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The Betty Behrens Seminar on Classics of Historiography

Paul Seaward on "The History of the Rebellion" by Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon

Mary Beard book cover

An evening with Mary Beard

Wed 11 June 2014

Heffers Bookshop

Laughter in Ancient Rome explores one of the most intriguing, but also trickiest, of historical subjects. Drawing on a wide range of Roman writing—from essays on rhetoric to a surviving Roman joke book—Mary Beard tracks down the giggles, smirks, and guffaws of the ancient Romans themselves. From ancient “monkey business” to the role of a chuckle in a culture of tyranny, she explores Roman humour from the hilarious, to the momentous, to the surprising. But she also reflects on even bigger historical questions. What kind of history of laughter can we possibly tell? Can we ever really “get” the Romans’ jokes?

Mary Beard is Professor of Classics at Cambridge University. Her many books include The Roman Triumph and The Fires of Vesuvius.

Cost: £7

Enquiries and booking

Please note that booking is required for this event.

Tickets 7 plus booking fee and VAT

Enquiries: Abigail James Website Email: events.tst@heffers.co.uk Telephone: 01223 463220


All times

Wed 11 June 2014 6:30PM


Address: Heffers Bookshop
20 Trinity St