Cambridge University Reporter

Emmanuel College


Emmanuel College offers two full-cost M.Phil. studentships and one full-cost (or more than one part-cost) Research Studentship each year to candidates who place the College as first choice on their application to the Board of Graduate Studies. In the first instance the Research Studentship(s) may be offered to Home or EU students, not in receipt of a grant from another source, for research in any subject; but if no suitable candidates present themselves, such awards may be given to overseas students provided that such students hold an ORS award. All students are eligible to apply for the M.Phil. studentships but the funding may be restricted to the level required for a home student. Applications to be considered for such awards should be made to the Graduate Tutor, enclosing a curriculum vitae, a statement of the proposed research (or reasons for wanting to do the course in the case of an entirely taught course), and a statement of other funding which is available or has been applied for. Applicants should also ask two referees to write direct to the Graduate Tutor on their behalf. Full-cost awards may not be available in every year. Applications must be received before 13 June 2008.


One or more scholarships will be offered each year to students from Commonwealth countries who place the College as first choice on their application form, with some preference for Australia and New Zealand. The basic value of the awards will be £600 a year but larger part-cost awards (up to £4,000 a year) could be made in cases of need. Applications to be considered for such an award should be made to the Graduate Tutor, enclosing a curriculum vitae, a statement of the proposed research, and a statement of other funding which is available or has been applied for. Applicants should also ask two referees to write direct to the Graduate Tutor on their behalf. Applications must be received before 13 June 2008.


Mr A. R. Hall, a member of Emmanuel College, has endowed an annual prize for an original poem or poems in English, in honour of his former Tutor, Professor Derek Brewer.

The Prize is open to undergraduate members of the University and to graduate students of not more than three years' standing. The Prize will be awarded for a collection of original poems in English totaling not more than 200 lines in length. The value of the prize is £500, although a shared prize may be awarded. The Prize will not be awarded twice to the same person.

Entries should be typed and single-spaced. The entrant's name should not be on the poems. Instead, each collection should be identified by a motto, and accompanied by a sealed envelope marked with the motto, and containing the entrant's name and contact details (College, e-mail address, and telephone number). The entries should be submitted to Dr Robert Macfarlane, Emmanuel College. The deadline for the entries is 5 May 2008, and the winner will be announced by 19 May 2008.