Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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Mon 1 August 2016 9:00AM - 5:00PM

BIBAC 2016 International Conference, 'Building Interdisciplinary Bridges Across Cultures'

BIBAC 2016 offers multiple platforms of creative expression and welcome interdisciplinary dialogues, performative discourse and interactions among educators, scholars, researchers, practitioners, doctoral students, musicians, dancers, performing arts exponents and policy makers.

Sun 7 August 2016 3:00PM - 5:00PM

Dhrupad Recital with Pandit Uday Bhawalkar

Come dive into the world of dhrupad, an ancient form of Indian classical music that is as meditative as it is creatively charged, with the renowned vocalist, Pandit Uday Bhawalkar, accompanied by Sri Pratap Award on pakhawaj.