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Diploma in Theology

(Statutes and Ordinances, p. 523)

As a consequence of the introduction of New Regulations for the Theological and Religious Studies Tripos certain changes in the regulations for the Diploma in Theology are necessary. The opportunity has also been taken to amend the title of the Diploma to the Diploma in Theology and Religious Studies.

With effect from 1 October 2001

Regulation 1.

By replacing the words 'Diploma in Theology' in line 1 by the words 'Diploma in Theology and Religious Studies'.

Regulation 2.

By amending the reference to Part II in line 3 to read 'Part II (Old Regulations) or Parts IIA or IIB (New Regulations)', and by amending the reference to 'Diploma in Theology' in line 4 to read 'Diploma in Theology and Religious Studies'.

Regulation 3.

1. By amending Part A so as read:

Part A

Written papers. Each candidate shall offer three papers chosen from Papers 15B, 28-37 of the Theological and Religious Studies Tripos (Old Regulations), and Papers A1 and B1-B16 of the Theological and Religious Studies Tripos (New Regulations), provided that

(a) each candidate's choice of papers shall be subject to approval by the Degree Committee;
(b) a candidate shall offer at least one paper from Papers 15B and 28-37;
(c) a candidate shall offer only one paper from Papers 15B, A1, and B1;
(d) a candidate shall not offer a paper which he or she has previously offered in an Honours Examination;
(e) subject to the approval of the Degree Committee, a candidate may elect to offer four papers, in which case the candidate's performance in the paper in which the Examiners judge his or her work to be least good shall be taken into account only if that would be to the candidate's advantage.

2. By replacing in the first line of Part B the number '15,000' by '12,000', and amending the date in line 3 from '31 August' to '15 July'.

Regulation 7.

By replacing the words 'Diploma in Theology' in line 4 by the words 'Diploma in Theology and Religious Studies'.

With effect from 1 October 2002

Regulation 3.

By amending Part A so as read:

Part A

Written papers. Each candidate shall offer three papers chosen from Papers A1 and B1-B16, C1-C10, and D1-D2 of the Theological and Religious Studies Tripos, provided that

(a) each candidate's choice of papers shall be subject to approval by the Degree Committee;
(b) a candidate shall offer at least one paper from Papers C1-C10 and D1-D2;
(c) a candidate shall offer only one paper from Papers A1, B1, and C1;
(d) a candidate shall not offer a paper which he or she has previously offered in an Honours Examination;
(e) subject to the approval of the Degree Committee, a candidate may elect to offer four papers, in which case the candidate's performance in the paper in which the Examiners judge his or her work to be least good shall be taken into account only if that would be to the candidate's advantage.

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Cambridge University Reporter, 21 March 2001
Copyright © 2001 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.