Cambridge University Reporter



General, and related to more than one subject

Allen, Meek, and Read Scholarships: Notice

Statutes and Ordinances, 2006, pp. 706 and 711

The Domestic Research Studentships Committee invites applications for the above Scholarships from holders of a degree of the University of Cambridge or the Certificate of Advanced Study in Mathematics who propose to be registered for a research M.Phil. in any branch of study in the University. The value of each Scholarship is determined by the Electors and will be £5,000 for the academical year 2007-8; tenure begins on 1 October 2007 and is for one year only.

Application forms may be downloaded from the Financial Aid section of the Board of Graduate Studies website:; applications are submitted through the student's Department or Faculty so as to arrive at the Board of Graduate Studies by 1 July 2007; late applications cannot be accepted. Decisions will be made during the long vacation 2007.