Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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The Betty Behrens Seminar on Classics of Historiography

Paul Seaward on "The History of the Rebellion" by Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon

Mon 7 April 2014 12:45PM - 2:00PM

Highlight Lent lunches - exploring criminal justice

A series of sessions with talks and discussion over Soup and Bread

Tue 8 April 2014 6:00PM


Book launch for the new edition of Parasitism. Join us for drinks and nibbles, meet one of the authors, and buy the book with a 20% discount.

Wed 9 April 2014 1:15PM - 2:00PM

Collaboration and invention: Contemporary printmaking

Kip Gresham, Master printer at The Print Studio, Cambridge talks about the essential part that creative collaboration plays in the process of making original prints with artists in his studio. Afterwards there will be an opportunity to go with Kip to the Graham Robertson Study Room see some of the prints his studio has produced.

7:00PM - 9:00PM

Highlight Skidoo

A world away from the Atlantic coast, some of America’s mythic frontier towns have bizarre stories to tell. The Swiss writer Alex Capus goes in search of the extraordinary chapters from the past of the small-town Midwest.

Thu 10 April 2014 3:00PM - 3:20PM

The eggcellent Mathematics of spin

How and why do eggs spin the way they do? Join Professor Keith Moffatt as he shows you, with the power of mathematics, how eggs and spinning toys behave when in a twist.

7:00PM - 9:00PM

Cambridge Natural History Society AGM & presidential address

The Presidential Address will be by Jonathan Shanklin and will follow a short AGM. Open to all, not just to members. Please note earlier start time.

Fri 11 April 2014 5:00PM - 8:00PM

Highlight A taste of Greece

Come and experience the Greek love of food and celebration, from the ancient past to present day, with special talks and activities, as well as food and music in our own Greek courtyard. Plus a final opportunity to see A world of private mystery: John Craxton, RA (1922-2009) after hours.