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Bad boy in rough neighbourhood: North Korea and the challenges of East Asian security

Tue 17 May 2016

Pavilion Room, Hughes Hall

Come and hear Dr Victor Teo, Visiting Fellow from the University of Hong Kong, give a fascinating insight into North Korea. As well as taking questions from the audience, he will address the following highly topical issues:

* How do we make sense of North Korea’s seemingly bizarre international behaviour?
* Is North Korea really a threat to international society and to East Asia?
* Should the international Community contain or engage the DPRK?

Victor is currently Visiting Fellow at Hughes Hall and a Visiting Scholar at POLIS. He is Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong. His research interest lies in the International Relations of Asia-Pacific, with particular emphasis on Sino-Japanese Relations, China’s Underground Economy and North Korean Issues. He received his PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He is founding Director of DPRK Observatory, a NGO and transnational academic society that specialises on the study of North Korean Affairs. A frequent visitor to North Korea, Victor has travelled extensively throughout the country.

Cost: Free

Enquiries and booking

Booking is recommended for this event.

Book via https://northkoreatalkathughes.eventbrite.co.uk

Enquiries: Alison Nicholson Website Email: programmes.manager@hughes.cam.ac.uk Telephone: 01223 746367


All times

Tue 17 May 2016 5:30PM - 6:30PM


Address: Pavilion Room, Hughes Hall
Mortimer Road
Telephone: 01223 334898
Fax: 01223 311179