Cambridge University Reporter

Election to the Council: Notice

9 March 2009

Bye-election of a member in class (b) (Professors and Readers)

The Vice-Chancellor gives notice that an election is to be held of one person to serve as a member of the Council in class (b) (Professors and Readers) until 31 December 2010, in place of Professor S. J. Young, who has resigned with effect from 31 March 2009.

In order to be eligible a candidate for election must be nominated on a paper sent to the Vice-Chancellor at the Old Schools so as to reach her not later than noon on Monday, 6 April 2009. The paper must contain (a) a statement signed by two members of the Regent House, nominating the candidate for election and (b) a statement signed by the candidate certifying that he or she consents to be so nominated. The candidate should also provide a curriculum vitae (see below).

The Vice-Chancellor would be obliged if nominations could be delivered to the Registrary's Secretary in the Old Schools during office hours. Nominations will be published as they are received; the complete list of nominations will be published in the Reporter on Wednesday, 22 April 2009.

In accordance with the regulations governing the election (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 114), each person nominated for election is required to send to the Registrary, not later than noon on Monday, 6 April 2009, a statement of her or his curriculum vitae for distribution to members of the Regent House with the voting papers. It is suggested that such a statement should be of not more than 500 words in length, and that it should cover the following points:

The election will be conducted by postal ballot, under the Single Transferable Vote regulations. Voting papers will be distributed, together with the statements provided by candidates, on or before Monday, 20 April 2009. The last date for the return of voting papers will be Tuesday, 5 May 2009. The Vice-Chancellor has appointed the Administrative Secretary as Deputy Presiding Officer.