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Mere's commemoration Sermon on ‘the readiness is all’

Tue 22 April 2014

St Bene’t’s Church

Jeremy Davies read English and Theology as an undergraduate and then completed his ordination training at Westcott House. After a curacy in Stepney he was Chaplain at Queen Mary, University of London and later Senior Chaplain in the University of Cardiff and the Polytechnic of Wales. In 1985 he was appointed a residentiary canon as Precentor at Salisbury, post which he then held for twenty-six years and from which he retired as Canon Emeritus in 2012.

Jeremy Davies edited the quarterly magazine, ‘Christian’ for ten years and has maintained a ministry as a preacher, lecturer and broadcaster on liturgy, spirituality and the Sarum Use. His book on preaching 'In Season and Out of Season' is published this April.

John Mere, who died in 1558, was an Esquire Bedell and also later Registrary of the University, and a member of both King's and Corpus Christi Colleges. He left property in the Parish of St Benet's, partly to pay for an annual Sermon in his memory and on particular subjects.
Certain University Officers, including the current Registrary and the Esquire Bedells, and also the Vicar and the Clerk of the Parish, still receive a token payment for attending. Before the service flowers are placed on Mere's tombstone by the Church door and afterwards a small payment is also made to the inhabitants of the Almshouses of St Antony and St Eligius. The Sermon is preached either by the Vice-Chancellor or a person nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, and by regulation must be preached on the first Tuesday of Full Easter Term. The modern custom is for Corpus Christi College to suggest someone for appointment and the College has a strong links with St Benet's, where it maintains seats for the Master and Fellows and is the Patron with the right to appoint the Vicar. The Master traditionally offers hospitality to the Preacher and refreshment to the Congregation after the Sermon.

All are welcome. Members of the University attending should wear their gowns.

Cost: free

Enquiries and booking


All times

Tue 22 April 2014 11:45AM


Address: St Bene’t’s Church
Bene’t Street