Cambridge University Reporter

Cambridge Historical Society


The Cambridge Historical Society exists to promote historical study, research, and discussion in Cambridge and to make public the results of any research undertaken or sponsored by the Society. The Committee of the Society invite applications for grants for the furtherance of these objectives from Graduate Students who are registered or intending to become registered for the Ph.D. or M.Litt. Degree. As available funds are limited, grants can only be few and on a modest scale, e.g. in recent years a grant to an individual applicant has rarely exceeded £100.

All applications for grants should be made using an application form, obtainable from the Secretary to the Managers of the Prince Consort & Thirlwall Fund. Applications must be with reference to specific expenses incurred in research and should include details of the research project for which support is sought and a statement of any other source of assistance to which application has been made. Graduate Students must also give in their applications the name and address of at least one referee. Application forms should be sent c/o The Secretary to the Managers of the Prince Consort Fund, Faculty of History, West Road, Cambridge, to arrive not later than 26 January 2007.