Cambridge University Reporter


Kettle's Yard Travel Fund: Notice

Statutes and Ordinances, 2009, p. 828

The Awarders of the Kettle's Yard Travel Fund give notice that they are prepared to receive applications from students of architecture or of history of art for grants towards travelling expenses to enable them to travel abroad, or, if funds permit, within the UK, to study architecture or art. Any member of the University, who has graduated in architecture or in history of art at this University or elsewhere, is eligible for a grant but in accordance with Regulation 3 of the Fund the Awarders will give preference to candidates below the standing of Master of Arts.

Applications for grants, accompanied by a short statement of the nature and purpose of the proposed travel, must be submitted to the Secretary of the Faculty Board of Architecture and History of Art, 1 Scroope Terrace, Cambridge, so as to reach him not later than 12 February 2010 Successful applicants will be required to make use of their grants before the end of 2010 unless the Professor of Architecture waives this requirement.