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Second M.B. Examination and Second Vet.M.B. Examination

The Revised Regulations for the degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (Reporter, p. 267) and the degree of Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (p. 274) have been amended as set out below. The purpose of the amendments is (i) to spread the examination load by holding the examinations in Scientific, Social, and Ethical Aspects of Reproduction and Populations (SSEARP) and in Veterinary Reproductive Biology (VRB) on the first day of Full Lent Term instead of in the Easter Term; and (ii) to amend the title of the subject Agriculture and Husbandry (AGH) so that it more closely describes the content of the course. The regulations have been amended as follows:

M.B., B.Chir. Degrees

With effect from 1 October 2001.

Regulation 10.

By deleting from sub-paragraph (a) the abbreviation 'SSEARP', and by inserting a new sub-paragraph (d) as follows:

(d) The examination in SSEARP shall be held three times a year as follows:
(i) on the first day of Full Lent Term;1
(ii) in July, beginning on the fourth Monday after the last day of Full Easter Term;
(iii) in September, beginning on the Monday before the first day of the Michaelmas Term.

Regulation 14.

By inserting in sub-paragraph (a)(i) after the abbreviation 'MSOC' the text 'or SSEARP', by renumbering the present sub-paragraph (a)(iii) as (a)(iv), and by inserting a new sub-paragraph (a)(iii) as follows:

(iii) a student who fails to satisfy the Examiners in SSEARP shall not be a candidate for re-examination in that subject later than ten months after his or her first attempt in that subject.

Vet.M.B. Degree

With effect from 1 October 2000.

Regulation 7.

By retitling the subject 'Agriculture and Husbandry (AGH)' as 'Farm Animal Husbandry (FAH)'.

Regulations 7(c), 8(c), 12(a)(i) and (ii), and 21(b).

By replacing the abbreviation 'AGH' with the abbreviation 'FAH'.

The supplementary Revised Regulations for the Second Vet.M.B. Examination (Reporter, p. 280) have been amended, with effect from the same date, as follows:

By retitling the paper 'Agriculture and Husbandry (AGH)' as 'Farm Animal Husbandry (FAH)'.

With effect from 1 October 2001.

Regulation 8.

By deleting from sub-paragraph (a) the abbreviation 'VRB', and by inserting a new sub-paragraph (d) as follows:

(d) The examination in VRB shall he held three times a year as follows:
(i) on the first day of Full Lent Term; 1
(ii) in July, beginning on the fourth Monday after the last day of Full Easter Term;
(iii) in September, beginning on the Monday before the first day of the Michaelmas Term.

Regulation 12.

By inserting in sub-paragraph (a)(i) after the abbreviation 'FAH' the text 'or VRB', and by inserting a new sub-paragraph (a)(iii):

(iii) a student who fails to satisfy the Examiners in VRB shall not be a candidate for re-examination in that subject later than ten months after his or her first attempt in that subject.

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Cambridge University Reporter, 21 June 2000
Copyright © 2000 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.