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Public lecture by Professor Azim Surani, Director of Germline and Epigenomics Research, the Gurdon Insitute, University of Cambridge. 'Germline: The eternal link between all generations'

Mon 21 September 2015

Anatomy Building, Downing Site

A public lecture to celebrate the research work of Martin H Johnson.
Germ cells are immortal as they alone can perpetuate the species. Sperm and eggs, the end products of germline generate a totipotent zygote. Primordial germ cells, the precursors of sperm and eggs, are established during early postimplantation development. Recent advances allow derivation of primordial germ cells (and potentially gametes) from pluripotent stem cells from embryos and skin cells in culture. These advances provide significant insights on the origin and the unique properties of mouse and human germline.

Environmental factors might also potentially induce epigenetic changes, which could be transmitted to subsequent generations. Whether environmental factors, including diet and stress has such an effect on the body and behaviour transgenerationally is under intense investigation.

Recent advances in genome editing methods could also be used to advance our knowledge of early human development, and potentially for the eradication of heritable disease related genetic mutations. Parliament recently approved the use of manipulations of human eggs for the eradication of the devastating mitochondrial diseases from afflicted families.

Cost: free

Enquiries and booking

No need to book.

No booking required.

Enquiries: Jill Rogers Email: jra@jillrogersassociates.co.uk Telephone: 01954 252020


All times

Mon 21 September 2015 6:00PM - 7:00PM


Signage at the site.
Address: Anatomy Building, Downing Site
Anatomy Building, Downing Site, University of Cambridge CB2 3DY