Cambridge University Reporter

Preliminary Examination for the Education Tripos

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 236)

With effect from 1 October 2008

Regulation 2.

Section II. Subject Studies

The detail for the subjects History and Modern Foreign Languages for the Preliminary Examination for Part I of the Education Tripos has been amended so as to read:


All candidates shall offer:

 Historical argument and practice (Paper 1 of the Preliminary Examination for Part I of the Historical Tripos)
and one of Papers 2-19 from the Preliminary Examination for Part I of the Historical Tripos.

Modern and Medieval Languages

All candidates shall offer:

 Use of the foreign language (Paper B1 from Part IA of the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos)
and translation from the foreign language (Paper B2 from Part IA of the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos)
and oral examination B in the foreign language, providing that both papers and the oral examination are all offered from the same language
and one paper taken from Schedule IA of the regulations of the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos.

Regulation 4.

The examination requirements for the Preliminary Examination for Part II of the Education Tripos have been corrected to include a reference to Section III in line 7. This sub-paragraph should accordingly read as follows:

(b) three further papers taken from the examination requirements from Section II, Section III, and Section IV, providing that candidates shall offer no fewer than two papers from Section IV.

Section II. Current issues in education

The titles of this Section and of Paper 3 have been amended to 'Globalization, modernity, and education'.

Section III. Special subjects in education

The Faculty Board of Education give notice that the papers for Section III shall be as follows:
Paper 4 Children and literature
Paper 5 Research perspectives on mathematics and science education

Each of the above papers shall be of two hours' duration. The Examiners shall take into account course-work done by the candidates as prescribed by the Faculty Board.

The Faculty Board are satisfied that no student's preparation for the examination in 2009 will be disadvantaged by the above changes.