Chairman of Examiners or the Senior Examiner to arrange for one at least of the Examiners to be present for the first twenty minutes of each session.
  7. Payment of Examiners.
    (g)The Board shall be charged with the payment of all Examiners, except those who are paid from trust funds; and with the same exception they shall pay the expenses of all practical examinations upon a scale approved by the Finance Committee of the Council. Before making such payments they shall obtain from the Chairman of the Examiners or the Senior Examiner, or from the individual Examiners, statements of the work done by and the payments due to each Examiner, and shall see that these statements are in conformity with the Ordinances. The Board shall also determine, subject to the approval of the Finance Committee, the rates of payments to be made to Supervisors and Invigilators.
  8. Room attendants.
    Clerical assistance.
    (h)In addition to Supervisors and Invigilators, it shall be the duty of the Board to provide a suitable number of attendants at each examination room. The Board shall have power to employ additional clerical staff to assist their regular staff when pressure of work makes this necessary.
  9. Marking in candidates.
    (i)It shall be the duty of the staff of the Board to mark in candidates for all University examinations. An amended copy of the final list of candidates shall be prepared at some convenient time after the beginning of every examination, and shall be sent to the Registrary and preserved in the Registry.
  10. Copies of papers not to be taken from room.
    (j)Until the time at which candidates are allowed to leave the examination room, no copy of any examination paper shall be taken from the room without the consent of the Supervisor or Invigilator.

5. The Board shall make such reports to the Council and to the General Board as those bodies may require.


Rules for the Guidance of Candidates and for the Prevention of Misconduct in Examinations

Amended by Grace 3 of 19 November 2008

1. Candidates shall not commence writing at the start of an examination session until authorized to do so by the Supervisor or Senior Invigilator. Candidates shall stop writing at the end of an examination session when similarly instructed.

2. Except with the consent of the Supervisor or Senior Invigilator, no candidate shall be allowed to enter an examination room later or to leave an examination room earlier than thirty minutes after the beginning of a session.

3. A candidate may take a small screw-top bottle of water to his or her desk for consumption during an examination session provided that no disturbance is thereby caused to other candidates. Except with the written consent of the Secretary of the Board of Examinations no other items of food or drink may be taken into an examination room. A Supervisor, Invigilator, or Examiner has authority to deprive a candidate of unauthorized items until the examination session is ended.

4. No candidate shall take into an examination room or have in his or her possession during an examination any book or paper relevant to the examination unless specifically authorized. A Supervisor, Invigilator, or Examiner has authority to confiscate such documents.

5. No candidate shall take into an examination room any electronic calculator or other means of data storage or retrieval unless specifically authorized. A Supervisor, Invigilator, or Examiner has authority to confiscate unauthorized items. Where also specified, an electronic calculator must carry an official mark indicating that it has been approved for use in University examinations.

6. No candidate shall take into an examination room or have in his or her possession during an examination any radio or audio equipment, or mobile telephone. A Supervisor, Invigilator, or Examiner has authority to deprive a candidate of such equipment until the examination session is ended, and to confiscate any cassette or compact disc.

7. Candidates shall not remove from an examination room any paper except the question paper and such books or papers, if any, as they were authorized to take into the room.

8. No candidate shall communicate with any other candidate during an examination session.

9. Candidates shall not leave their places during a session except with the consent of the Supervisor or an Invigilator.

10. Candidates shall be dressed decently and not in a manner that is likely to create a disturbance in the examination room, or to distract the attention of other candidates.

11. A Supervisor, Invigilator, or Examiner shall report to the Board of Examinations any breach of these rules and shall inform the candidate concerned that such a report is to be made. A candidate shall not be dismissed from a session except as provided in Rule 12.

12. A candidate who acts in such a way as to disturb or inconvenience other candidates shall be warned and may, at the discretion of the Supervisor, Invigilator, or Examiner, either be required to change seat or be dismissed from the session.

13. Candidates attending a practical examination must comply with the safety requirements of the laboratory in which the examination is held.

Board of Graduate Studies

1. The Board of Graduate Studies shall consist of

  1. Constitution.
    (a)the Vice-Chancellor, or a duly appointed deputy, as Chairman;
  2. (b)four members of the Regent House appointed by the Council;
  3. (c)four members of the Regent House appointed by the General Board;
  4. (d)one member of the Regent House appointed by the Graduate Tutors’ Committee;
  5. (e)not more than five members of the Regent House co-opted by the Board, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Board to co-opt any person or persons;
  6. (f)the member of the General Board in class (d) elected by the graduate students in the University.

Members in classes (b), (c), and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January next following their appointment. Members in class (e) shall be appointed in the Lent Term to serve until 31 December of the year next but one after that in which they are appointed.


2. It shall be the duty of the Board:

  1. (a)to decide on applications for admission as Graduate Students from persons who have been recommended for admission by a Degree Committee, and to exercise a general superintendence over Graduate Students;
  2. (b)to exercise such functions as may be assigned to the Board by Ordinance in the admission to the University of such other categories of graduate students, who do not seek admission under (a) above, and to record their subsequent progress; excluding Affiliated Students;
  3. (c)to consider and decide upon all applications of Graduate Students for such allowances under the regulations for the degrees of Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Engineering, Master of Science, Master of Letters, and Master of Philosophy, as may be prescribed by Ordinance;
  4. (d)to consider and decide upon all applications of candidates for special allowances under the special regulations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy;
  5. (e)to consider and decide upon applications from candidates for special allowances under the regulations for the Diplomas in Economics, in International Law, and in Legal Studies, and Certificates of Postgraduate Study;
  6. (f)to receive the reports, recommendations, and resolutions of the Degree Committees on the work of candidates for the degrees of D.D., LL.D., Sc.D., Litt.D., Mus.D., Ph.D., Eng.D., M.Sc., M.Litt., M.Phil., M.St., and Vet.M.D. who have been recommended by the Degree Committee concerned, and to publish the names of those candidates on whom, in the opinion of the Board, the degrees should be conferred;
  7. (g)to receive the reports, recommendations, and resolutions of the Degree Committees on the work of candidates for the qualifications listed in (e) above who have been recommended or approved by the Degree Committee concerned, and to publish the names of those candidates to whom, in the opinion of the Board, or of the Degree Committee concerned, the qualifications should be awarded;
  8. (h)to award studentships or scholarships from funds under the Board's control and to make nominations for national postgraduate awards to the appropriate awarding body;
  9. (i)to supervise the Board of Graduate Studies General Fund;
  10. (j)to circulate to other universities information as to conditions of research and to correspond with candidates and other persons concerned;
  11. (k)to make an Annual Report to the Council and such other reports to the University as they think fit;
  12. (l)to undertake such other functions as may from time to time be assigned to them by the University.

3. The balance of the annual income of the Board of Graduate Studies General Fund shall be invested, and held at the disposal of the Board of Graduate Studies for the furtherance of postgraduate study and research in the University.


4. The duties of the Secretary shall be:

  1. (a)to receive all applications for admission, allowances, and examination;
  2. (b)to conduct the correspondence of the Board;
  3. (c)to give information and advice to students;
  4. (d)to undertake any other duties assigned to the Secretary by the Board.

5. The provisions of Statute K, 20 concerning reserved business shall apply to any member of the Board in class (f) who is not in statu pupillari as if he or she were in statu pupillari.

University and Assistants Joint Board


1. The University and Assistants Joint Board shall consist of members in the following classes:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)(i)eight members of the Senate, four of whom at least shall be either Heads of institutions or other persons concerned with the administration of assistant staff therein, appointed as follows:
  3. (1)four persons, of whom one at least shall be a member of the Council, appointed by the Council;
  4. (2)four persons appointed by the General Board;
  5. (ii)the Registrary, the Director of the Finance Division, and the Academic Secretary, and the Head of the Human Resources Division of the University Offices (or their deputies) who shall be members ex officio;
  6. (c)such number of University assistants representing bargaining units as the Council shall determine after discussion with those organizations to which the Council have granted negotiating rights. The Council shall from time to time announce in a Notice published in the Reporter:
  7. (i)a definition of each bargaining unit;
  8. (ii)the number of members of the Board in class (c) representing each organization to which negotiating rights have been granted for that bargaining unit.

Members of the Board in class (b)(i) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment; provided that, if at any time among the members in sub-class (1) there has ceased for any reason to be at least one member who is also a member of the Council, the Council shall have power to replace, if necessary, one of the members in that sub-class so as to satisfy that requirement for the remainder of the tenure of the person so replaced. Members of the Board in class (c) shall serve for such length of time as may be decided by the organization that they represent.

Joint Secretaries.

2. The Council shall appoint a University officer to be Joint Secretary of the Board. The members of the Board in class (c) shall appoint one of their own number to be Joint Secretary of the Board.

3. The method of appointment of members in class (c) shall be decided by the organizations that they represent. The organizations concerned shall inform both Joint Secretaries of the names of the representatives whom they have appointed before those representatives take their place on the Board.

Duties of the Board.

4. The duties of the Board shall be:

  1. (a)to keep under review the terms and conditions of employment of the assistant staff of the University;
  2. (b)to consider any matter that is referred to them by the Council or by the General Board, or any matter relating to the terms and conditions of employment of the assistant staff which they are requested to consider by the members of the Joint Board in class (b) or class (c);
  3. (c)to form Special Joint Negotiating Committees to consider all matters which affect more than one bargaining unit; representation on such Special Joint Negotiating Committees shall be subject to agreement between members of the Board in classes (b) and (c) provided that the Head of the Human Resources Division of the University Offices shall be one member from class (b) and there shall be at least one member in class (c) from each organization representing the bargaining units affected;
  4. (d)to form for each bargaining unit a Standing Joint Negotiating Committee consisting of:
  5. (i)(1)the Head of the Human Resources Division of the University Offices;
  6. (2)three members appointed from among the members of the Board in class (b) by the members of the Board in class (b)(i);
  7. (ii)the members of the Board in class (c) representing that bargaining unit.
Duties of Standing Joint Negotiating Committees.

5. The duties of each Standing Joint Negotiating Committee shall be:

  1. (a)subject to the provisions of Regulation 4(c), to keep under review the terms and conditions of employment of the assistant staff of the bargaining unit concerned, including in particular matters relating to salaries and wages; allowances; hours of work, holidays, and compensation for overtime; payments during absence through sickness; training; recruitment; welfare; recognition of long service; and pensions (other than matters relating to the operation or management of the Pension Scheme);
  2. (b)to consider any matter that is referred to them by the Joint Board or any matter relating to the terms and conditions of employment of the assistant staff which they are requested to consider by members of the Committee in either class (b) or class (c) of the Board. When the members of a Committee in both classes (b) and (c) of the Board agree to recommend amendment of any regulation, supplementary regulation, schedule, or instruction concerning the conditions of employment of University assistants within the bargaining unit concerned, the Committee shall report thereon to the Board.

6. No business shall be transacted by any Joint Negotiating Committee, whether Special or Standing, unless there is present a majority of the members of the Committee in each of classes (b) and (c) of the Board.

7. Each Joint Negotiating Committee shall mutually agree on the choice of a person to act as Chairman. The Chairman need not be a member of the Joint Board. Unless the Chairman is a member of the Committee, he or she shall not have a vote.

8. The Chairman shall adjourn or intermit any meeting of a Joint Negotiating Committee if members of the Committee in either class (b) or (c) of the Board so request.

9. A Joint Negotiating Committee shall allow officials from an organization represented on that Joint Negotiating Committee, who need not be University assistants, to attend and take part in the meetings of the Committee if this is requested by those members of the Committee in class (c) of the Board who represent that organization.


10. The rules of procedure of each Joint Negotiating Committee shall be subject to agreements on procedure that may be negotiated from time to time between the Council and the General Board, acting on behalf of the University as employer, and the Trade Unions or other organizations represented on that Committee, provided that

  1. (a)no details of voting shall be recorded at any meeting of a Joint Negotiating Committee, and reports of a Joint Negotiating Committee shall not be signed by members;
  2. (b)no resolution of a Joint Negotiating Committee shall be valid unless agreed by a majority of the members of the Committee in each of classes (b) and (c) of the Board.

11. Resolutions of a Joint Negotiating Committee shall be transmitted to the Joint Board for submission to the Council before publication. No amendment proposed by the Council or the Joint Board shall be made unless it is agreed by a majority of the members of the appropriate Joint Negotiating Committee in each of classes (b) and (c) of the Board.

12. If there is a failure to agree within a Joint Negotiating Committee the substance of the failure shall be reported to the Board for discussion. If there is still failure to agree after discussion within the Board, the matter shall be referred to the Council, in which case, if the Council are unable to put forward a proposal acceptable to a majority of the members of the Joint Negotiating Committee concerned in each of classes (b) and (c) of the Board, the Council shall then request the members of the Joint Negotiating Committee to reach agreement on the machinery to be used for settlement.

Accommodation Syndicate


1. There shall be an Accommodation Syndicate, which shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)three persons appointed by the Council, one of whom shall be a research worker employed by the University in an unestablished capacity;
  3. (c)one person appointed by the Senior Tutors’ Committee;
  4. (d)one person appointed by the Committee of Graduate Tutors;
  5. (e)one person appointed by the Bursars’ Committee;
  6. (f)one member of the assistant staff appointed by the University and Assistants Joint Board;
  7. (g)two members of the University in statu pupillari appointed by the Graduate Union;
  8. (h)one member of the University in statu pupillari appointed by Cambridge University Students Union;
  9. (i)not more than two persons co-opted by the Syndicate, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Syndicate to co-opt any person or persons.

Members in classes (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in classes (g) and (h) shall be appointed in the Easter Term to serve for the academical year next following their appointment. Any member in class (i) shall serve until the end of the calendar year in which he or she is co-opted.


2. The duties of the Syndicate shall be:

  1. (a)to keep under review the accommodation (other than accommodation provided by Colleges) available for members of the University in statu pupillari, persons employed by the University,4 and academic visitors;
  2. (b)to maintain a register of such accommodation and to provide an advisory service relating to it;
  3. (c)to ensure as far as possible an adequate supply of such accommodation;
  4. (d)to supervise the work of the Accommodation Office.
Secretary of the Syndicate.

3. There shall be a University office of Secretary of the Accommodation Syndicate, appointments and reappointments to which shall be made by an Appointments Committee consisting of the members of the Syndicate in classes (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e).


4. The duties of the Secretary shall be:

  1. (a)to attend the meetings of the Syndicate;
  2. (b)to be responsible to the Syndicate for the work of the Accommodation Office;
  3. (c)to report periodically to the Syndicate on the availability of accommodation;
  4. (d)generally to assist the Syndicate in all matters connected with the work of the Syndicate.

5. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Syndicate unless the Chairman and four other members at least are present.

Reserved business.

6. The provisions of Statute K, 20 concerning reserved business shall apply to the Syndicate and to the Appointments Committee prescribed in Regulation 3 as if they were bodies constituted by Statute. These provisions shall apply also to any member of the Syndicate in class (i) who is not in statu pupillari as if he or she were a person in statu pupillari.


7. The Syndicate shall make such reports to the Council as the Council may require.

Careers Service Syndicate


1. There shall be a Careers Service Syndicate which shall be responsible for the administration of the University Careers Service. The Syndicate shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)four members of the Regent House appointed by the Council;
  3. (c)twelve members of the Regent House nominated by the Colleges, Approved Foundations, and Approved Societies, in sequential rotation;
  4. (d)two members of the University in statu pupillari appointed by the Council;
  5. (e)not more than twelve persons co-opted by the Syndicate.

Members in class (b) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in class (c) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for three years from 1 January following their appointment, four being appointed each year. The order of rotation of Colleges for the nomination of members in class (c) shall be as follows:

Christ's College, Churchill College, Clare Hall, Clare College, Corpus Christi College, Lucy Cavendish College, Downing College, Emmanuel College, Darwin College, Fitzwilliam College, Gonville and Caius College, Girton College, Jesus College, King's College, Hughes Hall, Magdalene College, Pembroke College, New Hall, Peterhouse, Queens’ College, St Edmund's College, Robinson College, St Catharine's College, Newnham College, St John's College, Selwyn College, Wolfson College, Sidney Sussex College, Trinity College, Trinity Hall, Homerton College.

Members in class (d) shall be appointed in the Easter Term to serve for the academical year following that in which they are appointed. Members in class (e) shall be appointed in the Lent Term to serve for four years from 1 October following their appointment.


2. All meetings of the Syndicate shall be summoned by the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy); there shall be at least one meeting in each academical year.


3. The Chairman and four other members shall constitute a quorum of the Syndicate.


4. The duties of the Syndicate shall include the following:

  1. (a)to determine the policy for the University Careers Service;
  2. (b)to provide information and advice about careers for all members of the University;
  3. (c)to establish and organize means of communication between members of the University who are seeking employment and employers, and in particular to keep registers of those seeking employment;
  4. (d)to administer the funds of the Syndicate and to approve the annual estimates, and to prepare and keep accounts, which shall be audited annually and published with the University Accounts;
  5. (e)to perform such other functions as may from time to time be assigned to the Syndicate by the University;
  6. (f)to make an Annual Report to the Council, and such other reports to the University as they think fit;
  7. (g)to promote the exchange of ideas between members of the University and representatives of other organizations on matters affecting the employment of graduate members of the University, in particular by holding seminars and other informal meetings from time to time.
Executive Committee.

5. The Syndicate shall appoint from their members an Executive Committee and shall delegate thereto such of their functions as they may deem expedient. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairman of the Syndicate ex officio and four members of the Syndicate chosen from among those in classes (b) and (c).

Secretary of the Syndicate and Director of the Careers Service.
Appointments Committee.

6. There shall be the University office of Secretary of the Syndicate, the holder of which shall be designated Director of the Careers Service, and such number of University offices of Careers Adviser as may be determined from time to time by the Council on the recommendation of the Syndicate. Appointments and reappointments to the office of Secretary and to an office of Careers Adviser shall be made by an Appointments Committee consisting of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)the Chairman of the Syndicate;
  3. (c)three members of the Syndicate appointed by the Syndicate;
  4. (d)two persons appointed by the Council;
  5. (e)(except for the appointment of the Secretary of the Syndicate) the Secretary of the Syndicate.

Members in classes (c) and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term of each calendar year of which the number is even, to serve for the two calendar years next ensuing. A member in class (c) who ceases to be a member of the Syndicate shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Appointments Committee.

7. For the appointment or reappointment of the Secretary of the Syndicate, the Registrary, or his or her deputy, shall act as Secretary of the Appointments Committee. For any other appointment, the Secretary of the Syndicate concerned shall act as Secretary.

8. The duties of the Secretary or Careers Advisers shall be determined by the Syndicate.

Deputy Director.

9. The Syndicate shall designate one of the Careers Advisers as Deputy Director.

10. There shall be such number of University offices of Assistant to the Careers Advisers in Grade I and of such offices in Grades II and III as shall be determined from time to time by the Council on the recommendation of the Syndicate. Appointment and reappointment to the office of Assistant to the Careers Advisers shall be made by the Secretary of the Syndicate under procedures to be determined from time to time by the Council after consultation with the Syndicate.

11. The duties of an Assistant to the Careers Advisers shall be determined by the Syndicate and the scale of stipends of each grade of the office shall be determined by the Council, after consultation with the Syndicate.

Residence of officers.

12. The Secretary and any other University officer on the staff of the University Careers Service shall be resident in the University during term and for four weeks in the Long Vacation.


13. The following shall be paid to the funds of the Syndicate:

  1. (a)an annual grant, to be continued until the University shall decide otherwise;
  2. (b)annual and other grants from Colleges, Approved Foundations, and Approved Societies in Cambridge;
  3. (c)contributions from public bodies and individuals in aid of the purposes of the Syndicate;
  4. (d)payments made in respect of publications issued by the Syndicate.
Reserved business.

14. The provisions of Statute K, 20 concerning reserved business shall apply to the Syndicate and to the Executive Committee as if they were bodies constituted by Statute.

Information Strategy and Services Syndicate


1. The Information Strategy and Services Syndicate shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)three persons appointed by the Council;
  3. (c)three persons appointed by the General Board of the Faculties;
  4. (d)three persons appointed by the Colleges’ Committee;
  5. (e)one person elected from among their own number by the officers of the University Computing Service;
  6. (f)one person elected from their own number by the officers of the Management Information Services Division of the University Offices;
  7. (g)two members of the University in statu pupillari, co-opted by the Syndicate, at least one of whom shall be a graduate student;
  8. (h)not more than two persons co-opted by the Syndicate, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Syndicate to co-opt any person or persons.

2. The Registrary, the Librarian, and the Directors of the University Computing Service, and of the Management Information Services Division and the Finance Division of the University Offices, shall have the right to attend meetings of the Syndicate.

3. The appointment of members in classes (b), (c), and (d) shall be made in the Michaelmas Term for periods of four years from 1 January following. An election of members in classes (e) and (f) shall be held in the Michaelmas Term of every year of which the number is even; the procedure for such an election shall be that prescribed in the Single Transferable Vote Regulations, except that the returning officer shall be the Chairman of the Syndicate or a deputy appointed by the Chairman. Members in classes (e) and (f) shall serve for two years from 1 January following their election. Co-opted members in classes (g) and (h) shall serve until 31 December of the year following that in which they are co-opted, provided that if a member in class (g) ceases to be in statu pupillari he or she shall thereupon cease to be a member in that class.


4. The Registrary shall appoint the Secretary of the Syndicate, in consultation with the Directors of the University Computing Service and the Management Information Services Division and the Chairman of the Syndicate.


5. It shall be the duty of the Syndicate:

  1. (a)to establish and keep under review, subject to the approval of the Council and the General Board and in consultation with the Senior Tutors’ Committee and the Bursars’ Committee where appropriate, an information strategy in support of the aims and objectives of the University and the Colleges;
  2. (b)to promote the adoption of the information strategy where appropriate throughout the University and the Colleges, and advise on developments in information technology and its implementation;
  3. (c)to keep under review the information requirements of the University and the Colleges, and advise the Council and the General Board on priorities for and other matters relating to the development and application of appropriate information policies, facilities, and services in support of those requirements;
  4. (d)to ensure that any such information policies, facilities, and services provided are operating effectively and are fit for purpose;
  5. (e)to oversee the direction and planning of the University Computing Service and Management Information Services Division and to approve general principles for the allocation of resources and priorities in the use of their facilities;
  6. (f)to be responsible for ensuring that appropriate project and budgetary management and control mechanisms are in place for such major information systems and technology projects as the Council or the General Board may from time to time determine; and to be accountable for the funds allocated for such projects;
  7. (g)to make, or amend, and publish rules, subject to approval by the competent authority, for the regulation and security of the use of information technology facilities within the University, and of such computing facilities in College institutions as may be designated for this purpose from time to time by the appropriate College authorities concerned, and to impose on a person infringing one or more of those rules either or both of the following penalties:
  8. (i)the suspension of authorization to use computing resources for such a period as the Information Strategy and Services Syndicate shall determine;
  9. (ii)a fine not exceeding £175.
  10. (h)to make an annual report to the Council and the General Board and to the Senior Tutors’ and Bursars’ Committees.

6. There shall be a Standing Sub-syndicate of the Information Strategy and Services Syndicate on Service Management. The Syndicate shall appoint a Chairman of the Sub-syndicate and the Directors of the University Computing Service and the Management Information Services Division shall be members of the Sub-syndicate, ex officio.

7. There shall be a Standing Sub-syndicate of the Information Strategy and Services Syndicate on Network Management. The Syndicate shall appoint a Chairman of the Sub-syndicate following consultation with the Chairman of the Bursars’ Committee. The Director of the University Computing Service shall be a member of the Sub-syndicate, ex officio.

Rules made by the Information Strategy and Services Syndicate

In these rules the following definitions shall apply. The term IT facilities shall mean the facilities of the University Computing Service, and all other information technology facilities provided by the University, and any in College institutions designated by the appropriate College authority concerned as facilities to which these rules shall apply. The term Authorized Officer shall mean the Director of the University Computing Service in the case of services under the supervision of the Information Strategy and Services Syndicate, or in other cases the relevant University or College officer (in the case of University institutions, the Chairman of the Council of the School, the Chairman of the Faculty Board, or the Head of the Department; in the case of Colleges, a person appointed by the College for the purpose).

IT facilities are provided for use only in accordance with the aims of the University and the Colleges as promulgated from time to time, unless stated otherwise by the appropriate Authorized Officer.

1. No person shall use IT facilities, or allow them to be used by others, without due authorization given by the Information Strategy and Services Syndicate or by the appropriate Authorized Officer, who may impose conditions of use to ensure efficient operation.

2. By means of published documentation an Authorized Officer may designate an IT facility as authorized for use by specified classes of persons and for specified purposes. In the case of facilities not so designated, resources are allocated individually; every such allocation of IT resources shall be used only for the designated purpose and only by the person to whom the allocation was made. Use shall not be made of IT resources allocated to another person or group of persons unless such use has been specifically authorized by the Information Strategy and Services Syndicate or by the appropriate Authorized Officer.

3. No person shall by any wilful, deliberate, reckless, or unlawful act or omission interfere with the work of another user or jeopardize the integrity of data networks, computing equipment, systems programs, or other stored information.

4. All persons authorized to use IT facilities shall be expected to treat as privileged any information which may become available to them through the use of such facilities and which is not obviously intended for unrestricted dissemination; such information shall not be copied, modified, disseminated, or used, either in whole or in part, without the permission of the appropriate person or body.

5. In the case of any information which is designated in a Notice issued by or on behalf of the Information Strategy and Services Syndicate as proprietary or otherwise confidential, every person using IT facilities shall be required:

  1. (a)to observe any instructions that may be issued specifying ways in which the information may be used;
  2. (b)not to copy, modify, disseminate, or make use of it in any way not specified in those instructions, without first obtaining permission from the appropriate Authorized Officer.

6. No person shall use IT facilities to process personal data except in accordance with the provisions of relevant legislation, including the Data Protection Act 1998. Any person wishing to use IT facilities for such a purpose shall be required to inform the Authorized Officer in advance and to comply with any restrictions that may be imposed concerning the manner in which the data may be processed.

7. No person shall use IT facilities for private financial gain or for commercial purposes, including consultancy or any other work outside the scope of official duties or functions for the time being, without specific authorization to do so.

8. Any person who misuses IT facilities or who uses IT facilities for private financial gain or for commercial purposes, with or without specific authorization to do so, may be charged with the cost of such use or misuse at a rate determined from time to time by the appropriate Authorized Officer. If any person who has been so charged with the cost of IT resources fails to make reimbursement, any authorization to use IT facilities shall be suspended automatically until reimbursement is made in full, and the matter shall be reported by the Syndicate to the appropriate University or College financial authority.

9. No person shall use IT facilities for unlawful activities.

10. Any person believed to be in breach of one or more of these rules shall be reported by the Authorized Officer to the Syndicate who may at their discretion, after considering the Officer's report and any other relevant matters, impose a penalty or penalties in accordance with Regulation 5(g) for the Syndicate. The Syndicate may also recommend to the appropriate University or College authority that proceedings be initiated under either or both of the University and College disciplinary procedures and any appropriate legislation.

University Software Policy

Under UK Copyright Law, the illegal reproduction of software can be subject to civil damages without financial limit and to criminal penalties including fines and imprisonment. Both the person who made the illegal copy and the relevant University authorities would be liable to prosecution for each illegal copy found. The Council and the General Board have accordingly approved the following Software Policy in regard to computer software licensed by the University of Cambridge and its Colleges with which all members of the University are expected to comply:

1. The University of Cambridge and its Colleges use under licence computer software (both programs and data) from a variety of outside companies. The University does not own this software or its related documentation and, unless authorized by the licence, does not have the right to copy it in any way.

2. Whenever and however such software is used (including software mounted on Local Area Networks and multiple machines) University and College staff and students must comply with the licence agreement.

3. The condition in 2 above shall apply not only to software on computers owned by the University and its Colleges but also to software on personal machines owned by individual University and College staff and students insofar as the software is being used for University or College purposes, including student course-work.

Procedures for managing software licences

4. Responsibility. Heads of institutions are responsible for ensuring that all software used within the institution and stored on computers for which the institution is responsible has been properly obtained and is being used within the terms of the software licence. The following paragraphs recommend the steps which need to be taken to ensure that any reasonable legal challenge can be met.

5. Appointment of a responsible officer. The Head of the institution should appoint a member of staff (the Software Licence Manager) to be formally responsible to the Head of the institution for software licence management and compliance.

6. Software licence inventory. The Software Licence Manager should maintain an inventory of software licences held by the institution. The following information should be recorded for each item of licensed software:

the name, platform, and version number of the software,

the number of copies purchased,

the date purchased and purchase order reference,

the location of the software licence (if a paper licence was issued),

the location (or IP address) of the system or systems on which the software is stored,

any restrictions on the licensed use of the software.

7. Software licence storage. As far as is practical, software licences should be stored in one place in the institution.

8. Software procurement. Institutional purchasing procedures should ensure that the software licence inventory is updated accordingly whenever licensed software is purchased. In a small Faculty or Department or other institution this might be accomplished by requiring all software purchases to be made by the Software Licence Manager. In a large Faculty, Department, or other institution, more flexible procedures may be necessary.

9. Disciplinary procedures. Use of licensed software without a licence or use of software outside the terms of the licence is illegal and must be treated as a disciplinary offence. The Head of the institution is responsible firstly for ensuring that corrective action is taken as soon as an offence comes to light and then for ensuring that appropriate disciplinary action is taken.

10. All users who obtain software from the Computing Service are required to sign a statement which says that they are fully aware of the University Software Policy and agree to uphold it.

Software obtained privately by individuals

11. Users of software for University or College purposes, including student course-work, which has been obtained privately from other sources must also comply with the terms of the agreement under which that software has been obtained. It is the responsibility of such users to ensure that the necessary authorizations for the software are readily available.

12. All users of University computers must comply with the conditions under which they are permitted access to the computers. Where the access conditions prohibit installation of privately obtained software, this condition must be strictly adhered to.

Local Examinations Syndicate


1. The Local Examinations Syndicate shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)a University officer appointed by the Council;
  3. (c)six members of the Regent House appointed by the Council;
  4. (d)six members appointed by the Council on the nomination of the Syndicate who shall include persons with experience and expertise in education, training, and business matters relevant to the work of the Syndicate;

Members in classes (c) and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment.

Chief Executive of the Syndicate.

2. There shall be the post of Chief Executive of the Syndicate. The Chief Executive shall act as Secretary of the Syndicate. The duties of the Chief Executive shall be determined by the Syndicate.


3. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Syndicate unless five members are present, of whom at least three are members in classes (a), (b), and (c).

Advisory Councils.

4. There shall be such number of Advisory Councils as the Council may from time to time approve on the advice of the Syndicate. The function of an Advisory Council shall be to advise and assist the Syndicate in their work. The membership of each Advisory Council shall consist of:

  1. (a)a Chairman who shall be the Chairman of the Syndicate or a deputy appointed by the Chairman;
  2. (b)three members of the Regent House appointed by the Syndicate from among the members of the Syndicate in class (c);
  3. (c)not more than four other members of the Regent House appointed by the Syndicate;
  4. (d)not more than twenty persons appointed by the Syndicate, who shall include persons with experience relevant to the work of the Advisory Council concerned.

Members in classes (b), (c), and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years from 1 January following their appointment.

5. If a member of an Advisory Council in class (b) ceases to be a member of the Syndicate he or she shall thereupon cease to be a member of the Advisory Council concerned.

6. The Secretary of the Syndicate or a deputy appointed by the Secretary shall act as Secretary of each Advisory Council established under Regulation 4.

7. There shall also be a University office of Principal Assistant Secretary. The office shall be suppressed when it next falls vacant. The duties of the office shall be determined by the Syndicate.

Appointments Committee.

8. Appointments and reappointments to the post of Chief Executive of the Syndicate shall be made by a Committee specially constituted on the occasion of each appointment or reappointment. Such a Committee shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor or a duly appointed deputy;
  2. (b)the Chairman of the Syndicate;
  3. (c)three persons appointed by the Council;
  4. (d)three persons appointed by the Syndicate;

The Registrary shall act as Secretary of the Committee.

9. The primary work of the Syndicate shall be the conduct and administration of examinations in schools and for persons who are not members of the University, including the fixing of fees, the issue of syllabuses, and the appointment and payment of Examiners.

10. Subject to the approval of the Council, the Syndicate shall be authorized to establish one or more companies registered under the Companies Acts with limited liability, either wholly-owned by the University or, if charitable, of which the University is the sole member, and to transfer part of its work to such company or companies. The Syndicate shall act on behalf of the University in relation to the affairs of such company or companies, except that those members of the board or governing body of each company whose appointment is the responsibility of the University shall be appointed by the Council on the nomination of the Syndicate.


11. Without prejudice to the generality of Regulation 9, the Local Examinations Syndicate shall be authorized to exercise in the name of the University in relation to the affairs of the Syndicate the following powers (being powers which for the avoidance of doubt it is desirable to mention expressly) namely:

  1. (a)to co-operate with the Department for Children, Schools and Families, associations of teachers, and other bodies in Great Britain in the provision of examinations, and to issue certificates to successful candidates;
  2. (b)to co-operate with educational authorities and other bodies overseas in the provision of examinations and to issue special certificates;
  3. (c)to make arrangements for the inspection of schools on application by the school authorities;
  4. (d)to conduct special scholarship and other examinations, primarily intended for persons who are not members of the University, such as examinations for Certificates of Proficiency in English and other modern languages, and to co-operate with other bodies for such purposes;
  5. (e)to administer under Ordinance or Grace or when requested by the Council such scholarship and prize funds as may be or have been established from benefactions to the University and to award any such scholarship or prize;
  6. (f)to make donations from time to time, subject to the approval of the Council, to the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust, the Cambridge Overseas Trust, and other trusts established by the University to raise funds for the support of students from overseas studying in the University;
  7. (g)to bring, defend, and conduct on behalf of the University any legal proceedings in connection with the affairs of the Syndicate, provided that before instituting such proceedings they shall notify the Vice-Chancellor of their intention so to do; and they shall also notify the Vice-Chancellor, as soon as circumstances permit, of any legal proceedings threatened or brought against the University in connection with the affairs of the Syndicate;
  8. (h)in the name of the University to engage persons for employment in the service of the Syndicate, to determine their salaries and pensions, and to prescribe the conditions of their service, provided that the scheme for the structure of salaries, for pension arrangements, and for conditions of service of staff shall be subject to the general approval of the Council;
  9. (i)to do anything, subject to the provisions of Ordinances, which is calculated to facilitate, or is conducive to or incidental to, the discharge of any of their functions prescribed by these regulations.
Annual Report.

12. The Syndicate shall make an Annual Report to the Council to which shall be appended the audited Annual Accounts of the Syndicate.

13. In any year in which the audited accounts show a sufficient balance the Syndicate shall pay over to the University Chest such a proportion of the balance as shall be agreed upon between the Syndicate and the Council.

Press Syndicate


1. The Press Syndicate shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)a University officer appointed by the Council;
  3. (c)sixteen members of the Senate appointed by the Council in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment.

The Press Syndicate shall appoint a Secretary of the Press Syndicate who shall be the Chief Executive of the University Press.


2. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Press Syndicate unless five members at least are present.


3. Without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by Statute on the Press Syndicate for the management of the affairs of the University Press, the Press Syndicate shall be authorized in the name of the University to exercise in relation to the affairs of the University Press the following powers (being powers which for the avoidance of doubt it is desirable to mention expressly) namely:

  1. (a)to engage such persons for employment in the service of the University Press as they in their sole discretion shall from time to time decide, and to determine their salaries and conditions of their service, including notice of termination of employment and retiring age;
  2. (b)to bring, defend, and conduct on behalf of the University any legal proceedings in connection with the affairs of the University Press, provided that before instituting such proceedings they shall notify the Vice-Chancellor of their intention so to do; and they shall also notify the Vice-Chancellor, as soon as circumstances permit, of any legal proceedings threatened or brought against the University in connection with the affairs of the University Press;
  3. (c)to acquire for the purposes of the University Press any property real or personal and whether in the United Kingdom or elsewhere or any estate or interest therein; and to dispose in any manner of any such property, being property of the University Press; but subject always to the provisions of Regulations 1 and 11 of the general regulations for University property (sites and buildings), and, as regards land in the United Kingdom, to any restrictions for the time being imposed by law on the acquisition or disposal of land by the University;5
  4. (d)to establish and maintain branches of the University Press in any part of the world and if they think fit to cause companies or other bodies approved by them to be incorporated for the holding or management of any such branches;
  5. (e)to establish reserve funds when in their opinion such funds are necessary to make provision for the future continuance of the University Press or for its prospective liabilities;
  6. (f)to cause the Press Seal to be affixed to any document in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 6 of these regulations;
  7. (g)to delegate any of their powers to a committee of the Press Syndicate or, except in the case of their power under sub-paragraph (f) of this regulation, to any officer of the University Press.
Property of the University Press.

4. All property of the University Press the title of which is capable of registration shall be registered in the name of the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Cambridge, or of nominees approved by the Finance Committee of the Council.

Financial year.

5. The financial year of the University Press shall end on 30 April.

6. The Press Syndicate shall prepare, and shall publish an abstract of, the annual accounts of the University Press.

Press Seal.

7. The Press Syndicate shall provide for the safe custody of the Press Seal, which shall be used only by the authority of the Press Syndicate or of a committee of the Press Syndicate authorized by the Press Syndicate in that behalf, and every instrument to which the Press Seal shall be affixed shall be signed by a member of the Press Syndicate and countersigned by the Secretary of the Press Syndicate or by some other employee of the University Press who has been designated by the Press Syndicate for that purpose.

Select Preachers Syndicate


1. There shall be a Select Preachers Syndicate consisting of the Vice-Chancellor, the Regius, the Lady Margaret's, and the Norris-Hulse Professors of Divinity, the Vicar of Great St Mary's Church, the two Proctors, and four members of the Senate appointed by the Council in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. The Syndicate shall make such reports to the Council as the Council may require.

Powers and duties.

2. The Syndicate shall exercise the power of the University under Statute B, V, 1 to appoint the days during Full Term on which sermons shall be preached in the University Church. The Syndicate shall in every year not later than the end of the Lent Term publish the days that they have appointed for sermons (including the Hulsean Sermon) to be preached in the University Church during the following year. They shall at the same time submit to the Vice-Chancellor the names of the persons whom they recommend for appointment as Lady Margaret's Preacher and as preacher of the Ramsden Sermon, together with a list of persons (other than the Hulsean Preacher) to be invited to accept appointment as Select Preachers for the remaining days which they have appointed. The allocation of days to the several preachers shall be made by the Vice-Chancellor. If any preacher be prevented from preaching on the day assigned, the Syndicate shall submit to the Vice-Chancellor an alternative name.

Other sermons.

3. In addition to the Select Preachers who have been appointed in any year under Regulation 2, the Vice-Chancellor may on the recommendation of the Select Preachers Syndicate appoint a person or persons to preach in the University Church on another day or other days in that year.

Select Preacher's fee.

4. For every sermon the Select Preacher shall be paid a fee at a rate to be determined from time to time by the Council, on the recommendation of the Select Preachers Syndicate. A non-resident Select Preacher shall be entitled to receive, in addition to the fee, the return railway fare between Cambridge and his or her normal place of residence or other place approved by the Finance Committee of the Council, together with a subsistence allowance in accordance with rates to be determined from time to time by the Finance Committee.

5. The Select Preachers Syndicate, in drawing up the list of preachers before the University, may use such liberty in the choice of preachers as is exercised by Diocesan Bishops in accordance with resolutions of the Convocations of the Church of England.

Senate-House Syndicate


1. The Senate-House Syndicate shall consist of the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman, the Registrary, the Esquire Bedells, the Proctors, the two Pro-Proctors who are nominated by the Colleges, and eight members of the Senate appointed by the Council in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment.

Duties and powers.

2. The Syndicate shall be responsible for the management and regulation of public ceremonials taking place in the Senate-House. They shall be empowered to make arrangements for admission to the Senate-House, for its proper preparation on occasions of public ceremonial, for issuing tickets when they think proper, for providing and assigning seats, and for assisting the University officers in the maintenance of order. The Syndicate shall have full control of the Senate-House Yard on occasions of public ceremonial in the Senate-House.

3. The Syndicate shall make such reports to the Council as the Council may require.

Societies Syndicate


1. The Societies Syndicate shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a deputy), who shall be the Chairman;
  2. (b)the Junior Proctor (or a deputy);
  3. (c)the Chairman of the Committee of Senior Treasurers of College Amalgamated Clubs;
  4. (d)two members of the Regent House appointed by the Council, of whom at least one shall be a Bursar or a Senior Tutor;
  5. (e)three members of the University in statu pupillari appointed by the Technical Committee of the Syndicate from among the members of that Committee, provided that, when the Committee has among its members one or more graduate students, one member should be a graduate student;
  6. (f)two members of the University in statu pupillari appointed by the College delegates who serve on the Cambridge University Students Union Council;
  7. (g)the Cambridge University Students Union Services Officer and the Graduate Union President, ex officio.

2. Members in class (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in classes (e), (f), and (g) shall be appointed for one year from 1 October.


3. It shall be the duty of the Syndics:

  1. (a)to meet at least once in each academical year;
  2. (b)to manage any funds that may be made available to them, and to keep the accounts thereof;
  3. (c)to consider applications for financial assistance from societies, and to make grants to those societies which in their opinion are most deserving of such assistance; provided that if, in the opinion of the Registrary, an application has serious legal or financial implications for the University, no grant shall be made in respect of that application without the concurrence of the Council;
  4. (d)to give particular consideration to applications from societies judged by Faculty Boards to have special educational merits;
  5. (e)to report annually to the Council in the Michaelmas Term on the financial assistance provided to societies during the previous academical year.

4. The Syndics shall have power:

  1. (a)to require every society which applies for financial assistance:
  2. (i)to demonstrate that membership of the society is open in principle and in practice to all resident members of the University, irrespective of political, religious, or social considerations;
  3. (ii)to submit to the Syndics, in a form approved by them, a copy of its accounts, correctly audited, and countersigned by its Senior Treasurer;
  4. (iii)to state the use which it intends to make of a grant or loan, and to report within an agreed period of time on the use made of each grant or loan;
  5. (iv)to present evidence that it is not able to improve its immediate financial condition by raising membership fees, by improving management, by eliminating wasteful expenditure, or by recruiting more effectively;
  6. (b)to delegate to the Technical Committee constituted in accordance with Regulation 5 any part of their duties and powers that they may think fit.

Technical Committee


5. There shall be a Technical Committee of the Societies Syndicate which shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Junior Proctor (or a deputy), who shall be Chairman;
  2. (b)twelve members of the University in statu pupillari, one appointed by each of twelve societies nominated annually by the Syndics;
  3. (c)the members of the Societies Syndicate appointed in class (f);
  4. (d)the Cambridge University Students Union Services Officer and the Graduate Union President, ex officio.

Members in classes (b) and (d) shall be appointed in the Easter Term to serve for one year from 1 October following their appointment.


6. It shall be the duty of the Technical Committee:

  1. (a)to meet at least once in each term;
  2. (b)to consider applications for financial assistance from societies, and to make grants to societies not exceeding an amount to be determined by the Syndics; provided that if, in the opinion of the Registrary, an application has serious legal or financial implications for the University, no grant shall be made in respect of that application without the concurrence of the Council;
  3. (c)to submit annually to the Syndics an audited copy of any accounts which the Syndics may require the Committee to keep.

Sports Syndicate


1. The Sports Syndicate shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor or a duly appointed deputy as Chairman;
  2. (b)five members of the Senate appointed by the Council;
  3. (c)one member of the Finance Committee of the Council, appointed by the Council on the nomination of the Committee;
  4. (d)the Chairman of the Committee of Senior Treasurers of College Amalgamated Clubs or a representative appointed by the Chairman;
  5. (e)the Director of Physical Education;
  6. (f)two Senior Treasurers of University sports clubs co-opted by the Syndicate;
  7. (g)not more than two other persons co-opted by the Syndicate;
  8. (h)one person in statu pupillari appointed by a special meeting of delegates of the Colleges, each College deciding for itself how its delegate shall be appointed;
  9. (i)six persons in statu pupillari, four appointed by the Blues Committee and two appointed by the Women's Blues Committee.

2. Members in classes (b) and (c) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January next following their appointment. Co-opted members shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the following year as the Syndicate shall determine at the time of their co-optation. Members in classes (h) and (i) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for the remainder of the current academical year.


3. There shall be at least one meeting of the Syndicate in each academical year.

4. The Director of Physical Education shall serve as Secretary of the Syndicate.

5. The Syndicate shall advise the Council and the University about policy, facilities, and arrangements for sport in the University. The Syndicate shall seek to ensure that the University's needs in the field of sport are properly provided for by the University sports clubs; for that purpose the Syndicate shall exercise general control and supervision over the clubs which have been approved by them and which appear in the list maintained under Regulation 7(c) of these regulations.

Management of facilities for sport.

6. The Syndicate shall have general responsibility for the management of the Physical Education Centre, Fenner's cricket and tennis grounds, the Wilberforce Road sports ground, and such other University premises, facilities, and services for sport and physical recreation as the Council shall from time to time assign to the Syndicate. The Syndicate shall make rules for these premises, facilities, and services, shall make such arrangements for their day-to-day running as they consider appropriate, shall appoint a Fenner's Committee and such other committees or sub-syndicates as they consider necessary for effective management, shall exercise general supervision over the work of the staff assigned to the Syndicate, shall advise the Council on the number of staff required, and shall prepare annual estimates for submission to the Council.


7. The Syndicate shall have power:

  1. (a)to inspect the accounts of the Central Athletics Committee;
  2. (b)to approve the object, constitution, and rules of the University sports clubs;
  3. (c)to maintain a list of approved University sports clubs and to add to that list any sports clubs which in the opinion of the Syndicate are providing for the University's needs in the field of sport, and to remove from it any clubs which in their opinion are failing to do so;
  4. (d)to invite representations, whether by attendance at its meetings or otherwise, from the officers of any sports club when an item of business before the Syndicate affects the interests of the particular club.

8. The Syndicate shall make an Annual Report to the Council and such other reports as the Council may require.

9. The provisions of Statute K, 20 concerning reserved business shall apply to the Syndicate as if it were a body constituted by Statute.

10. There shall be the University offices of Director of Physical Education and Assistant Director of Physical Education and such number of University offices of Physical Education Officer as the Council shall from time to time determine.

11. Under the general control of the Syndicate, the Director of Physical Education shall be the professional and administrative head of the premises, facilities, and services specified in Regulation 6 and, subject to the powers of the Syndicate and of the Fenner's Committee, shall be responsible for their day-to-day management.

12. Appointments and reappointments to the University office of Director of Physical Education, to the University office of Assistant Director of Physical Education, and to a University office of Physical Education Officer shall be made by an Appointments Committee of which the Registrary, or a deputy appointed by the Registrary, shall act as Secretary and which shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) who shall be Chairman;
  2. (b)the Chairman of the Sports Syndicate;
  3. (c)two members of the Regent House appointed by the Council;
  4. (d)two members of the Regent House appointed by the Sports Syndicate;
  5. (e)the Director of Physical Education, when an appointment or reappointment is to be made to the office of Assistant Director of Physical Education or to an office of Physical Education Officer.

Members in classes (c) and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years from 1 January following their appointment.

13. Every appointment or reappointment to a University office by the Committee shall be made with the concurrence of the votes (which shall be given in person at a meeting) of not fewer than four members of the Committee. Statute D, XVII, 5 shall apply to the Committee as if it were an Appointments Committee for a Faculty.

Fenner's Committee.

14. There shall be a Fenner's Committee, which shall be responsible to the Sports Syndicate. The Committee shall consist of:

  1. (a)one member of the Sports Syndicate, appointed by the Syndicate, who shall be Chairman of the Committee;
  2. (b)three members of the Senate, appointed by the Sports Syndicate, one on the nomination of each of the following bodies: the Cambridge University Cricket Club, the Cambridge University Lawn Tennis Club, the Cambridge University Cricket and Athletics Club Ltd;
  3. (c)the Director of Physical Education.

Members in classes (a) and (b) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January next following their appointment. The Director of Physical Education shall act as Secretary of the Committee.

15. The Committee shall have the following duties in relation to Fenner's cricket and tennis grounds:

  1. (a)to make recommendations to the Sports Syndicate for the management of the grounds;
  2. (b)to exercise general oversight over the administration and maintenance of the grounds and the work of the staff;
  3. (c)to administer such funds as may be made available to them;
  4. (d)to prepare annual estimates for submission to the Sports Syndicate;
  5. (e)to make an Annual Report to the Sports Syndicate.

University Theatre Syndicate


1. There shall be a University Theatre Syndicate which shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)two Trustees of the Amateur Dramatic Club, appointed by the Council;
  3. (c)one member of the Senate, appointed by the Council;
  4. (d)one member of the Finance Committee of the Council, appointed by the Council on the nomination of the Committee;
  5. (e)one person appointed by the Societies Syndicate;
  6. (f)one person appointed by the Faculty Board of English;
  7. (g)the President and the Senior Treasurer, for the time being, of the Amateur Dramatic Club;
  8. (h)one member of the Amateur Dramatic Club, appointed by the Committee of the Club, who shall be a technician working in the ADC Theatre;
  9. (i)one member of the Technical Committee of the Societies Syndicate appointed by that Syndicate;
  10. (j)one person appointed by the Cambridge Arts Theatre Trust;
  11. (k)the Chairman of the Executive Committee, ex officio;
  12. (l)not more than two persons, who may include persons in statu pupillari, co-opted by the Syndicate; one of these persons shall be chosen specifically to represent the interests of music and opera.

Members in classes (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (j) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in classes (h) and (i) shall be appointed to serve for the remainder of the academical year in which they are appointed. Co-opted members shall serve for the remainder of the academical year in which they are co-opted. The Secretary shall be appointed by the Registrary.


2. It shall be the main purpose of the University Theatre Syndicate to endeavour to ensure that the ADC Theatre is available for use and enjoyment as a University theatre, primarily for the production by University and College societies of plays, operas, and concerts, and the showing of films. Subject to any directions made by the Council or the Finance Committee, it shall be the duty of the Syndicate, in consultation with the Societies Syndicate, to determine the general policy of the ADC Theatre, particularly its administration and finance. The Syndicate shall keep under review the other theatrical facilities available in Cambridge, and shall take account of them in determining that policy each year. The Syndicate shall report annually to the Council in the Michaelmas Term on the affairs of the ADC Theatre, and shall in particular report the productions that have taken place there and indicate those produced by University and College societies.

Executive Committee.

3. There shall be an Executive Committee for the ADC Theatre which shall consist of:

  1. (a)a member of the Regent House as Chairman, appointed by the Council on the nomination of the Finance Committee;
  2. (b)a University officer appointed by the Council;
  3. (c)the members of the University Theatre Syndicate in classes (c), (g), and (h).

The Chairman shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following his or her appointment. The Secretary shall be appointed by the Registrary.


4. Subject to any directions made by the Council or the Finance Committee, it shall be the duty of the Executive Committee:

  1. (a)to meet at least three times each term;
  2. (b)to administer the ADC Theatre, and to make and publish rules and procedures for its use;
  3. (c)to determine for each user the period for which the facilities of the Theatre shall be available, and to fix the contract terms applicable to each user;
  4. (d)to establish and keep under review the financial procedures for the Theatre, to prepare and approve annual estimates of receipts and expenditure, to administer the Theatre's funds, and to receive at each meeting a report of its receipts and attendance;
  5. (e)to authorize the appointment of staff, other than the Manager, and to supervise their work;
  6. (f)to report termly to the Registrary the productions that have taken place in the Theatre, with their financial results, and to report annually to the Finance Committee on the overall financial performance of the Theatre.

5. Appointments and reappointments to the University office of Manager of the ADC Theatre shall be made by the Council on the recommendation of the University Theatre Syndicate. The stipend of the holder of the office shall be determined by the Council on the advice of the Finance Committee. The duties of the office shall be determined by the University Theatre Syndicate.

Council for Lifelong Learning

Amended by Graces 4 of 14 January and 3 of 3 June 2009


1. The Council for Lifelong Learning shall consist of:

  1. (a)one member of the Regent House appointed by the Council, after consultation with the General Board, as Chairman;
  2. (b)one person appointed by the Council, one person appointed by the General Board, and one person appointed by the Board of Graduate Studies;
  3. (c)one person each appointed by the Councils of the Schools of Arts and Humanities, the Biological Sciences, Clinical Medicine, the Humanities and Social Sciences, the Physical Sciences, and Technology, and one person each appointed by the Faculty Boards of Business and Management, Education, and Veterinary Medicine;
  4. (d)the Director of Continuing Education;
  5. (e)one member appointed by the Strategic Committee of the Institute of Continuing Education and one member appointed by the Management Board of the Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership;
  6. (f)not more than four persons co-opted by the Council for Lifelong Learning.

2. Members of the Council for Lifelong Learning, other than ex officio members, shall be appointed to serve for two years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in class (f) shall be co-opted in the Michaelmas Term to serve for one year from 1 January following their co-optation.


3. The Council for Lifelong Learning shall have the right of reporting to the University. It shall discharge such functions as shall be delegated to it by the Council and the General Board, and as are placed on it by Statute or Ordinance. The Council for Lifelong Learning shall be responsible for advising the Council and the General Board about the future development of continuing education and lifelong learning in the University, whether conducted in Faculties and Departments, or otherwise. The Council for Lifelong Learning shall exercise such functions of quality assurance or general supervision in respect of continuing education and lifelong learning conducted by University institutions as shall be delegated to it from time to time by the General Board.

Annual Report.

4. The Council for Lifelong Learning shall make an Annual Report to the Council and the General Board.


5. The Registrary shall designate a University officer to act as Secretary of the Council for Lifelong Learning.

Undergraduate Admissions Committee


1. There shall be an Undergraduate Admissions Committee which shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Pro-Vice-Chancellor with special responsibility for educational matters;
  2. (b)the Secretary or an Associate Secretary of the Senior Tutors’ Committee;
  3. (c)the intercollegiate Director of Admissions;
  4. (d)three persons appointed by the Senior Tutors’ Committee;
  5. (e)one person appointed by the Admissions Forum;
  6. (f)one person appointed by the Bursars’ Committee;
  7. (g)four members of the Regent House, being three representatives of the Councils of the Schools, appointed by the Council on the nomination of the General Board and one further member appointed by the Council on its own nomination;
  8. (h)the Access Officer of Cambridge University Students Union;
  9. (i)not more than three persons co-opted by the Committee, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Committee to co-opt any person or persons.

2. The members of the Committee other than those in classes (a), (b), (c), (h), and (i) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for three years from the date of their appointment. Members in class (i) shall serve until the end of the calendar year in which they are co-opted.

3. Members in classes (a) and (b) shall jointly chair the Committee.


4. It shall be the duty of the Committee:

  1. (a)to keep under review undergraduate admissions policy and practice, including matters related to widening access and participation and the funds associated with such activities, and to student numbers, and to make recommendations accordingly to the appropriate University or intercollegiate bodies;
  2. (b)to promote fairness and consistency in the Colleges’ admissions policies.
Management Group.

5. The Committee shall establish a Management Group, not necessarily consisting wholly of members of the Committee, for the Cambridge Admissions Office.


6. The Committee shall have no authority in the consideration of, or decision on, the applications of individual candidates for admission, and they shall so discharge their duties as in no way to diminish the freedom or the responsibility of the Colleges in the admission of members of the University in statu pupillari.

Reserved business.

7. The provision of Statute K, 20 concerning reserved business shall apply to the Committee as if it were a body constituted by Statute.

Joint Committee on Development


1. The Joint Committee on Development shall be a joint Committee of the Council and the Colleges and shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor who shall be Chairman;
  2. (b)a member of the Council;
  3. (c)three members of the Regent House appointed by the Council, on the nomination of the General Board, who shall normally be persons having experience of fund-raising at the University level;
  4. (d)two Heads of House appointed by the Colleges’ Standing Committee, one of whom shall be Deputy Chairman of the Joint Committee;
  5. (e)four persons appointed by the Colleges’ Standing Committee having regard to their experience of fund-raising for the Colleges;
  6. (f)the Director of Development and Alumni Relations;
  7. (g)the Executive Director of Cambridge in America.

Members in classes (b) to (e) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for three years from 1 January next following their appointment. The Registrary, the Academic Secretary, and the Director of the Finance Division of the University Offices shall have the right to attend meetings of the Committee.


2. The Registrary shall designate a University officer to act as Secretary to the Joint Committee.


3. The duties of the Joint Committee shall be:

  1. (a)to keep under review the overall strategy for and performance of fund-raising on behalf of the University and the Colleges;
  2. (b)to facilitate effective collaboration between the University and the Colleges;
  3. (c)to review and to recommend for approval the budget and work plan for collaborative activity in fund-raising undertaken through the office of Cambridge in America in the USA and any such similar bodies that may be established in future on a jointly funded basis elsewhere in the world.

Development Studies Committee

Amended by Grace 2 of 22 October 2008


1. The Development Studies Committee shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Chairman of the Faculty Board of Economics;
  2. (b)the Head of the Department of Social Anthropology;
  3. (c)the Head of the Department of Land Economy;
  4. (d)one person appointed by each of the Faculty Boards of Archaeology and Anthropology, Economics, and Politics, Psychology, Sociology, and International Studies;
  5. (e)one person appointed by the Board of Land Economy;
  6. (f)two persons appointed by the General Board;
  7. (g)the Assistant Directors of Development Studies;
  8. (h)not more than three persons co-opted by the Committee.

2. Members in classes (d)–(f) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in class (h) shall serve until 31 December of the year next following the year in which they are co-opted.

Chairman and Secretary.

3. The Committee shall elect a Chairman, who shall be a member of the Committee in a class other than class (g), and a Secretary, each of whom shall serve for such period not exceeding two years as the Committee shall determine at the time of the election. The Committee may, subject to the approval of the General Board, pay a salary to their Secretary.


4. Seven members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.

Duties of the Committee.

5. Subject to the powers of the Council, the General Board, and the Faculty Boards and other authorities concerned, it shall be the duty of the Committee:

  1. (a)in consultation with the Faculty Boards and other authorities concerned, to promote study and research in Development Studies in the University;
  2. (b)to co-ordinate teaching for the M.Phil. Degree (one-year course) in Development Studies;
  3. (c)to undertake such duties in connection with the admission, instruction, and examination of candidates for the M.Phil. Degree (one-year course) in Development Studies as may be assigned to them by the Board of Land Economy and the Degree Committee for the Department of Land Economy;
  4. (d)to perform such other duties as may be assigned to them from time to time by the General Board.

6. The Committee shall prepare annual estimates for submission to the General Board.

Health and Safety Executive Committee


1. The Health and Safety Executive Committee shall be a committee jointly of the Council and the General Board and shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)three members of the Regent House appointed by the Council on the recommendation of the General Board of whom one shall be from an institution within the Schools of Arts and Humanities or the Humanities and Social Sciences and one from an institution within the Schools of the Biological Sciences, Clinical Medicine, Physical Sciences, or Technology;
  3. (c)the Chairman of the Consultative Committee for Safety;
  4. (d)not more than two persons co-opted by the Committee, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Committee to co-opt any person or persons.

2. Members in class (b) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January next following their appointment. Co-opted members shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the following year, as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation. The Director of Health and Safety, the Director of Human Resources, and the Director of the Estate Management and Building Service shall have the right to attend meetings of the Committee. The Secretary of the Committee shall be appointed by the Registrary.

Duties of the Committee.

3. The Committee shall:

  1. (a)ensure the necessary management actions are taken to give effect to University health and safety policy;
  2. (b)review the effectiveness of the University health and safety policy at intervals agreed by the Committee, but not exceeding two years;
  3. (c)review University strategy on health and safety at intervals not exceeding two years;
  4. (d)ensure that information about decisions on health and safety is communicated from the Committee to staff of the University;
  5. (e)receive annual reports on health and safety;
  6. (f)receive regular summary reports from the Consultative Committee for Safety and the Occupational Health Committee, and receive information from other sources where appropriate to health and safety;
  7. (g)oversee and, where appropriate, approve the development of University health and safety policy.
Annual Report.

4. The Committee shall make an Annual Report to the Council and the General Board.

5. The Committee shall meet at least once in each term.

Kettle's Yard Committee


1. The Kettle's Yard Committee shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)five members of the Senate appointed by the Council in the Michaelmas Term to serve for five years from 1 January following their appointment, two being nominated by the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate and one by the Finance Committee of the Council;
  3. (c)the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum (or a deputy);
  4. (d)the Chairman of the Music Sub-committee;
  5. (e)one member of the University in statu pupillari appointed by the Council to serve for the academical year following that in which the appointment is made;
  6. (f)not more than four persons co-opted by the Committee to serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the following year, as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation.

2. The Secretary of the Committee shall be appointed by the Registrary.


3. Seven members of the Committee shall form a quorum, except when the Committee meets outside Full Term, when five members of the Committee shall form a quorum.

Music Sub-committee.

4. There shall be a Music Sub-committee, responsible to the Kettle's Yard Committee. The Sub-committee shall consist of:

  1. (a)a Chairman who shall be appointed by the Kettle's Yard Committee;
  2. (b)one person appointed by the Eastern Arts Association;
  3. (c)one member of the University in statu pupillari appointed by the Kettle's Yard Committee to serve for the academical year following that in which the appointment is made;
  4. (d)not more than three persons co-opted by the Sub-committee in the Michaelmas Term to serve for two years from 1 January following their appointment.
Secretary of the Sub-committee.

5. The Secretary of the Kettle's Yard Committee shall act as secretary of the Music Sub-committee. There shall be a Music Secretary who may be paid an honorarium, the amount of which shall be approved by the Kettle's Yard Committee.

Honorary Curator.

6. An Honorary Curator of the Collection may be appointed by the members of the Kettle's Yard Committee in classes (a)–(d) and (f).

7. There shall be a University office of Director of Kettle's Yard and such number of University offices of Assistant to the Director as shall be determined from time to time by the Council on the recommendation of the Kettle's Yard Committee.

Appointments Committee.

8. Appointments and reappointments to the offices of Director and Assistant to the Director shall be made by an Appointments Committee consisting of:

  1. (a)the Chairman of the Kettle's Yard Committee as Chairman;
  2. (b)the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum;
  3. (c)two members appointed by the Council;
  4. (d)four members appointed by the Kettle's Yard Committee.

Members in classes (c) and (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term of each year of which the number is even, to serve for the two calendar years next ensuing.

9. The duties of the Director and the Assistants to the Director shall be determined by the Kettle's Yard Committee, subject to the approval of the Council.

Purpose and duties of the Committee.

10. It shall be the main purpose of the Committee to ensure that the Kettle's Yard Collection is available not only to members of the University, especially those in statu pupillari, but also to the public, in such ways as to develop and improve the knowledge, understanding, enjoyment, and practice of the visual arts and to increase their general accessibility.

In particular the Committee shall have the following duties:

  1. (a)to supervise the maintenance and security of the Collection of paintings, bronzes, and other works of art at Kettle's Yard; to make such rules for admission to the Collection or for the loan of items from the Collection as may appear to them to be desirable; to arrange the programme of exhibitions to be held in the Exhibitions Gallery; and to make arrangements as they may from time to time think fit for holding meetings and other assemblies at Kettle's Yard;
  2. (b)to administer the Kettle's Yard Fund and the Exhibitions Account;
  3. (c)to decide whether to accept, decline, or refer to the Council for decision, gifts, bequests, or objects offered for purchase, for the benefit of the Collection;
  4. (d)to report to the Council at any time on questions on which they think the Council ought to be consulted;
  5. (e)to report to the Council annually in the Michaelmas Term on the condition of the Collection and the state of the buildings, and on the exhibitions, concerts, and other events held during the preceding academical year;
  6. (f)to consult with the Fitzwilliam Museum Syndicate from time to time regarding matters of mutual concern;
  7. (g)to decide on the sale of any of the items in the Collection without impairing the general nature of the Collection, using the proceeds of any such sale for the benefit of the Collection.
Reserved business.

11. The provisions of Statute K, 20 concerning reserved business shall apply to the Kettle's Yard Committee and the Music Sub-committee as if these bodies were bodies constituted by Statute.

Medical Education Committee


1. The Medical Education Committee shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Regius Professor of Physic as Chairman;
  2. (b)the Director of Medical and Veterinary Education in the Faculty of Biology;
  3. (c)the Director of Medical Education in the Faculty of Clinical Medicine;
  4. (d)the Chairman of the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences;
  5. (e)the Chairman of the Faculty Board of Biology;
  6. (f)two persons appointed by the Senior Tutors’ Committee;
  7. (g)one person appointed by the Faculty Board of Biology from among the members of that Board in class (f);
  8. (h)one person appointed by the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine;
  9. (i)one person appointed by the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine from among the members of that Board in class (f);
  10. (j)one person appointed by the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine who shall be a Pre-Registration House Officer.

2. Members in class (f) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in classes (g) and (i) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term and the Lent Term respectively, and shall serve until they cease to be members of the Faculty Board by which they are appointed. The member in class (j) shall be appointed in the Lent Term, and shall serve for one year from the date of his or her appointment.


3. The Secretary of the Committee shall be appointed by the Secretary General of the Faculties.


4. It shall be the duty of the Committee to keep under review the provision of medical education in the University, with a view to ensuring consistency of standards in different subjects, the integration of core elements of the medical curriculum, and the introduction of appropriate innovations in the curriculum. The Committee shall advise the Faculty Boards of Biology and Clinical Medicine on the following matters:

  1. (a)matters relating to the education of medical students, including admissions policies, student statistics, and examination results;
  2. (b)matters relating to resources needed for the provision of medical education;
  3. (c)proposals for changes in the medical curriculum and in the relevant examinations.

5. The Committee shall meet at least once each term. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Committee unless at least five members are present.


6. The Committee shall make such reports to the General Board as the Board may require.

Reserved business.

7. The provisions of Statute K, 20 concerning reserved business shall apply to the Medical Education Committee as if it were a body constituted by Statute.

Military Education Committee


1. There shall be a Military Education Committee which shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)four members of the Senate appointed by the Council;
  3. (c)two members of the Senate appointed by the Senior Tutors’ Committee;
  4. (d)one person appointed by the Ministry of Defence (Navy), one by the Ministry of Defence (Army), and one by the Ministry of Defence (Air Force);
  5. (e)the Commanding Officer for the time being or, in the Commanding Officer's absence, the Adjutant, of the Officers Training Corps;
  6. (f)the Commanding Officer for the time being or, in the Commanding Officer's absence, the Adjutant, of the Air Squadron;
  7. (g)the Commanding Officer for the time being or, in the Commanding Officer's absence, the Coxswain, of the Royal Naval Unit;
  8. (h)the Secretary of the Careers Service Syndicate or a deputy, who shall be a member of the staff of the Careers Service Syndicate, appointed by the Secretary;
  9. (i)two persons appointed by the University of East Anglia, one by Anglia Ruskin University, and one by the University of Essex;
  10. (j)not more than two persons co-opted by the Committee, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Committee to co-opt any person or persons.

2. Members in classes (b) and (c) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Co-opted members shall serve until the end of the calendar year following that in which they are co-opted.


3. The Secretary of the Committee shall be appointed by the Registrary.


4. It shall be the duty of the Committee:

  1. (a)to encourage co-operation and to act as a link between the University and the staffs of the Officers Training Corps, the Air Squadron, and the Royal Naval Unit;
  2. (b)to correspond from time to time with the Ministry of Defence (Navy, Army, and Air Force), and the authorities at other universities on Service matters.

5. The Committee shall make such reports to the Council as the Council may require.

No cost to University.

6. The University shall incur no financial responsibility for the maintenance of the Officers Training Corps, the Air Squadron, or the Royal Naval Unit.

Committee of Management for the Natural Sciences Tripos

1. There shall be a Committee of Management for the Natural Sciences Tripos, which shall be responsible, in consultation with the Faculty Boards and other authorities concerned, for co-ordinating the administration of the Natural Sciences Tripos.


2. The Committee of Management shall consist of:

  1. (a)two persons appointed by the General Board, one on the nomination of the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences, and one on the nomination of the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences;
  2. (b)eleven persons appointed by the General Board, four on the nomination of the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences in consultation with the Faculty Boards of Earth Sciences and Geography, Mathematics, and Physics and Chemistry, four on the nomination of the Faculty Board of Biology, one on the nomination of the Board of History and Philosophy of Science, one on the nomination of the Faculty Board of Computer Science and Technology, and one on the nomination of the Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology Syndicate;
  3. (c)the Chairmen of Examiners for the Natural Sciences Tripos for the current academical year;
  4. (d)two members of the University in statu pupillari appointed by the Committee of Management from among those students who are candidates for any Part of the Natural Sciences Tripos;
  5. (e)not more than three persons co-opted by the Committee, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Committee to co-opt any person or persons.

3. Members in classes (a) and (b) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for three years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in class (d) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for one year from 1 January following their appointment. Members in class (e) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the year next following, as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation.


4. The Committee shall elect a Chairman, who shall be a member of the Committee in class (a) or (b). The Secretary of the Committee shall be a University officer designated by the General Board.


5. The Committee shall meet at least once in each term.


6. Eight members of the Committee shall form a quorum.


7. The duties of the Committee of Management for the Natural Sciences Tripos shall be:

  1. (a)to keep under review all student-related administration for the several Parts of the Tripos;
  2. (b)to supervise policies and guidance relating to examinations for the Tripos, and to provide relevant information to the Examiners for the several Parts of the Tripos;
  3. (c)to obtain reports from the Examiners for the several Parts of the Tripos, and to ensure that Chairmen of Faculty Boards and Heads of Departments are informed, as may be appropriate, about matters arising from such reports;
  4. (d)to keep under review the regulations for the several Parts of the Tripos and, in consultation with the Faculty Boards and other authorities concerned, what amendments of the regulations for the Tripos are desirable, and to report to the General Board or the University, as appropriate, concerning proposals for such amendments;
  5. (e)to make, after consulting the Faculty Boards and other authorities concerned, supplementary regulations for the Tripos;
  6. (f)subject to any powers which the General Board may wish to exercise under Statute C, I, 1(d), to determine, after consulting the authorities concerned, the time-table of teaching for the Natural Sciences Tripos;
  7. (g)to exercise with respect to any Preliminary Examination pertaining to the Natural Sciences Tripos, except so far as regards the nomination of Examiners, the powers and duties assigned to Faculty Boards by the regulations for Preliminary Examinations;
  8. (h)to disseminate information about the Tripos within the University and to promote awareness and understanding of the Tripos in schools and other institutions outside the University;
  9. (i)to consider matters referred to the Committee by the General Board, the Councils of the Schools, and the Faculty Boards and other authorities concerned;
  10. (j)to make an Annual Report to the General Board, the Councils of the Schools and the Faculty Boards, and other authorities concerned with the Natural Sciences Tripos.
Reserved business.

8. The provisions of Statute K, 20 concerning reserved business shall apply to the Committee of Management as if it were a body constituted by Statute.

Temporary Regulations

9. Of the members in class (a) appointed in the Michaelmas Term 2008 the General Board shall appoint one person to serve for one year and one person to serve for three years from 1 January 2009.

10. Of the members in class (b) appointed in the Michaelmas Term 2008 the General Board shall appoint three persons to serve for one year, four persons to serve for two years, and four persons to serve for three years from 1 January 2009.

Cambridge Committee for Russian and East European Studies

Amended by Grace 2 of 22 October 2008


1. The Cambridge Committee for Russian and East European Studies shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Head of the Department of Slavonic Studies;
  2. (b)two persons appointed by the General Board, one on the nomination of the Head of the Department of Slavonic Studies;
  3. (c)eight members of the Regent House, one appointed by each of the Faculty Boards of Archaeology and Anthropology, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Earth Sciences and Geography, Economics, History, Modern and Medieval Languages, and Politics, Psychology, Sociology, and International Studies, and one by the Library Syndicate;
  4. (d)not more than three persons co-opted by the Committee, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Committee to co-opt any person or persons.

Members in classes (b) and (c) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for three years from 1 January next following their appointment. Co-opted members shall serve until the end of the calendar year in which they are co-opted.

Chairman and Secretary.

2. The Committee shall elect annually one of their number as Chairman and one as Secretary.


3. The Committee shall have the following duties:

  1. (a)in collaboration with the Faculty Boards concerned, to promote teaching and research in Russian and East European Studies;
  2. (b)to co-operate with outside bodies in the encouragement of research in these subjects;
  3. (c)to administer funds allocated to them for the purposes specified in (a) and (b) above;
  4. (d)to perform such other duties as may be assigned to them from time to time by the General Board.

4. The Committee shall make such reports to the General Board as the Board may require.

Consultative Committee for Safety


1. The Consultative Committee for Safety shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Vice-Chancellor (or a duly appointed deputy) as Chairman;
  2. (b)one person appointed by the Council;
  3. (c)six members of the Senate appointed by the General Board, of whom one shall be nominated by the Council of the School of Arts and Humanities, one by the Council of the School of the Humanities and Social Sciences, one by the Council of the School of the Physical Sciences, one by the Council of the School of the Biological Sciences, one by the Council of the School of Technology, and one by the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine;
  4. (d)one person appointed by the Council on the nomination of the Finance Committee;
  5. (e)one member of the Cambridge Association of University Teachers appointed by that Association;
  6. (f)such number of University assistants as will ensure that each organization to which the Council have granted negotiating rights is represented by one member, provided that each member in this class shall have power to appoint a deputy to take his or her place at a particular meeting;
  7. (g)two persons in statu pupillari, of whom one at least shall be a graduate, appointed by the Council;
  8. (h)the Senior Occupational Health Nurse, ex officio;
  9. (i)the Director of University Biomedical Support Services, ex officio;
  10. (j)the Director of the Estate Management and Building Service, ex officio;
  11. (k)the University officers who are competent to advise on safety;
  12. (l)not more than three members co-opted by the Committee, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Committee to co-opt any person or persons.

Members in classes (b), (c), (d), (e), and (f) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment. Members in class (g) shall be appointed to serve for one year from 1 October. Members in class (l) shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted, or of the following year, as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation. A person appointed in class (e) or class (f) shall cease to be a member if the Chairman is notified in writing that the appointment has been terminated by the trade union which appointed him or her. The Secretary of the Committee shall be appointed by the Registrary.

Duties of the Committee.

2. The Committee shall be responsible for advising the Health and Safety Executive Committee on all matters concerning safety in the University.


3. The Committee shall establish the following standing sub-committees: one for Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation Hazards, one for Biological Safety, one for Education and Training (Occupational Safety and Health), one for First Aid Arrangements, and one for Chemical Hazards. The Committee shall determine the duties and powers of each standing sub-committee and may amend those duties and powers from time to time. The Chairman and Secretary of the Consultative Committee for Safety shall have the right to attend any meeting of a sub-committee.

University Radiation Officer and Departmental records.

4. The University officer designated as University Radiation Officer shall have access to the records maintained in Departments of the kinds and amounts of radioactive substances used, the methods used for their disposal, and the lists of persons working on radioactive substances, ionizing and non-ionizing radiations, or laser beams.

Staff Childcare Committee


1. The Staff Childcare Committee shall consist of:

  1. (a)one person appointed by the Council, who shall be Chairman;
  2. (b)one person appointed by the General Board;
  3. (c)one person appointed by the Local Examinations Syndicate;
  4. (d)one person with experience of assistant staff matters appointed by the Council;
  5. (e)one person appointed by the Council on the nomination of the Finance Committee;
  6. (f)one person, who shall act as Secretary, appointed by the Registrary;
  7. (g)not more than two persons co-opted by the Committee, provided that it shall not be obligatory for the Committee to co-opt any person or persons.

2. Members in classes (a)–(e) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for three years from 1 January following their appointment. Co-opted members shall serve until 31 December of the year in which they are co-opted or of the following year, as the Committee shall determine at the time of their co-optation.


3. The duties of the Committee shall be:

  1. (a)to advise the Council on all matters relating to childcare for University staff;
  2. (b)to oversee the management of the University childcare facilities for University staff;
  3. (c)to administer funds allocated to them for these purposes.

University Combination Room


1. The University Combination Room shall be managed by a Committee of the Council which shall consist of

  1. (a)four persons appointed by the Council;
  2. (b)four members of the Regent House elected by the Regent House.

Members shall be appointed or elected, as the case may be, in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment.


2. The election of members in class (b) shall be conducted by postal ballot, and shall be held at the same time as the biennial election of members of the Council. The arrangements for the election shall be those prescribed in Regulations 1 and 2 of the regulations for the election of members of the Council. If insufficient nominations are received to fill the number of vacancies the Council shall appoint as many members as may be necessary.

Casual vacancies.

3. If a casual vacancy occurs in class (b), the Committee shall have power to co-opt a member to fill it for the unexpired portion of the tenure. The name of any person so co-opted shall be published by Notice.

Veterinary Education Committee


1. The Veterinary Education Committee shall consist of:

  1. (a)the Head of the Department of Veterinary Medicine, or a person appointed by the Head of the Department, who shall be Chairman;
  2. (b)the Director of Medical and Veterinary Education in the Faculty of Biology;
  3. (c)the Secretary of the Faculty Board of Veterinary Medicine, who shall be Secretary of the Committee;
  4. (d)four persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Biology;
  5. (e)four persons appointed by the Faculty Board of Veterinary Medicine;
  6. (f)one person appointed by the Senior Tutors’ Committee;
  7. (g)the members of the Faculty Board of Veterinary Medicine in class (f).

The Secretary of the School of the Biological Sciences and the Secretary of the Faculty Board of Biology shall have the right to attend meetings of the Committee.


2. Members in classes (d), (e), and (f) shall be appointed in the Michaelmas Term to serve for four years from 1 January following their appointment.


3. It shall be the duty of the Committee to keep under review the provision of veterinary education in the University, with a view to ensuring that the preclinical and clinical parts of the course leading to the Vet.M.B. Degree form a coherent whole, that the balance of elements in the curriculum is appropriate, and that standards in different subjects are consistent. The Committee shall advise the Faculty Boards of Biology and Veterinary Medicine on the following matters:

  1. (a)matters relating to the education of veterinary students, including admissions policies, student statistics, and examination results;
  2. (b)matters relating to resources needed for the provision of veterinary education;
  3. (c)proposals for changes in the veterinary curriculum and in the relevant examinations.

The Committee shall advise the Faculty Board of Clinical Medicine on any matters relating to veterinary education which are relevant to that Faculty Board.


4. The Committee shall meet at least twice in each academical year. No business shall be transacted at any meeting of the Committee unless at least five members are present.


5. The Committee shall make such reports to the General Board as the Board may require.

Reserved business.

6. The provisions of Statute K, 20 concerning reserved business shall apply to the Veterinary Education Committee as if it were a body constituted by Statute.

Conservators of the River Cam

Under the River Cam Conservancy Act 1922 three of the thirteen Conservators are appointed by the Council in the Michaelmas Term of every third year to hold office for three years from 1 January following their appointment.6

Cambridge, Oxford, and Southern School Examinations Council

Rescinded by Grace 1 of 15 October 2008

Association of Commonwealth Universities

The representative of the University in its capacity of Ordinary Member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities shall be the Vice-Chancellor, ex officio.

Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries

University to administer Agency under Agreement.

1. In accordance with the Article of Agreement made between the University of Cambridge, the University of Oxford, the National Library of Scotland, and Trinity College, Dublin, on 26 October 1979, and as subsequently amended, for the management of the Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries which is maintained jointly for the purposes of the Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003, the University of Cambridge shall administer the Agency on behalf of the Bodleian Library, Oxford, Cambridge University Library, the National Library of Scotland, the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, and the National Library of Wales.

Responsibilities of University,

2. Subject to the provisions of the Article of Agreement concerning the joint formulation of general policies for the Agency, and on the basis that the costs of the Agency that are common to the five libraries shall be equally shared among the five libraries, the University shall be responsible for employing the staff of the Agency, for maintaining its accounts, and generally for doing all such things as, in its opinion, are necessary and expedient for the management of the Agency.

of University Librarian.

3. The responsibilities described in Regulation 2 shall be discharged by the University Librarian acting under the direction of the Library Syndicate.

Agency staff.

4. The staff employed at the Agency shall not have the status of University officer or University assistant.

Marine Biological Association

Endowments, 1904, p. 579

Member of the Council.

1. In accordance with By-law 17 of the Marine Biological Association the University of Cambridge shall become a Governor of the said Association, and shall acquire the perpetual right of nominating annually one member of the Council of the Association to serve for one year, from the annual meeting in one year to that in the following year.

Appointment of member of Council.

2. The representative of the University of Cambridge on the Council of the Marine Biological Association shall be appointed by the Council of the University on the nomination of the Faculty Board of Biology in the Lent Term to serve for one year from the date of the annual meeting of the Association next following; but it shall be open to the University at any time to modify this arrangement.

Nomination to table.

3. The University's right of nomination to a table at the Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association at Plymouth shall be exercised by the Faculty Board of Biology, who may nominate either a member of the University or, if no suitable member of the University has applied, some other suitable person.

Cambridge University Hospitals and Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trusts, West Suffolk NHS Trust, and Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust

These Trusts are established under the terms of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990, which has now been superseded by the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003, and came into existence on or after 1 April 1993. The Trusts have a significant teaching commitment within the meaning of paragraph 3(1)(d) of Schedule 2 to the Act as a result of which one of the non-executive Directors of each Trust is appointed from the University.

National Health Service Advisory Appointments Committees

Where there is provision in regulations made by the Department of Health in the exercise of powers under the National Health Service Act 1977, as amended by the Health Services Act 1980, for the nomination by the University of members of Advisory Appointments Committees for appointments in the National Health Service, such nominations shall be made by the Regius Professor of Physic or a deputy appointed by the Professor.

Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

Two members of the Council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons who may in accordance with the provisions of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1948 be appointed by the University shall be appointed by the Council of the University. One of the two members shall be appointed on the nomination of the Faculty Board of Veterinary Medicine.


  1. 4. Including research workers employed by the University in an unestablished capacity, postdoctoral research workers, and University assistants.a
  2. 5. The Press Syndicate have undertaken not to dispose, without the approval of the University, of the Pitt Building or of any property acquired from the University and specially designated by agreement between the Press Syndicate and the Council at the time of acquisition. The Syndicate have also undertaken to offer the Council the first option to acquire, at prevailing market price, any property in Cambridge which is to be disposed of by the Syndicate, such option if not taken up to lapse fourteen days after the offer.a
  3. 6. The next year of appointment is 2011.a