The Managers of the Wrenbury Scholarship Fund, the Faculty of Economics, give notice that they intend to proceed to an election to one or more Wrenbury Scholarships in Political Economy, which will be tenable for one year from 1 October 2006 or another date determined by the Managers.
The Scholar must carry out full-time study and training for research in some branch of economics or political economy, or of economic history subsequent to 1800. The value of the Scholarships will be no more than £4,500 a year.
A candidate must be or about to be registered as a Graduate Student working under the supervision of the Degree Committee for the Faculty of Economics. Applications, which should contain an up-to-date curriculum vitae, a concise account of the study or training for research which the candidate intends to pursue, and the names of two referees (one of whom should be the current or prospective academic supervisor), should be sent to the Registrary (addressed to the Awards Clerk), The Old Schools, Cambridge, CB2 1TN, so as to reach him not later than 21 April 2006. They should also include a list and amounts of other funding applications both granted and in progress.
Interest in any teaching assistantship in microeconomics, macroeconomics or econometrics which may be linked to this award should be indicated in the letter of application. Information about teaching assistant duties and remuneration can be obtained from the Teaching Administrative Officer, Graduate Studies, Faculty of Economics, Austin Robinson Building, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge.
The announcement of elections to this Scholarship will be made by the third Sunday in July, i.e. 16 July 2006.