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English Tripos, 2000: Prescribed texts and specified topics

The Faculty Board of English give notice that they have prescribed the following texts, periods, and portions of subjects for special study for the English Tripos, 2000 (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 291):


Paper 1. English literature and its background, 1300-1550

Chaucer, Trolius and Criseyde, Book V, lines 1-1421 (Riverside Chaucer, ed. Larry D. Benson), Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, lines 491-994 (ed. J. R. R. Tolkein and E. V. Gordon, revised N. Davis); Piers Plowman, B V 1-509 (ed. A. V. C. Schmidt, Everyman)

Topics on which optional questions will be set: The City: Paganism; The Eucharist and the Body; Idleness and Inactivity.

Paper 2. English literature and its background, 1500-1700

Specified topics: Play and Playing; Religion and the Supernatural; Rhyme and Rhythm in Poetry.

Paper 3. English literature and its background, 1700-1830

Specified topics: Landscape; Literature and Science; Greece and Rome.

Paper 4. English literature and its background, since 1830

Specified topics: (1830-1900) War; Dramatic Monologue; Pre-Raphaelitism.
(1900-Present) War; Dramatic Monologue; Englishness.

Paper 5. Shakespeare

Measure for Measure

Paper 6. Literary criticism

The following topic is specified for special study: The Author.

Paper 7. Foreign language and literature: passages for translation and comment

French Flaubert, Trois contes.
German Franz Kafka, 'Das Urteil', 'In der Strafkolonie', 'Ein Landartz', 'Ein Bericht fur eine Akademie', 'Ein Hungerkunstler', 'Erstes Leid', 'Eine Kleine Frau', 'Josefine, die Sangerin oder Das Volk der Mause', in Sämtliche Erzählungen (Fischer, Verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 1980).
Greek Sophocles, The Women of Trachis, ed. P. E. Easterling (Cambridge University Press, 1982).
Italian Dante, Purgatorio, I-XVIII (No edition specified).
Latin (classical) Ovid, Metamorphoses Book X and Book XI lines 1-85.
Latin (medieval) Die Lieder des Archipoeta, ed. Karl Langosch (Stuttgart, 1965, repr. 1993).
Old English 'The Wanderer', 'The Wife's Lament', 'Dream of the Rood', 'Beowulf', lines 702-897, (in Bruce Mitchell and Fred Robinson, A Guide to Old English, 5th ed. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992); and The Wanderer, ed. T. P. Dunning and A. J. Bliss (London, 1969).
Russian Pushkin, Eugene Onegin, ed. A. D. P. Briggs (Bristol Classical Press 1993).
Spanish Cervantes, 'El celoso extremeño', 'La fuerza de la sangre', 'El casamiento engañoso', 'El coloquio de los perros', eds. Florencio Sevilla Arroyo and Antonia Rey Hazas (Madrid, 1991).

Paper 8. Early medieval literature and its background, 1066-c. 1350 (also serves as Paper 14 of Part II and as Paper 11 of Part I of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos)

Set Texts:

(Group i) The Owl and the Nightingale, ed. E. G. Stanley, lines 1291-1794; Ancrene Wisse, Part 7, in Medieval English Prose for Women, ed. B. Millett and J. Wogan-Browne (rev. edn 1992). p. 110- p. 122, line 34: Selections from Layamon's Brut, ed. G. L. Brook, Section III, pp. 109-118; Early Middle English Verse and Prose, ed. J. A. W. Bennett and G. V. Smithers, Section V, 'The Fox and the Wolf'; Havelok, ed. G. V. Smithers, lines 786-1264.

(Group ii) La Chanson de Roland, ed. F. Whitehead, 1671-1760, 2375-2475; Le Mystère d'Adam, ed. P. Aebischer or P. Noomen, 205-357, 591-744; Marie de France, Lais, ed. A. Ewert: 'Laüstic', 'Chevrefoil'; Thomas, The Romance of Horn, ed. M. K. Pope, lines 4082-329; Chrétien de Troyes, Yvain, ed. T. B. W. Reid, lines 269-482, 3341-3562; Béroul, Tristran, ed. A. Ewert, (repr. 1992, Duckworth), lines 1835-2146.

(Group iii) Nigel of Longchamps, Speculum Stultorum, ed. J. H. Mozley and R. R. Raymo, lines 1503-1804; Medieval Latin Lyrics (selected), available in a booklet from the Faculty Office; Walter Map, De Nugis Curialium, ed. M. R. James, rev. C. N. L. Brooke and R. A. B. Mynors, Dist. III, cap. 2, p. 224, line 17-p.236, line 23; Andreas Capellanus, De Amore, ed. P. G. Walsh, Lib. I, p. 104, para, 229- p. 114, end of para. 263; Gesta Herewardi, ed. P. G. Schmidt (excerpts in a booklet available from the English Faculty Office).


Group B (i)

Paper 4.  Medieval English literature, 1066-1500 (also serves as Paper 13 of Part II of the Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic Tripos)

Subject for special study: Courts and Courtliness.

Paper 5. Special period of English literature: 1500-1547.

Paper 6. Special period of English literature: 1847-1872.

Paper 7. Special subject I

(a) Shakespeare and the development of English literature: Shakespeare in performance.
(b) Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot.
(c) Milton and his time.
(d) Samuel Johnson.

Paper 10. The novel

Paper 11. American literature

Group B (ii)

Paper 12. Special Subject II

(a) Commonwealth and international literature in English.

Set Texts: Rudyard Kipling, Kim, (1901; Oxford, 1987); Salman Rushdie, Midnight's Children (Cape, 1981); Timothy Findlay, Not Wanted on the Voyage (1984; Macmillan, 1985); Tsitsi Dangarembga, Nervous Conditions (Women's Press, 1988); Derek Walcott, Dream on Monkey Mountain (Cape, 1972); Bessie Head, When Rain Clouds Gather (1968; Heinemann, 1987); The Oxford Book of Modern Australian Verse, ed. Peter Porter (Oxford, 1996).

(b) Literature and Visual Culture.

Specified topic for Section B : The Grand Tour, 1750-1900

(c) Literature in English since 1970.

Group C (i)

Paper 13. History of the English language

Section A specified topic: The Language of the City.

Group C (ii)

Paper 24. A special period or subject in French literature, thought, or history (Paper 11 of Part II of the Modern and Medieval Languages Tripos, in any year in which the subject announced by the Faculty Board of Modern and Medieval Languages has been approved for this purpose by the Faculty Board of English)

Subject for special study: Modern critical theory.

The Faculty Board give notice that, under Regulation 3 for the English Tripos (Statutes and Ordinances, p. 292), a candidate who offers this paper in the English Tripos may not also offer Paper 9 of Part II of the English Tripos (History and theory of literary criticism).

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Cambridge University Reporter, 17 June 1998
Copyright © 1998 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.