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Medical and Veterinary Sciences Tripos, Part IA, Physiology, and Natural Sciences Tripos, Part IA, Physiology

The regulations for the Medical and Veterinary Sciences Tripos (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 328) have been amended as set out below. The purpose of this amendment is to provide that practical note-books in Physiology in Part IA of the Tripos shall regularly be taken into account by the Examiners when they assign marks for the examination (at present this is at the Examiners' discretion). The regulations have been amended, with effect from 1 October 1999, as follows:

Regulation 16(a).

By inserting at the end of the second sentence the words '; details of the practical work required of candidates shall be announced by the Head of the Department of Physiology not later than the first day of the Full Michaelmas Term next preceding the examination'.

Regulation 16(b).

By replacing in the last sentence the words 'may, at their discretion,' by the word 'shall'.

The supplementary regulations for the subject Physiology in Part IA of the Medical and Veterinary Sciences Tripos (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 332), and also for the same subject in Part IA of the Natural Sciences Tripos (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 376), have been amended, with effect from the same date, as follows:

By amending the detail so as to read:

The written paper will test candidates' understanding of the broad principles of physiology and the function- ing of specific systems, their knowledge of core material, their ability to analyse physiological data, and their knowledge and understanding of experimental physiology.

The practical examination will be divided into two parts. The first part, which will be compulsory for all candidates, will test candidates' knowledge of histology and the use of the microscope. The second part will consist of questions on experimental physiology and histology; a candidate will normally be granted exemption from this part if the records of practical work submitted under Regulation 16(b) are satisfactory.

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Cambridge University Reporter, 28 July 1999
Copyright © 1999 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.