Events open to the public from the University of Cambridge

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Institute of Continuing Education: Undergraduate Virtual Open Day

Looking to pursue your love of learning, take the next step in your career or take your first steps along a new career path? Join us for our upcoming Undergraduate Virtual Open Day on 21st May, where we’ll delve into the world of undergraduate study at the Institute of Continuing Education

Gerhard Polt

Gerhard Polt visiting - special pesentation

Tue 27 May 2014

Divinity School, St John's College

The Bavarian film actor, writer and comedian Gerhard Polt will be presenting his new film and taking part in discussion.

Polt is well known in Germany for his performances in comic films with a satirical edge.

In Cambridge he will be talking about his latest film, an antidote to Hitler films called "Und Äktschn!", and you can get the flavour of what this is about from a recent interview Polt gave to Der Spiegel: www.spiegel.de/kultur/kino/gerhard-polt-im-interview-ueber-seinen-hitler-film-und-aektschn-a-946071.html

Cost: free

Enquiries and booking

No need to book.

Enquiries: Ulrike Balser Website Email: german@mml.cam.ac.uk Telephone: 01223 335037


All times

Tue 27 May 2014 5:00PM - 6:30PM


Entrance opposite the Main Gate of St John's
Address: Divinity School, St John's College
Main Lecture Theatre
Divinity School,
St John's College