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G I TAYLOR LECTURE - Fluctuations in the life of a cell: maintaining order amidst disorder

Mon 28 January 2019

Department of Chemistry

The G I Taylor Lecture by Professor Vikram Deshpande, of the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge.

The first talk in a series of lectures organised by the Cambridge Philosophical Society in the Lent Term 2019.

Abstract: Living cells evade thermodynamic decay aided by the exchange of nutrients with their environment. They thus are quintessential examples of out-of-equilibrium systems but nevertheless maintain a homeostatic state over a timescale of hours to days. However, these nutrient exchanges also fuel large non-thermal fluctuations of cells and we use this observation to motivate a statistical thermodynamic theory for the homeostatic equilibrium of adherent cells. Numerous, sometimes counterintuitive observations, of cell behaviour can be rationalised in the context and we shall discuss a few examples. For instance, “contact guidance”- the widely-known phenomenon of cell alignment induced by anisotropic environmental features and an essential first step in the organization of cells to form tissues will be presented as an example whereby cells attain a specific type of order by maximising their overall disorder.

Cost: Free

Enquiries and booking

No need to book.

Open to all who are interested, no booking required. Entrance is free to all our Cambridge Philosophical Society Lectures. For further information please contact the Executive Secretary or visit the Society's website

Enquiries: Beverley Larner Website Email: philosoc@hermes.cam.ac.uk Telephone: 01223 334743


All times

Mon 28 January 2019 6:00PM - 7:00PM


Entrance to the lecture theatre is opposite the Scott Polar Research Building, off Lensfield Road
Address: Department of Chemistry
Bristol Myers-Squibb Lecture Theatre
Lensfield Road
Telephone: +44 1223 336300
Fax: +44 1223 336362