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The Betty Behrens Seminar on Classics of Historiography

Paul Seaward on "The History of the Rebellion" by Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon

The Contested History of Hormone Pregnancy Tests

Fri 27 January 2017

Murray Edwards College

With a UK government inquiry now underway to investigate and assess the scientific evidence of a possible association between the widespread use of Primodos and other hormone pregnancy tests in the 1950s-70s and congenital malformations, it is incumbent upon historians and social scientists to interrogate the broader regulatory and cultural context. This one-day conference brings together perspectives from activism and biomedicine as well as the history and social studies of medicine to examine and discuss the contested history of hormone pregnancy tests.

It will begin with a screening of a 1978 documentary and continue with presentations from a variety of experts. Confirmed speakers include John Abraham (King's College, London), Salim Al-Gailani (University of Cambridge), Eira Bjørvik (University of Oslo), Cyrille Jean (Sciences Po), Solveig Jülich (Uppsala University), Tim Lewens (University of Cambridge), Ilana Löwy (INSERM), Marie Lyon (Association For Children Damaged by Hormone Pregnancy Tests), Sarju Mehta (Addenbrooke's Hospital), Birgit Nemec (Heidelberg University), Clare Parker (University of Kent and University of Adelaide), Simon Szreter (University of Cambridge), Neil Vargesson (University of Aberdeen) and Merle Wessel (University of Helsinki).

Supported by the Wellcome Trust, History & Policy and Generation to Reproduction.

Cost: Free

Enquiries and booking

No need to book.

Enquiries: Jesse Olszynko-Gryn Website Email: jo312@cam.ac.uk


All times

Fri 27 January 2017 9:00AM - 5:00PM


Address: Murray Edwards College
Buckingham House Lecture Theatre
Huntingdon Road
Telephone: 01223 762100
Fax: 01223 763110