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Results of ballots

22 February 1999

Grace 7 of 25 November 1998: Recruitment incentive payments to University officers in non-professorial grades

The results of the voting on this Grace are as follows:

Placet: 867
Non placet: 196

This Grace is therefore approved.

Grace 8 of 25 November 1998: Supplementary payments for Professors, etc.

The results of the voting on this Grace are as follows:

Option (a) approval of the Grace unamended.
Option (b) approval of the Grace as amended.
Option (c) rejection of the Grace.

Number of valid votes: 1068 (Quota: 534)

Option First count
Number of votes for each option
Second count
Option (c) excluded
(a) 495 +0 495 Preferred option
(b) 335 +76 411
(c) 238 -238 -
Non-transferable   162 162
Total 1068 - 1068

This Grace is therefore approved in unamended form.

Grace 9 of 25 November 1998: Office of Senior Lecturer

The results of the voting on this Grace are as follows:

Option (a) approval of the Grace unamended.
Option (b) approval of the Grace as amended.
Option (c) rejection of the Grace.

Number of valid votes: 1084 (Quota: 542)

Option First count
Number of votes for each option
Second count
Option (c) excluded
(a) 443 +1 444
(b) 486 +46 532 Preferred option
(c) 155 -155 -
Non-transferable   108 108
Total 1084 - 1084

The Grace is therefore approved in amended form. The results of the voting on the proposed Amendments A to E are as follows:

  For Against
Amendment A 158 418
Amendment B 115 445
Amendment C 320 283
Amendment D 418 229
Amendment E 405 234

The following are the Amendments which have been approved:

Amendment C

That Recommendation IV be amended so as to read:

That approval be given in principle for the introduction of the title of Senior Lecturer within the Cambridge system, that the criteria for conferring that title be those outlined in paragraphs 49-51 of the General Board's Report, and that the salary structure be that outlined in paragraph 62; but that conferment of the title be not considered as promotion to a separate office requiring a new contract, and that the mechanisms by which the title is conferred be the subject of a further Report to the Regent House.

Amendment D

That the proposed arrangements for appointments to Senior Lectureships, as specified in Recommendation IV, be amended as follows:

Paragraph 55 of the Report currently provides that College teaching undertaken by University officers should not be taken into account as part of the evidence for promotion to Senior Lectureships. It is proposed that College teaching (including direction of studies) should be taken into account for this purpose.

Amendment E

That the proposed arrangements for appointments to Senior Lectureships, as specified in Recommendation IV, be amended as follows:

Paragraph 49 of the Report lists the criteria on which candidates for Senior Lectureships are to be assessed. Criterion (a) reads:

Sustained excellence in teaching (in contributions to the development of courses, and in at least one of lecturing, conducting seminars, and supervision of postgraduate students).

It is proposed that that this criterion be amended so as to read:

Sustained excellence in teaching (in contributions to the development of courses, and in at least one of lecturing, conducting seminars, and supervision and direction of studies of students).

Grace 10 of 25 November 1998: Discretionary payments to University officers in non-professorial grades

The results of the voting on this Grace are as follows:

Placet: 957
Non placet: 112

This Grace is therefore approved.

Grace 7 of 9 December 1998: That approval be given to the procedure proposed by the General Board in their Report, and in the Annex to the Report, for the consideration of applications for promotion to personal Professorships and Readerships in 1999 and future years

The results of the voting on this Grace are as follows:

Option (a) approval of the Grace unamended.
Option (b) approval of the Grace as amended.
Option (c) rejection of the Grace.

Number of valid votes: 1069 (Quota: 535)

Option First count
Number of votes for each option
(a) 855 Preferred option
(b) 155
(c) 59
Total 1069

The Grace is therefore approved in unamended form.

Grace 8 of 9 December 1998: That the General Board be given authority to make such changes in the procedure as they consider necessary from time to time for the proper management of the promotions exercise

The results of the voting on this Grace are as follows:

Option (a) approval of the Grace unamended.
Option (b) approval of the Grace as amended.
Option (c) rejection of the Grace.

Number of valid votes: 1056 (Quota: 528)

Option First count
Number of votes for each option
(a) 793 Preferred option
(b) 197
(c) 66
Total 1056

The Grace is therefore approved in unamended form.

The results of the voting on the proposed Amendments 1 to 21 to Grace 7 of 9 December 1998 (see p. 431) are given below for information only. Because the option (b) in the voting on this Grace was NOT APPROVED, the results DO NOT take effect.

  For Against
Amendment 1 120 376
Amendment 2 111 376
Amendment 3 138 356
Amendment 4 125 367
Amendment 5 155 341
Amendment 6 133 360
Amendment 7 119 373
Amendment 8 106 384
Amendment 8 109 379
Amendment 9 102 390
Amendment 10 93 402
Amendment 11 110 381
Amendment 12 127 365
Amendment 13 101 386
Amendment 14 144 346
Amendment 15 95 387
Amendment 17 126 361
Amendment 18 108 378
Amendment 19 101 382
Amendment 20 149 348
Amendment 21 146 346

T. J. MEAD, Registrary


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Cambridge University Reporter, 3 March 1999
Copyright © 1999 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.