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Professor Frank Dobbin

Getting to Diversity: A Talk About Which Diversity Initiatives Work and Which Fail

Frank Dobbin is Henry Ford II Professor of the Social Sciences, and chair of the Department of Sociology, at Harvard.

Do Western sanctions bite? The competitiveness of Russia in the current economic context

Mon 22 June 2015

Hughes Hall

“Do Western Sanctions Bite? Competitiveness of Russia in the current economic context”

Monday 22 June 2015, 5.30pm

Combination Room, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge

CU International Studies Society, with the kind support of CRCP (BWI), presents Victoria Pyatanova of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, who will be speaking on the economic situation in Russia within the framework of the ongoing geopolitical crisis that arose in 2014, following the annexation of the Crimea and the conflict in Ukraine.

Prof. Pyatanova will analyse the current state of the Russian economy, the main aspects of its competitiveness in the global economic context, the impact of economic sanctions and other external factors and will focus on areas of strategic importance.

• What is the Russian economy really based on in the year 2015, and what are its prospects?

• What is the current economic situation and economic policy? How does the geopolitical situation affect it?

• Is the Crimea financially viable? Would it be a longer-term burden for Russia, or it constitutes a severe economic loss for Ukraine?

• How Western sanctions and other external factors have influenced the economic situation?

• What are the main areas of strategic importance in the long run?

Associate Professor Victoria Pyatanova, MBA (Cantab), is Deputy Head of the Chair of Financial Management Chair, and the Head of the International Division at the Faculty of Finance of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow. She has worked in top management positions in large international and Russian organisations in the Finance, Banking, Manufacturing sectors. Prof. Pyatanova is the winner of the Russian national contest “Manager of the Year-2009”

The seminar will be followed by refreshments

This talk is open to all, upon prior registration:

RSVP to The Convenor,

Centre for Research in Contemporary Problems (BWI)

Email: convenor.crcp {@} outlook.com

Cost: free

Enquiries and booking

Please note that booking is required for this event.

Enquiries: The Convenor Website Email: convenor.crcp@outlook.com


All times

Mon 22 June 2015 5:15PM - 7:15PM


Address: Hughes Hall
Combination Room
Mortimer Road
Telephone: 01223 334898
Fax: 01223 311179