Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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Mon 28 May 2018 12:00PM - 5:00PM

Designed to Impress

Focussing on key objects from the 15th to the 21st centuries, this exhibition will feature a selection of some of the Fitzwilliam’s most spectacular prints, and gives visitors an insight into the extraordinary breadth of the collection.

12:00PM - 5:00PM

Sampled Lives: Samplers from the Fitzwilliam Museum

Showcasing over 100 samplers from the Museum’s excellent but often unseen collection, this display highlights the importance of samplers as documentary evidence of past lives.

12:00PM - 5:00PM

The Object of My Affection: stories of love from the Fitzwilliam collection

Love is very much in the air in this exhibition, which contains objects alive with the range of emotions that it commands; from admiration and affection, joy and passion, longing and despair, to insults, indifference, grief and remembrance.