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AI generated image of the Dictionary Craze in Enlightenment Europe

The Dictionary Craze in Enlightenment Europe (c. 1665–1800)

Tue 5 March

Wolfson College

New information technologies often provoke hopes and fears in their time of early establishment. Before digital search engines, alphabetical order was the standard method for enabling easy information retrieval. However, 350 years ago, this method was perceived as something new, with unknown consequences for the users’ learning.
In the book project “The Dictionary Craze in Enlightenment Europe”, Linn Holmberg explores the cultural reception and impact of the dictionary genre’s big break in the long eighteenth century. During this period, the explosive proliferation of alphabetically-organized reference-works inspired contemporaries to speak of a “dictionary mania” or “dictionary craze”. Some viewed the phenomenon as a sign of enlightenment spreading in society, while others saw a threat to the very foundations of learning.
By analysing accounts about dictionaries in some twenty European journals between 1665 and 1800, the book tracks the dictionary genre’s rise to popularity, and charts out the debates, fears, and hopes that it raised about knowledge and learning. The book also highlights the role of the periodical press in defining what a dictionary was, stimulating dictionary production, and voicing contrasting opinions about its cultural impact, all of which tapped deep into the intellectual and social conflicts of the Enlightenment movement.

Dr Linn Holmberg is Associate Professor in History of Ideas at Stockholm University. Holmberg's research encompasses the history of encyclopaedism, information management, and debates about knowledge and learning in early modern Europe.

This is a hybrid event, which will take place in-person and on Zoom.
If you would like to attend online, please register for the Zoom link: https://wolfson-cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwocuuhqjgsGdQSF_hSP3ilMbk476MsSEpV#/registration
Refreshments will be available for the in-person audience.

This event will take place in Gatsby Room on the first floor of the Chancellor's Centre. It has step-free access with a lift and there is an accessible toilet located each floor of the building.
For more details please view our AccessAble guide: https://www.accessable.co.uk/wolfson-college/access-guides/chancellor-s-centre

Cost: Free

Enquiries and booking

No need to book.

Enquiries: Chantal Holland Website Email: events@wolfson.cam.ac.uk


In person Live Stream

All times

Tue 5 March 5:30PM - 7:00PM


Address: Wolfson College
Gatsby Room (Chancellor's Centre)
Barton Road
Email: events@wolfson.cam.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 (0)1223 335900