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University Sermon on 'engaging with awe: cosmology and the search for God'

Sun 9 February 2014


David Wilkinson is Principal of St John’s College and Professor in the Department of Theology and Religion, University of Durham. His first PhD work was in theoretical astrophysics, his research focusing on star formation, the chemical evolution of galaxies and terrestrial mass extinctions. He is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.

Subsequently he came to Wesley House to train for the Methodist ministry, joining Fitzwilliam College as an affiliated student for the Theological and Religious Studies Tripos at the same time. Later on he completed further doctoral work in Systematic Theology, exploring the future of the physical universe and Christian eschatology.

Having served in a variety of ministry appointments after ordination, Professor Wilkinson's current interests at Durham involve relating theology to contemporary culture in terms of preaching, missiology and apologetics. He has also written on spirituality in the context of contemporary cinema, on the doctrine of holiness and on popular expositions of creation. Recent publications include 'Christian Eschatology and the Physical Universe' (2010) and 'Science, Religion and The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence'(2013).

All are welcome and there will be a wine-reception in Michaelhouse afterwards for those present. The Choir of Fitzwilliam College will sing at the Sermon.

Cost: free

Enquiries and booking

Members of the University attending should wear their gowns.


All times

Sun 9 February 2014 11:15AM


Address: Chaplain
Great St Mary's
The University Church
Senate House Hill
Email: chaplain@gsm.cam.ac.uk
Telephone: +44 1223 741719