Cambridge University Reporter

Court of Discipline: Notice

The Court of Discipline met on 23 June 2004 to consider a charge brought by the University Advocate on a complaint by the Senior Proctor against an undergraduate member of the University. The members of the Court were: Professor J. R. Spencer (Chairman), Professor I. M. Hutchings, Mr R. I. Ogilvy, Ms C. A. Rusby, and Professor J. O. Thomas. Dr A. Clark acted as Clerk of the Court with Mr I. D. Troupe as his deputy. The Chairman accepted the defendant's request that the Court should sit in camera.

The defendant was charged with offences contrary to Regulation 6 of the General Regulations for Discipline in that the candidate had used unfair means in a half paper submitted as part of an honours examination in 2004. The defendant pleaded guilty to the charge. The Advocate outlined the circumstances of the case. The defendant's representative presented the defendant's case. The Court concluded that the charges brought by the Advocate were proved and that the offence was serious. The Court imposed a penalty which prevented the defendant claiming credit in the examination for the half-paper, the effect being a reduction in class overall from 2:1 to 2:2.