Cambridge University Reporter

vacancies, appointments, etc.

Stanton Lectureship in the Philosophy of Religion: Notice

The Electors to the Stanton Lectureship in the Philosophy of Religion invite applications for the position of Stanton Lecturer, for one year only of each of the academic years 2009-12. Candidates are required to give between four and eight lectures a year, and are treated as Visiting Lecturers. A single stipend of £3,000 will be paid regardless of the number of lectures given. Applications (consisting of a full curriculum vitae, summary of proposal, outline of individual lectures proposed, and the names of two referees whom the Electors may approach) should be sent to Dr P. J. Harland, Faculty of Divinity, West Road, Cambridge, CB3 9BS (tel. 01223 763017, email by 20 June 2008.