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First Report of the Council on membership of the Regent House

The COUNCIL beg leave to report to the University as follows:

1. The amendment of Statute A, III, 7(e) made by Grace 1 of 20 November 2002 and Grace 5 of 26 February 2003, subject to the approval of Her Majesty in Council, provides for category 7(e) of membership of the Regent House to be redefined as follows:

(e) such other persons holding appointments in the University or a College in such categories and subject to such qualifying periods of service as shall be determined from time to time by Ordinance.

Other categories of membership are not changed.

2. This Report makes initial proposals for Ordinances under this Statute. In general, the proposed Ordinance adopts a wide definition of eligibility for membership. The Council do not believe that any person at present qualified as a member of the Regent House under the existing Statute A, III, 7(e) would cease to be qualified, but that a significant number of colleagues would become qualified under the new regulation.

3. In their Report on governance (Reporter, 2001-02, p. 945) the Council proposed that membership of the Regent House should be extended to include more unestablished academic and academic-related staff at present excluded from the Regent House. They also proposed that reasonable provision for a qualifying period should be made, and suggested a period of two years. The draft Ordinance is intended to give effect to these proposals. It includes a category of unestablished posts which is divided into two sub-categories. The first sub-category, which will not require a qualifying period, will include those persons appointed to unestablished posts which are equivalent to a University Lectureship or more senior office. In the draft Schedule included in the Appendix to this Report, posts in this sub-category are those where the minimum of the scale of stipends for the post is equal to or above the minimum salary point for a University Lecturer (i.e. step 11 or above). The sub-category would therefore include, for example: unestablished Lecturers and Senior Lecturers and Assistant Directors of Research; persons in unestablished posts equivalent to the offices of Director, Deputy Director, Principal or Senior Assistant Registrary, Assistant Registrary, Administrative Officer, Grade I, in the Unified Administrative Service, Principal or Senior Computer Officer, Computer Officer in Grades I and II, Senior Technical Officer, Secretary of a Faculty, Department, or other institution in Grades A, B, and C*; and Senior Research Associates and some grades of Computer Associates. The second sub-category, which would require a qualifying period of two complete academical years, would include, for example: unestablished Assistant Lecturers; Research Associates, and Computer Associates in more junior grades; and persons in unestablished posts equivalent to the more junior grades of Administrative Officer, Computer Officer, or Departmental Secretary. The opportunity has been taken to revise the categories of offices within Colleges and to update appointments at the Local Examinations Syndicate.

4. The present Report is put forward at this stage for consultation. The Council will propose a definitive regulation and schedule for approval by Grace in the light of comments made in the Discussion, and any other comments received. The Council hope that, subject to the approval of the amendment of Statute, the new regulation would be brought into force so that the new definitions of eligibility would apply to the Roll of the Regent House to be promulgated in the Michaelmas Term 2003.

5. The draft regulation is set out in the Appendix to this Report.



Draft regulation for membership of the Regent House in class (E) of Statute A, III, 7

The categories of membership of the Regent House under Statute A, III, 7(e) shall be:

(i) In any College: persons holding the office of Tutor, Assistant Tutor, Steward, Bursar or Assistant Bursar; or College Lecturer (if held full time in a College or Colleges). The Head of any College shall certify in writing to the Registrary by 1 October each year the names of such persons.
(ii) Holders of unestablished University posts directly comparable to those of University officers; and holders of unestablished appointments as Senior Research Associate, Research Associate, and Computer Associate. The Council shall approve a schedule of such posts, which shall be divided into categories:

(a) those whose holders qualify without waiting period;
(b) those whose holders qualify, subject to having been employed by the University for at least two complete academical years immediately preceding that in which the Roll is promulgated.

(iii) Affiliated Lecturers.
(iv) Holders of appointments on the staff of the Local Examination Syndicate as Group Chief Executive, Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Director, Assistant Director, and Senior Manager.


The following persons are approved by the Council under category (ii)(a) of the regulation for membership of the Regent House under class (e) of Statute A, III, 7:

(i) unestablished Lecturers and Senior Lecturers and Assistant Directors of Research;
(ii) persons in unestablished posts equivalent to the offices of Director, Deputy Director, Principal or Senior Assistant Registrary, Assistant Registrary, Administrative Officer in Grade I in the Unified Administrative Service, Principal or Senior Computer Officer, Computer Officer in Grades I and II, Senior Technical Officer, Secretary of a Faculty, Department, or other institution in Grades A, B, and C*;
(iii) Senior Research Associates;
(iv) Computer Associates in Grades I and II.

The following persons are approved by the Council under category (ii)(b) for membership of the Regent House under Statute A, III, 7(e):

(i) unestablished Assistant Lecturers and Senior Assistants in Research;
(ii) persons in unestablished posts equivalent to the offices of Administrative Officer in Grades II and III, Computer Officer in Grades III and IV, Technical Officer, or Departmental Secretary, Grade C;
(iii) Research Associates;
(iv) Computer Associates in Grades III and IV.

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Cambridge University Reporter, Wednesday 14 May 2003
Copyright © 2003 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.