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Wesley House


The Board of Trustees of Wesley House is delighted to announce that a major bequest has been made to the E. Gordon Rupp Memorial Fund. As a result of this bequest the Board has decided that the Fund will be used to finance the award of up to two non-stipendiary Fellowships in any one academical year; the prime objective is to promote and to facilitate scholarship in the area of Reformation Studies. Each Fellowship is available for a period which may be from a minimum of one term to a maximum of one year. Eligible candidates, from any branch of the Christian Church, will be Home or Overseas postgraduates who are lay students, ordained ministers, or those with a higher degree wishing to pursue research in the area of Reformation Studies.

Candidates must produce satisfactory evidence that they have adequate financial support for the duration of their Fellowships prior to confirmation by the College authorities. The award will cover the cost of single accommodation in Wesley House and seven meals each week during University terms. Self-catering facilities are provided outwith this provision. The Fellowships do not cover any other costs resulting from fees, charges, or any other expenses.

Each applicant for an E. Gordon Rupp Memorial Fellowship during the 1999-2000 academical year should send a curriculum vitae and an outline research proposal to the Principal, Wesley House, Jesus Lane, Cambridge, CB5 8BJ, before 31 March 1999.

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Cambridge University Reporter, 10 February 1999
Copyright © 1999 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.