Cambridge University Reporter

Philosophical Society

On 8 November 2004 at 8.30 p.m. in the Cockcroft Lecture Theatre, New Museums Site, Professor D. Fray, of the Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, will deliver a lecture entitled Innovations in materials chemistry - from a university laboratory to spin-off companies. All who are interested are invited.

At a meeting held on 25 October 2004 in the Cockcroft Lecture Theatre, Professor H. Ahmed, President, was in the Chair.

Professor J. Mollon, of the Department of Experimental Psychology, delivered a lecture entitled ' ... my own eyes are not very critical in distinguishing colours'. Colour theory since 1704.

A vote of thanks was moved by Professor T. M. Cox.

14 Research Studentships and Travel Grants amounting to £3,450 have been awarded to Fellows of the Society.


The Annual General Meeting of the Society was held on 25 October 2004 in the Arts School, Bene't Street, at 4 p.m.

Professor H. Ahmed, President, was in the Chair.

1. The Acting Treasurer presented the audited accounts for the period January to December 2003, which were adopted.
2. The following Officers and Members of Council were elected for the year 2005:

President: Professor H. Ahmed

Vice-President: Professor T. J. Pedley

Treasurer: Dr D. Husain

Vice-Presidents: Professor A. Howie, Professor T. M. Cox, Dr D. B. Norman

Secretaries: Professor A. M. Campbell (Physical), Dr C. L.-H. Huang (Biological), Dr J. M. E. Hyland (Mathematical)

Ordinary Members of Council who continue:

Professor J. D. Mollon, Dr C. Y. Barlow, Professor A. H. Wyllie, Dr A. G. Smith, Professor A. W. Cuthbert, Professor K. Glover, Professor A. M. Donald

New Ordinary Members of Council 2005:

Dr D. J. C. MacKay, Dr M. Zernicka-Goetz, Dr Z. Barber, Dr C. J. Howe, Professor J.-P. Hansen

3. 26 Fellows were elected and one Fellow was re-elected. It was reported that since the last Annual General Meeting eleven Fellows had died and one hundred and seventy-eight had resigned.
4. Messrs Peters Elworthy & Moore were appointed to act as Auditors for the year 2004.