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The Millennium Festival

A £100 million grant programme is being set up to support local and regional millennium celebrations throughout the UK. This programme is a joint commitment of the Millenium Commission and the National Lottery Distributors in partnership with the New Millennium Experience Company, which is responsible for planning the national Millennium Experience at Greenwich.

Applications for funding will be expected to identify with one or more of the following themes:

Large grants will be awarded to schemes which have a significant impact beyond the immediate locality. A small number of high profile projects which have an impact nationally will also be supported. Applications are likely to come from local authorities and other non-profit making organizations, either individually or acting in consortia, that can demonstrate widespread public support for their proposed millennial activity or event. In addition, community grants of between £500 and £5,000 will be available for small-scale local community activities and events.


The Millennium Festival grants programme timetable is as follows:

Large grants Community grants
Invitation to apply May 98 Invitation to apply January 99
Deadline for applications August 98 Deadline for applications March 99
Final decision December 98 Final decision June 99

To register for guidance notes and a grant application pack, please telephone the Millennium Festival Hotline on 0870 600 2000.

There is a University of Cambridge Millennium Committee co-ordinating University projects. If your Department or College is planning an event, please inform Dr Y. B. Garrod at the University Registry, The Old Schools (tel. 332306, e-mail ybg1000@admin.cam.ac.uk).

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Cambridge University Reporter, 13 May 1998
Copyright © 1998 The Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Cambridge.