Cambridge University Reporter

St Anne's College


St Anne's College wishes to appoint a fixed-term six-hour Stipendiary Lecturer in English for one year, starting on 1 October 2006. No University post is associated with this Lectureship, which is open equally to men and women.

Applicants should have competence in the period 1642-1832. The successful candidate will be required to share the teaching of Mods Paper 1 (Introduction to English Literary Studies), and to take sole responsibility for the teaching of Final Honours School papers 5 (English Literature 1642-1740), and 6 (English Literature 1740-1832). Undergraduates choosing options falling within these periods for FHS Papers 7 (Special Authors) and 8 (Special Topics) will also be the responsibility of this Lecturer, as will ad hoc revision tutorials and advice on Optional Theses falling within this period.

Applications should reach the Senior Tutor's Secretary, St Anne's College, Oxford, OX2 6HS, by 2 June 2006. Further particulars and details of the application process can be found at