Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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Fri 27 November 2020 9:00AM

Bitesize Botanics

Small windows into what's happening in CUBG


Family Activities at home

Fun family activities for you to try at home.


Heavenly Gardens

BBC One – Heavenly Gardens with Alexander Armstrong

9:00AM - 11:59PM

Plant Quiz

Plant Quiz

12:00PM - 4:00PM

Great St.Mary's Tower

Tower is now open at Great St. Mary's the University Church with panoramic views of the colleges and Cambridge.

4:00PM - 5:30PM

Queer Migrations: Transnational Sexualities in Theory and Practice

Queer Migrations: Transnational Sexualities in Theory and Practice. Keynote Lecture and 3 panel discussions.

4:00PM - 5:30PM

Queer Migrations: Transnational Sexualities in Theory and Practice

An online conference including issues of sexuality and queerness in critical debates about migration and the diaspora.

6:00PM - 7:00PM

'Careers in the Built Environment’ with Felicia Anderson

Join us for this informative virtual conversation in which Lucy alumna Felicia Anderson (Architecture and Urban Design, 2013) answers any architecture-related questions you may have from careers to starting a business.